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Friday, January 15, 2010Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

hello domoozzz!!!!
happy new year!!!
well. new year was great~ otp w gf xD
great tuu!! hahahaha~
ok soo~ i wanna share w u guys some life stories =)
ok rmbr my gf is out on holiday?
well shes back! haha~ weee!
and i gt her a mobile phone w a color mug n calender franchise from carebear!!
chachaangg!! aha~
the hp is LG joy.. well, baru keluar nye model from LG before chocolate yg baru tu~ hmm. i knew i shouldve just gt her an i-phone, coz now i know that this LG phone sucks big tiiimmee!!! haha~
well, no regrets..
bedal jee =)
she likes it anw.. well, atleast can easily call her and get thru her since she gt multiple numbers, now multiple phone! hehe.. ok la, 5 mpix cam.. good quality la tu.. ok la kan?
well, id be satisfied if i were her.. xD so ok laa
ok moving on~
just for the records. that shall be my 9 month present!.. tapi lambat sikit, kasi barangnye =) hahaha~ ok a few more days to 10 months! ans shes back in SG! ok meet up! gy jalan2 kt esplanade area =) snap a pic ..weee! this was new years eve.. we decided to go to esplanade coz we thot we could write our wishes on those big white balls.. buutt.... theres no more left for us now.. alarrgh sedihnyeee..!
ok best part is after new year
on 2nd jan~ =) meet up w baby girl and it was raining..........
guess what..?
yeeeh~ the pics says it all! we played in the rain!! yippeeee!!! now in that pic is (from left) fillah, gf lil sis, and of coz, fikah n faisal (me) hehe~ wet wet wet! wet all over!! jejenngg! hahahaha~ we were having soo much fun playing in the rain. altough the pics dsnt show rain droplets, but i tell u.. it IS raining! hahaha~
such fun la.. i was carrying baby all over, kasi kene air.. hahaha! and then we played at the wet wet playground. and hahahah we squeezed through the slides together.. xD si fillah even jatuh tersungkur after sliding down(fast) as it was wet xD.. hahaha! oops! sorry fillah~ terbilang xD hahahahahaha!
well, not just her la yg jatuh.. even my gf jatuh~ n me (bedek2 jatuh, nk puas kn hati drg) xD haahhahaaha!! done w that~ so heres what gf n myself gt for eachother.. fs band! hahaha~ funny la kan, were in a relationship and we got ourself a friendship band.. best thing is.. i bought for her the pink one.. and she bought for me the blue =) SAME SHOP! different timing~hahaha~
well at first, she bought two lahs.. pink n blue.. skali the pink one got lost~ so i go n buy from the shop that she bought~ n viola! =)
ok~ thats just some side story hehe..
the MAIN one issss!!!!!
weee!!!!! yippe yay!!
ok apart from the fact that our frenship loveship anni is actually in the month of january(this month).
our relationship anniversary is on the 11th of march(as u guys know).. 2 more months to go soo its gonna be a blast!!
soo first off.. we celebrated 10 monthsary~
hehe~ gf malu la nk amek pic xD (mcm paham) hahahaha! so anw.. gf gt this hair event kt takashimaya~ as u guys know.. dia kn hairstylist.. so she has to manage this kinda event la kan.. perfectly falls on our monthsary~ so we could spend tym together =)!! ok.. so i drop by~~~~
soo lets check out whats shes supposed to do at that event... ! ahhh!!! so shes a receptionist????.. errr.. or a model???? well shes walking like one...
hmm.. wait wait wait!!!>> now what?? a photographer??? i mean.. is she even good at it??? oohh i know shes only good at taking pics of herself lah xD!!
hahaha~ waaahh! baby mcm2 eh kerjanya! mcm busy gtu~ stillllll have tym for me.. awww sooo sweeett =D heheh =)) ok soo~ she work n work.. and i was there, looking at her 0_0.. saaaampaaaiii malam~
haha. ok her work is like from morning to 9 30 at night lahs~ it was two days.. so i supported her for the two days~ =)
the pics are all from day one.. day two ada hal sikit(oh baby u know.. and uhm.. kakak nye n tamam jugak tahu xD).. soo hahaha..
ok moving on~! it was late at night already~
she slackened up a bit and we lepak2 hahaha!
picsx! awww sweeett! hahahahaaa(syok sendiri xD) ok soo after lepak2, she get back to work.. and she take another new post! uhhh..........
ape pulak niii~
ahh~ counter staff pulaakkkkk... mcm2 la mataer aku ni.. hahaha~ ok ~ well done!
thats about it =)heree.. memories of the hair event~ called hairlah!... and thats our passes..
day one was great~
day two.. uhmm~ lots to learn from.. =)
i wish u were reading gf =)~
ok soo~ done w the celebration.. =)
next up!~
afew days later.........
since our one year anni is closing in andddd~ on that particular day, i have no more income(as ive completed NS on that month.. no payy!!) =( soo~ i decided to buy her our anniversary gift~ an early gift..
guessed what???
yeahh yeaahhhH!!! finally! i can buy her a real diamond n white gold ring!!! hehehehee! well. the first tym when i decided to buy her a ring(the day when i vow to her that i'll be the one for her~)
well, alot of my close friends disagree, coz mcm.. drg takut lah that the girl will leave me fast~ and take away the ring xD.. ridiculous lah hahahaha! fikah will do that????? nahh xD
shes just too niave.. hahaha~
ok soo. weve been together long enough.. and she prove to me that shes worthy of a really special gift from a special boyfriend that comes from a special relationship xD haha
ok~ soo im sure of it.. that she and i will go far.. well..~ i believe in her =) trust, faith.. and love. thats all you need to be strong in a relationship .. hehe~ ok
so one day ni, kite pon same2 gy cari ah.. her ring size.. and a good looking ring that suits her =)
since we dont hav much tym.. kite rush ah.. that day pon, adek dia rafillah nye belated birthday~ .. we bought for her 2 hamsters. since she loved hammy.. xD hahaha~ ok. so, sempat, kite pon pergi cari cincin ah~.. wee stumbled upon the ring on the pic above kt GOLDHEART.. so.. she try it on.. and it was beautifull.... wow! hahah~ ok i'll purchase it.. since im abit budget xD soo i decided to pay part payment ah~ nxt month(FEB) baru angkat tu ring~ haaha! so she will recieve her ring on feb.. =)
kinda cool huh~ pezal finally gt a girl that can go through 12 months in a rs.. well. for this girl.. i'd go longer.. biar kite pisah mati.. jgn kite pisah hidup~.. too much memories to bear.. =) it will be painful .. well for her.. shes just soo delicate..
b.. like we promised each other kt esplanade..
"to be together, till the end of our lives......"
,thank you..
p.s. i love you

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket1/15/2010 12:12:00 AM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


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