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Sunday, December 31, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

dont mind the prev post kays... juz letting out my anger and frustration since dat day, when she say she wanted to be single hahahah! im okay~ really.. as usual! hehe but wen i think back at what she did to me... seriously, i dont deserve it.. sooo im moving on! hehe yay! finally smthg cruel to avoid loving her... HATE!!! jengs! i dun hate her but... i hate myself for being a wussy-- i ddnt make her the happiest woman on earth! im gona prove im not.. so i hav to change.. being nice is great.. too nice is better.. but nice AND stupid is idiotic.. ppl will take me for granted like diz.. hehe~ i hav to limit myself to being nice!! sometyms must think for myself ahead of others not the other way round ait!! right??? right?!?! haaa think properly... u think abt others b4 thinking abt ur own.. u make them happy but they dont appreciate it at all.. they dsnt notice it.. WHAT FOR SeY!! i noe, we must not b selfish~ but look at them, THEY are the selfish ones~ THEY think for themself ONLY.. hey, i dont judge myself, but i noe im not a selfish person.. i think abt others b4 me.. but DO THEY DO THE SAME?? TO ME??? 97% dont! hahs.. i hav to learn to be selfish~ to be evenly good AAAAANNND EVIL!! geee.. a harsh word to use!! buwahahaha! ok ok~ dats all.. haha but b4 i go.. i hav to apologise to dat 'someone'.. yea... im sorry.. i ddnt mean to be dat 'mean' telling u to go away... i mean.. i shuld say it in a 'nicer' way.. yea.. sori well heres what the nicer way to say wat i wana say-- dear hunny, thanks for being there for me when i need u.. thanks for sharing my love.. dat was such an experience in my lifetime.. never met someone as nice n at the same time, beautiful as u in my life.. we were a match made in heaven! so many common things we shared huh! hehe hey i hope dat im nice to you.. if i ever like make u angry,sad, or hurt... pls dear, forgive me... kays.. and everything dat uve done bad to me.. i'll always forgive u~ =) well this meet was fated.. and the ending dsnt turn out to be the fairytale i want it to be... hehe i dunno wat kind of fairytale were u hoping for, but mine is-- to show my love to u everyday, to hold u in my arms everytime, to think of u evrysecond.. --juz to be w u.. forever... everythgs gone wrong.. ure young... u were ambitious.. wild.. n-- still want freedom... guess dat part isnt in my fairytale love story.. hey even tough im hurt.. juz think of it dat diz is fated.. nthg to worry abt.. kays.. i wun b looking back to look at u again~ this is wats best for us.. haha so much for those empty promises!! dang~ i really am frustrated dat i cant hold on to MY promise sey haha.. nvm.. since u dont care nimore.. hahaha okay.. right! u noe wats gonna happen next right hunny?! .. yea.. seperation~ but diz time i wun tell u to GO AWAY.. ouch, so cruel.. hey im telling u dat leaving me is the best option right now~ think abt me for once.. kays? i dun hav to suffer if u leave.. last tym, u ddnt go.. u gave US hopes.. were missing each other.. still loving den... now, i dun wana see u making another mistake.. Go.. ur still young! freedom is what u craved for~ make more frens dat completes ur life~ be happy! and when the time comes again when u fall in love~-- i hope dat u live a happy life each n every second! time for me.. ehem2 US to move on.. hehe.. =) stay cheerful always sunshine! love, always:BuNnY

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/31/2006 04:50:00 PM

orang niat baik, die buat aku gini! mcm sial!!! mampos ah... sori2 tak kan mengubati hati terluka lah eh! aku kan bodoh.. ko ley main2 kan per... HEY at least respect la sikit! org da tgu tu, approach laa.. ni main jalan jer.. tak biadap ke tu?? sial lah.. aku ni badut sarkas pee, ko suke ko ketawa.. tak suke jalan.. da ah! aku da tak nk peduli pasal ko lagi ah.. BERAMBUS!!!! GO AWAY!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/31/2006 02:24:00 AM

Monday, December 25, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Menatap indahnya, Senyuman di wajahmu Membuatku terdiam dan terpaku Mengerti akan hadirnya, Cinta terindah Saat kau peluk mesra tubuhku Banyak kata, Yang tak mampu ku ungkapkan, Kepada dirimu Aku ingin engkau slalu, Hadir dan temani aku Disetiap langkah yang meyakiniku Kau tercipta untuk ku, Sepanjang hidupku Meski waktu akan mampu, Memanggil seluruh ragaku Ku ingin kau tahu ku slalu milikmu Yang mencintaimu, Sepanjang hidupku

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/25/2006 01:12:00 AM

Saturday, December 23, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Principal Characters
Romeo, son of the house of Montague Juliet, daughter of the Capulet household Benvolio, Romeo's cousin Mercutio, Romeo's friend Tybalt, Juliet's cousin Lady Montague, the clan's matriarch Lady Capulet, Juliet's mother Juliet's ribald nurse Friar Lawrence, a Franciscan Monk
Story Overview

For a very long time the Capulets and the Montagues had been feuding. Harsh words often led to violence between the two houses, who were sworn as deadly enemies. Prince Escalus of Verona happened upon one such bloody brawl and angrily pronounced, "If ever you disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace." *1(note)-Shortly after this, Romeo and his cousin Benvolio met on the street, and Romeo sadly confessed his unrequited love for an aloof and indifferent young woman. "[Give] liberty unto thine eyes; Examine other beauties," was Benvolio's curative. But Romeo was unmoved: "Thou canst not teach me to forget." Meanwhile, as Lord Capulet arranged for the marriage of Juliet, his fourteen-year-old daughter, to Paris, a kinsman of the Prince, he advised Paris to woo the girl gently. That night Capulet was to give a party so Paris could meet Juliet. He called a servant to deliver the invitations. Now the servant could not read, so as he walked along he petitioned Romeo and Benvolio to read the guest list to him. In thanks, he told Romeo, "If you be not of the house of Montagues, I pray come and crush a cup a wine." Since Romeo's unreceptive Rosaline was named among the guests, Benvolio urged Romeo to go and find out for himself that Rosaline was a "crow." As Romeo and his friend Mercutio, both wearing masks, searched for Rosaline among the gathering, Romeo's eyes fell upon the exquisite Juliet - and Romeo remembered Rosaline no more: "O, she cloth teach the torches to burn bright! .... Did my heart love till now?" he chimed. However, fier y Tybalt, Capulet's nephew, overheard Romeo pourin 9 out his heart and reported to his uncle that a Montague had invaded their festivity. But Capulet was not alarmed and would have no bloodshed,besides Romeo seemed to be "a virtuous and wellgoverned youth." Romeo approached Juliet offering "my lips, two blushing pilgrims," to which Juliet replied, "Ay, pilgrim, lips that thou must use in prayer." But Romeo at last convinced her to press her lips to his - just before Juliet's Capulet mother called her away. Romeo was stunned by this revelation that the girl was a daughter of his father's enemy, but vowed that not even death would keep him from his true love. The party ended, leaving Romeo outside the Capulet house, gazing up in lovesick rapture at Julict's window. Just then, to his joy, Juliet leaned from her balcony. Romeo whispered: "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!" As he debated within himself whether to speak to her, she, thinking herself alone, began to pour out her heart: "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn mv