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Tuesday, November 28, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Guys, do u realize that the girl who is holding onto u now is PERFECT in her own special way? The way she laughs.. The way she sleeps.. The way she sulks.. The way she smiles.. The way she cries.. The way she thinks of you.. The way she tries to please you... The way she sacrifices for you.. The way she wants to understand you.. The way she's lovin you with all her heart! Always remember that. She can always get up and walk away, getting someone else who can loves her more. There might be someone out there.. who is willing to love her more than you are loving her now, fulfill her every needs and loves heras much as she loves you. or maybe loves her more than she loves you.. but definitely lovin hermore than u do! For all you know, there's already might be someone out there wooing her, be it from a distance or as a gentleman.. but she is rejecting, coz she believes in perfect love.. for whom she will share her joys n tears together.. for whom she will promise to be faithful.. for whom she will commit herself into you.. To her,you're her perfect love! Understand that. Guys, you might be thinking that the love is fading.. you can't find the freshness between the two of you.. everything is stale to you now.. everywhere seems the same to you.. you said "been there done that". so u went n look for another... imagine this.. Behind her back, you're hugging and kissing another girl.. When you see her today, u do the same.. but you still see love in her eyes.. while others are just some flings. Do you feel the hurt? Can you feel the guilt?for you must know.. every new thing brings an excitement to us.. only to find the boredoom n sick of itafter we're being so used together.. She might not be feeling the hurts now, coz she won't know.. She might be feeling something's not right, coz she can sense.. but she's still holding on to you,not becoz she's stupid, not becoz she's dumb, not becoz she's a fool.. but bcoz..s he believes u will not break her full- hearted heart.. she believes u will not let her tears flow.. she believes u will keep your promises.. she believes this is love! She loves you not because you are pleasant looking, sweet talker, or that you have 5cs.. She loves youfor who you are. Your every touch, every word you say, everything you do. She was born here inperfect.. everyone does! Only what she wants from u is almost perfect! and she knows she can't do it alone... it needs two hands to clap... Guys, For her, being the upmost girlfriend is to endure your every moves, your every moodswings,your every words.. and actions. Even dealing with the most unbearable painshe will bear it for your sake.. but once she knows that the time is up, she will leave you.. with the most unforgettable painful memoriesu both had, from the sweetest to the very last moment she had to leave, bcoz of ur doings.. Guys, Cherish and appreciate your girl. Don't break her fragile heart. She is the only one who can loves you this way. You won't wanna regret letting go of that special girl you have. For everything she has done for you, the least you can do is to give her unconditional loveas she has given to you.. coz u should know, her love and sacrifice doesn't mean forever, when she had finally realised.. you don't worth her love, she will leave u for the one whowell- deserved her love.. Guys, dun ever leave the one u love, for the one u like.. coz one day.. the one u like will leave u, for the one they love.. well.. i got this frm some girls blog.. hmm very fascinating... yea.. guys are the one that ppl always talked abt wen it comes to heartbreaks.. it always their fault.. but.. ever heard of the GUY part?!? hmm the part where the girl cheated the guys? hmm i'll let u ponder upon that~ .. the world is round aniway.. wat goes ard.. comes ard~ wen u do good deeds, u get back goods, wen u do bad deeds, u get back the bads~ usually in r/s..one party is good and the other is the problem.. hahs! well nobodys perfect.. learn frm mistakes~ b a better person! k go!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket11/28/2006 02:52:00 PM

Friday, November 24, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

tonight~ its abt relationship probs which most of us teenagers face.. ive read abt it a couple of hours ago, and i hav views abt it at the end of the story AIT! do comment abt it at taggys kay~ if u hav views abt this too~ =) well, its abit onesided to the guy side tough, hes the main character~soo hey guys.. well, AH! good night!.. its past 4 a.m. already~ haha.. uhm i have a great story to share here goes!
The story started out w the main carachter,SOL..
an easy-going guy who finds trusting women, abit of a prob.. hes often decieved n cheated by girls.. u noe~ blablabla~.. till one day.. along came SKY.. a lovely sweet n caring girl, came to his life... a perfect one for SOL~ he started to loved that girl.. and all his vows of not trusting womens takes a turn.. SOL was in love w SKY.. he loved her w all his heart!treating SKY like pure diamond. trying not to hurt her at all cost. commited and only loved her..
They had a blissfull r/s as both often make one another feel loved~ altough they rarely meet or talk on the phone/sms, coz SKY lives very far frm SOLs home and shes also busy working~ but still SOL dsnt hav the feeling of SKY cheating on him as he trusted her.. SKY too is an honest girl, always telling SOL abt her lifes and all..
SOL loved SKY so much that he would sacrifice 4 her.. on such case.. wenever SKY asked him to meet her, SOL would.. despite the long distance, and time consuming~juz to reach his love.. even if SOL is tired and sleepy, frm not sleeping last nite, even if the journey is long n tiring, sol would sacrifice the time for his love~ even if the meet was just fucking 5 mins..SOL would go the long distance for her.. SKY~ SOL juz love herso much.. so as SKY too.. the times they spent together were soo lil that the missed each other soo much~
One day.. SKY called.. it was past midnight.. she was talking abt crushes.. well its normal 4 sm1 to hav crushes yea. n SKY did..on her collegue at work~ SKY mean it in a good way by telling SOL abt it. she was being honest.. but ofcoz SKY noes dat will hurt SOL , but they once promise to each other.. NO LIES.. ALL TRUTH..even if it hurts.. truth hurts..
SOL was devastated on hearing that his onli lover had a crush.. SOL was thinking abt those sweet words of SKY.."youre my only one".."i love you, only you".." i wun cheat on you".."i love no one, but u".. but SOL was always a calm guy.. he ddnt go all berserk and frustrated~ but he start to hav bad feelings.. does SKY love him as much as before? as true as wen they started the r/s??.. SOL is worried that wat if SKYs lil crush turns to love?! SOL ddnt noe wat to do.. so he kept quiet~ he made SKY thinks it was all right.. by then, the clock had struck twice.. ill wind blows their faces..SKY had to wake up for work as early as 7am trm, n she was even tired frm work just now~ and wanted to sleep
Usually SOL would sing for her to bed.. SKY then request a song. but SOL say he would sing later..(hes trying his best to get a grip here)~he knew SKY must sleep early soo he asked too that if she wanted to sleep then go ahead~but SKY wanted to hear SOL sings for her..SOL kept saying later n later.. OR go to sleep if she cant stand it. SKY had a hard choice..what SOL had in mind was "would she sacrifice herself like i did?" like all the time n money SOL spent on her~how true is SKYs love for SOL is..?
SKY was ofcoz tired n wanted to sleep n couldnt stand all of this nonesense..shes had enough of SOLs~ and WHATEVER!! dang~ she hangs up on SOL..leaving the poor guy torn n shattered. SKY ddnt sacrifice herself. SOL s mind was in a mess.. he cried the whole night... "why" was all that was in his mind...
-hmm firstly, sory but dun think of me as anti-women bout wat im gona say later yah! i hav a GF redy n i loved her alot no! -yea soo the big Q is why?!?! why ddnt SKY sacrifice? well looking frm outside the view, SKY n SOL rarely meet or contact..rather than SKYs crush who works w her, n which she sees him evryday too! .. wel u guessed it~ high chances of chemistry going on here~.. -why isnt SKY commited? is love smthg u can divide? 1 portion fer SOL n the other for the crush?? issit?! wat of SOLs feelings? knowing that SKY,his only love of his life, had loved another? -whatabout SOLs trust toward SKY?? haish... would SKY liked it if SOL had done the same?.... well thats all peeps.. thanks fer reading~ its a great story to me.. the ending ws hang and in suspension.. but the moral is actually, how r/s hav their up n downs.. even if the three words is often used.. trust, love, committment.. juz isnt enough.. wat u need is actually brains too! not juz hearts.. think abt it.. mayb u'll get ur r/s right for once...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket11/24/2006 04:04:00 AM

Monday, November 20, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Ey GuYS! hOoHooO! The WaIbOyS ArE ToGeThEr ToNiGhT~ iN Ma HsE! YeEaa.. SLeeP OvEr BaBE! weLL It StaRtEd OuT W a NoRmaL hapPy Go LuCkY Day~ i SlEeP OvEr At GhaNi's HsE YeStErDAy~.. Coz Im MeeTiNg HuNnY ToDay, It'lL b NeArEr FrOm CoMMonWealTh To JuRoNg ThaN FrM SiMei RiTe~ Yeaa Soo.. ShE dEcIdEd to Mit Up At 130 AftR Her MaDrAsaH! MeeT mY BaBy SooN AnD SeNd Her To WoRk..To VIVOCOUNTRY(?) She WaS AlMoSt LaTe.. I ThiNk.. ProBabLy Shes LaTe.. haha.. Yeaa.. AnD ThEn I WaS ALL aLoNe In ThaT CraZy GiaNt PlaCe! WoW.. My HeaD waS LiKE "ViVoLoToPoLuS" .. DoNo The MeaNiNg? TheN WeRe In The SAme BoAt! heh heh. CoNfUsIng Eh.. WeLL It ViVoInG MeaNs.. Im LoSt at ThaT BiG Bad ViVo La RaSSssAaaaA PlaCe!!! LuCkY I FoUnD My WaY oUt~ hehe i ThInk ThE GreaT MiGhTy ViVoDiDo"QueEn Of ViVo CoUnTrY" SHoweD Me ThE WaY MaN~~~ CoOL! WeLL SooN AfTeR, I MEt GhaNi anD We LePak2 At EsPlaNaDe!! TheRe WaS A PeRfOrManCe ThR.. MALAY DANCE SIOL!!! MY FaV!!! i CoUlDnT MoVe Ma EyEs AwaY! WooOO hehe!.. AfTr Dat, ZuL CaLLeD, hes At WeRk, So We DeCideD tO pIcK Him Up.. (aCtUaLLy i WaNtEd To PiCk Up My BabY, BuT Her DaDdy MaDe A ViVoViNg BoOkInG 1St) WeLL Nvm, NxT TyM aDe! hehe.. So We ThEn WaLkEd FrM EsPlaNaTe tO OrChaRd Rd.. As UsUaL, hehe.. ToOk SoMe PiCs On The WaY.. HerE U Go >> BlaCk Parade!! SaLuTe! WoO PeIjaL BeLo! HeE If Onli ZuL WaS ThR.. Da CoMpLetE SET!! Wee!! We WeRe eArLy AWeN We ArRiVe At ZuLs WoRkPlaCe, He CaNt B ReLeaSe yeT!.. So We ToLd Im, we'D MeeT At SoMerSet MrT LasT CAbIn.. In The MeaN TiMe, Me N GhaNi JaLan2 At OrChaRd CiNePleASuRe~ WeN It WaS TiMe.. We WaIteD 4 HiM at The MeEt PlaCe~ heeH! ToOk PiCtUrEs.. REFLECTIONS!! >> TaKe A LoOk! hehe best friends always look good together! alamak! zul kau tak abes2 buat muke pompan ah! hehe =) the adorabables! HeHE.. We AsKed gHaNI To SlEEp OvEr aT MiNes.. BuT he Say, hE DsNt Hav MoNey, CoZ We EvRyTiME Go CheErS.. Soo We GiV GhaNi $3 FoR tHe NigHt~ oK Wat.. haha SoO.. We JoUrNeYeD HoMe!! LePak N MoViE MaraThOn~ PlaYed CoM.. Yeaa.. FuN fUn!! anD Oh.. ZuL BoUgHt SoME FoOD FrM His WoRk.. hehe WE LePak DwNstaiRs aNd EAATTT!! YUM! DeLiFraNcE FoOD SuRe Is ViVoLeViLiCiOuS!! (stop w the vivo vivo pleasee!!!) haha.. hMm TaLkeD OnThe PhOne w HuNny ForawhIle Juz Now.. She WaS tIred FrM WoRk, I ToLd Her To Get Some rest! heh heh~ i LoVe YoU!! liKe The SoNg I MadE 4 U?? hehee orite2.. logging out now.. nak send zul home! bye2~ VIVOVIVOTERPIYOPIYO!!( StOp It Lah) HiaK DuSh! =D

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket11/20/2006 05:23:00 AM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

GhAni N Me.. MuKe SlEngEr AJE~

We aRe CrAyZee! GoOfY ZUL N BlUr Me~ YAAAHUUU iM HaPPy.. Must BLoG! haha.. Hmm HeReS The StOrY~ HuNnY waS SuPpOsEdTo Go To wOrK ToDaY sUdDeNly shE SmS me.. Nk MeeT Tak? OF COURSE I WANT!!! I DuN wAna aSk MaNY QuEsTion.. So I sAId I wILL PiCk HeR up At Her woRk Place~.. BUUUTT.. She saId.. Shes alReaDy OTW to SIMEI!! WHHAAATTT!?!?! i haVeNt EveN BaThe~ (alTougH it WaS alReaDy 430!!!) haha.. so I QuICkLy SiaP2 N MiT Her lAA~DuN waN kEep Her waItIng~ hehe.. i BrInG HeR to MeeT My MOM!!! haha Mom LiKes Her~ =) DeN We Go ViVo CiTy, haD a HeCk Of A BLASTED daY tHr~ Playd CatcHinG in tHe MalL~~ How CraYzEe WaS Dat!! oK.. shHHh CaNt TeL MoRe.. LaTer U pPl ThinK weRe NoT OK.. OTAK MATI pe Org~ hehe yEa DeN i seNt HeR Hme.. I MusT SaY iT waS SuCh a GreAt DaY!! i LoVe Her~ =) oK TiLL ThE NeXt poSt! p.s.thanks fer the gifts sayang~<3

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket11/14/2006 06:31:00 PM

Monday, November 13, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

OOOOKKKK MiNG!!! Hee Im BaCk aGaIn~ .. Hmm WeLL. I WEnT OuT JaLA RaYA w The SiMeI SmeAriNgOkz On SuNdaY~ haha.. weLL waS TiReD FrM YeStErDay OuTiNg, N StIll HaV tO waKE Up EaRLy Siaa ~ WeLL Da PlaN Pe~ MeStii KeNe FuLfILL! GhaNi SaId He WLd JoIn Us LaTer weN wE Go At HiS ArEa ThR(commonwealth).. BuT He LaSt MiN CaNCeL N ZuL WaS VERRYYY PisseD OfF~ hMmm. DoNo Laa..

iN ThE EnD , OnLi ThrEE Of Us OnLy SaK.. BuT NvM.. Noe Wat? EvEry Hse We Go, ThRs NoNe ThaT GaVe Us $2~ All GaVe MoRe ThaN ThaT! WeLL DatS ThE GoOD ThG weN We Go JalAn RaYA iN SmaLL NuMbeRs~ OnE Day we CoLleCt MoRe ThaN 20 SeY~ Hehe.. BANYAK TUU!!! yeA~ OfCoUrSe We Must MakE tHe TuaN RumaH 'LiKE' Us.. So we MuSt paNDai2 Amek Hati.. BbL2 Laa.. Make The SceNeRy LiVeLy.. Den In The EnD, DAPAT DUIT RAYAA LEBBIIIHHHH!! YaAAAhaaA~ Of CoUrsE Im The 'BeCoK' OnE.. AlWaYS MakInGfUnNy coMmEnTs N JoKes.. Haaahaa.. hMMm.. DiZ PiC AbOvE^ Is TaKeN iN Bus 334.. AfTr GoIn To HuNnY HsE.. Hee I LoVe HeR!

THIs OnE Is TaKEn At JoRoNg EnTeRTaINmEnT At LoNg JoHn~HuNgry MaN.. haha ZUL Lah.. PeRuT MaCaM GuNi Yg KoYaK.. MakAn SeRiBu BiJi NaSi McM TaK CuKoP~ GeMoK Kau NaNti KaNG!! hahaa WaRnInG Kau Ni~

KlaH DaTS All.. PHeW! Im TiReD~ nW LePakiNg At My Hse W ZuL AfTr waTCHiNg LiVeRPoOl N ArSeNaL MATCh!! YESS ArSeNaL WiN!! LiVeRPoOl CaN Go SuK Ur BlaRdY ThUMb LiKe A BabY AH!! BlUeKS! StIll MAN U RULES!!!

klah~ Nk G ChEERs.. BuY MiLk! GoOD FOr VaMpIrEs LiKE Me! MuAhahaha..

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket11/13/2006 03:30:00 AM

Sunday, November 12, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

KnOcK-KnOcK~ WhO's ThErE?? WHO ELSE IS THERE?? ThIs My BlOG, OfCoUrSe Im ThErE~ i MeaN.. HeRe~ weLL weLL.. LeTs See.. I CaNt FeRgEt 11-11.. hmm WhaT?? 50-50?? NO No.. U GoT It WrOnG hehe.. Its 11-11 as In 11-NoVeMbEr, DatE! haha YeA. me AnD HuNnY HaD A BLASTED FUN DAY!!! We WeNt To LoTsa PlaCes.. BuGis=To SHoP FOr Her DrEsSes. aLtoUgH She BoUgHt LiKe,ALOT.. To HeR, Its StiLL NoT EnOuGh!! HUUAAATTT DDUUUHHHHH HHEEELLLLL!!!! Well, GiRLs.. WaT Dya Noe~ ;) JuRoNg= To BuY Her A CuTe RInG.. WeLL ShE WaNtEd daT RiNg, n dsNt WaN Me To PaY 4 It~ hee BuT OfCoUrSE.. I DID paY..WeLL HALf Of It~ HuEhUEhUe!! ATLEAST! hmm.. GoOd GIrLfRiEnDs DoNt UsE HeR BoYfRiEnDs MONeY!! AnD GoOd BoYFrIeNdS PaYs FoR Her GiRFrIeNdS!!.. Hmm.. Sooo Any IdEa How dIz WiLL WoRk OuT?? hehehe OrChaRd CiNePlEasUrE~ (hOw I PrOnoUNce It) = To EaT DiNnEr~ Yeaa.. HuNnY BoUgHt Me To A NiCe PlaCe to eaT~ We AtE ChICkY SpAgghEttii~ N GosH.. i WaS FuLL.. HuNnY CouLdNt FiNisH hEr foOD N i atE iT fOr Her.. Now2, We DuN waNa WaSte It Do We~ =).. It WaS DeLiCioUs, i CoUlD eAt AnOtHer! YuM!! hehe.. DeN we WeNt To TaKE NoEpRiNtS~ WaNNa Ceee??LaTer At ThE EnD Kay~ LuCkY PlaZa= plAyeD PoOL.. N HaV FuN~ weLL She WaS WiNnInG Me alThe WaY 4 TwO GaMEs.. Of CoZ i HaD To Let HeR ChEaT~ BuT I WuN AdMiT DeFeAT TiLL We HaD A FaIr FiGhT! heh.. N Of CoUrSe I ShOwEd Her WhOs MASTeR~ huehuehue!!.. WaHaa~ WeLL We HaD A DraW GaME In The eNd.. BuT i'LL GiVe HuNnY CrEdIts Diz TyM.. YeA.. ShE Is ThE bEsT iN PoOL~ WeN NoT pLayInG w RuLes YEa!! hehehe k There U Go~ The NeOs~ ShEs ScaRee In MaNY WaYs~~ XD ClOwNs In ToWnS! haha WeRe CrAzIeR Than It LoOKs.. -trust me- HeY2!.. CaNt FoRgetThIs GReaT DaY!! SheS BeaUtiFul RiGhT ehem2.. hehe! alalalala MaNIs NyEr SeNyUmaN HuNnY Ku Ni~ Hehe.. LoVe HeR LoTs! DiZ PiC is.... uH.. BANG2!! haha "syg WaTcH Where Ur poInTiNg DaT GuN.. U DuN wAna ShOot Me riTe?? " =D NiCe!!!!!!!!! My FaVoUrItE~ WeN Ur In loVe.. WaT u sEE Is All HeaRTs AnD MoRe HeATrs! hehe Ok datS All FeR ToDaYs PosT~ dO cOmMEnt AbT THe pics.. we EdIt It LyK FoREVeR~ haha LoooooNNggg Sia!.. Kk.. GoNna PosT AnOther Tmr.. Me N FrEns JaLan raYa! Wee.. GtG!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket11/12/2006 03:52:00 AM

Monday, November 06, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

T H A N K S 4 T A G G I N G!!!!!!!!!!!!! (LYNN and my HuNnY) well, i'll update someday.. today not soo interesting day.. hehe~ yep! nxt tym,if got interesting story, i'll share w u guys as usual kay~ bye~

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket11/06/2006 10:22:00 PM

hMmm~ BlOggIng AinT EaSy WeN Ur StiLL A BeGiNnEr.. WeLL , I Juz FoUnD OuT HoW To GeT A TaGbOaRd.. Or WHateVer Its CaLLed~ yEp.. HaISh.. I wOndEr WhOSe ReAdinG tHis bLog..Hmmmmm PoNdEr PoNdEr~.... hUmmmm i GoT ThE AnsWeR!! AbSoLuTeLy ZERO!! ahahaha!.. hahah .. haa haa haaaa?.. errr serious? I ShUldNt B LaUgHinG,, MoRoN.. Diz Is SeRioUs MaTtEr!! hmmm.. OkaY~ FiRsT ThiNg FiRsT! .. GoTtA TeLL ThE PeEpz DaT i HaV A FrEaKiNg LoUSy a-bLuR BloG!! yeP! BuT Err.. I StiLL DuNno HoW To 'LiNk'....... -.- GoSh! SoMeBoDy~~~~ KICK MY BALLS!!! IF uR kINd eNoUgH.. pLEasE lend me a hAnd hErE?? tHAnKS.. uR mOsT kInD .. hmm ToDaY, DdNt KoL HuNny~ SheS SleEpInG EaRly,.. SheS TiReD+ SlEepY! TmR SkUL SmoRe~ YeP! Of CourSe I MisS Her .. HaiSh.. WeN WiLl We miT AgAin.. SoOn I HoPe... oK.. tHeRe U Go.. AnoTher Blur PosT.. whiCh NoNe WiLL ReaD~ mm.. WeLL iF tHeRE Is ReAlLy a SoUL WhO KnOwS ThIs BLog ExIsT And Are ReaDing~ PlEaSe... Do FiLL My TaGBoaRd..DaTS BlaNk!.. thaNks!.. haha well dat felt better!. Now I waNna TeStIng My TaGBoaRd.. GonNa TaG!!! Yeeppeee!~ Oh YaH.. FeRgt!!.. My DaY wAs So-So.. Go Play SoCcEr jUz Now.. LoNg Tym Nvr PlaY LoL~ DeN WaIt 4 HuNny To CaLL BuT, SheS SleePy.. So CaNX.. DeN, LePak w ZuL TiLL 3 As Per NoRmAL~ yEa.. NoT MuCh StOry.. YAY TMR GOING OUT !!!! WeHhEee! mIt ZuL's FrEn DeN MiT gHaNi~ LoOKiNg 4WaRd To It!.. K laH.. DatS aLL dO tAg iF u Noe Diz BlOg ExIsT.. ThaNks~ iLovE u HuNny!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket11/06/2006 03:26:00 AM

Friday, November 03, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

eY hEY! how Are U GuYS!~ haha HoPe As fiNe As mE aH.. hmm FilLed OuT My FrEe TyM To ChaNge My BlOg LaY-OuT.. WelL of CoUrsE i'd LOVED tO SsPendD My FrEe TyM w My Hunny! BuT SheS Bz.. N She HuRt Her riGhT ArM & She CaNt MovE iT.. YeA So RePlYinG My MsGes Is GoNnA b HarD 4 Her w HeR LeFt HanD~ hehe She KaNtOi aLot Sia~ hahaha Ok i UnDeRsTaNd.. Muz B PaTieNt!!! hmm~ i MISS heR aLOt.... nVm~ iT PaYs To B PatIenCe! k YeA~ Im BeCoMiNg EMO wItHouT Her CoMpaNy.. sTaRiNg At BlaNk sPaCe.. No ApPeTiTe For FoOd.. haiz! Ok Lah.. I waNna StOry2 w U AlL~ .... NoNg NoNg Ago~~ i sTiLL ReMeMbEr The dAy WhEn i Sent My HuNny To The DocTeR~ iT WaS 01NOV i ThInK.. yeP .. It waS A Busy DaY 4 mE.. yea So HerE GoeS~ i waS WaKiNg Up My huNny 4 SkuL As UsUaL at 6 am.. N sHe tHen ToLd Me She WaS SicK.. Had CouGh.. n She WanT an MC For It.. So I Say I WaNtEd To FoLLow Her To see The Doc!..so I Get siaPiNg at 7~ GoNna Mit Her at 1130~ yEa.. cOz She LiveD at JurOng.. iT wIll be a 1 hr pluS tRiP To Her Hse.. So I PlaN tO mIt Her EaRly.. I GeT sIaP2. N MiT ZUL wHo WaS GoIn tO sKuL. He ws LaTe N i MAke iT Worst~ hahah.. ok DEN TakE tHe MRT n SplIt w ZuL At CiTy HaLL cOZ Hes SkUlInG At ITE BISHAN .. yep.. Den i ReaChed JuroNg HaPpiLy,... The TimE waS 9 Plus.. WeLL mY StOmaCh WaS GroWling n So I DeCidEd To GeT a BiTe aT MacDonalD~ i Ate McMuffin! woo n SlAck At JuRoNg ShoPpiNg CnTrE 4 AwhiLe B4 MAkiNg a Move To HUNNY's Hse~ tOok 334 An ReaCh ThR arD 10.. StIll HaS 1hr30 min tO Go~ So I MSG Her DAt iVe ArRiVed~ So She deCideD To MiT Me EaRLy~ woo! N We meT At 1030 liddat N we Go To The DoC StrAiGhT AwaY~.. She hAd A BaD CouGh~ oOoO.. soo We WeRe At The PoLyClINiC~ waIted Soo LoNg FoR Our TuRn.. aPpRox 2hr15 min ~!! haha SheS CuTe N LoVeLy Man!! I LoVe HER!!! deN She WaNTed to GiVe A LeTtER to Skul But SheLeFt HeR LeTteR At Hme.. So We HeaD BaCk~ n Go tO Her SkUL.. COMMONWEALTH SEC.. BuT we WeNt 4 A PiT sToP! EATING TYM!!! .. wE weNt To a PraTa ShOp~ wHiCh WaS VERY dEliCiOus!! Siak aH!! SEDAP BEB!.. i Ate MusHrOom n Cheese WhIle She Had Banna PraTa.. Eww hehe! BANANA?! i Juz CaNT eAt eM.. I Noe Shes TeaSInG me by EaTiNg The baNnana~ eww haha Woo! n DeN we HeaD to Her SkuL~ ShE CaNT EnTer Herr SkUl W/o Her UniForm! BLARDY !! AlaMak AI!!~ DeN She waNtEd To Go To The VerY 1sT PlaCe ThaT we Met~ IMM~ we gO ThR AnD WaLk2 wee! deN Her MuM CaLLed.. She NaGged HunNy To Go Hme Now.. Aww.. By The Tym It WaS 4 PluS redY.. So I SeNt Her Hme.. N kIss Her GooDBye.. WeLL The FuNs NoT yEt Over! Me ZUL n GHANI haD MaDe PlaNs To Go to BugiS DAT daY, N sOo i MaDe My WaY tHr... i Met GhaNi 1sT , At CoMmonWeaLth MRT plaTfOrm, DeN MoVe On To BugIs.. ZuL SuddeNlY SaY he caNT CoME.. BuT I FoRced HiM.. sO he Say he'lL B LaTE.. Soo we mE n GhaNI PrOceed firsT!.. WeNt To BuGis N RoUndIng2~ I WaNtEd To BuY BROWN PaNts~ BuT I ddNt BrinG mUcH CaSH hehe~ NvM.. Nxt TyM Can BuY w My HUNNY!! wee~ deN,waLked to EsPlaNEde~ ZuL DeN CaLLEd To Say Dat Hes aRrIvInG sOon.. So We Mit Him At CiTy HaLL.. N We MaKe Our WaY tO MaRina CenTeR!! We WeRe StArViNg~ eat At LoNg JoHn.. MMM I LOvE The ChEeSe~ Then we RoUnDiNg2 TiLl 9 PlUs. DeN ZuL waNna Mit ATI, His frEn~ wHo Was WoRkIng At StuRbuCks~ We LePak OuTside StURBucKs n DeN eNdeD The Day~ we weNt Hme.. BUT ITS NOT OVER!! haha at Hme.. ZuL CaLled, He WaNted To Ton OveR~ ok! SET! he CaME N hE MoVie MaraThoN aLone.. WhILe i waS TaLkiNg To My HuNNy OTP.. sHe TolD mE tHE Bad News ThaT sHe inJuRed HEr ARM.. Ok sO shE CaNT TaLk 4 LoNg aS Her LefT arM sMTyMs CrAMps.. hehe.. weLL its Ok.. undeRstOod.. So deN~ LePAk w ZuL DwNStaiRS at 5 AM.. DeN go CheErs To EnD The DaY.. Whoo ! I teLL u.. DAT WAS A SUCH DAY!! aNd THIS IS SUCH A POST!!! LooooNnnNggg!! haha OkOk..I'LL EnD! TaKe Care GuYS.. PS.HuNny, I UnDeRStaNd WhaT Ure GoInG THrU~ yEa sO iTs oK iF We CaNt Tok on The PhOne 4 LoNg.. DuN b sOrry~ k ~ i LoVe U!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket11/03/2006 09:40:00 PM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


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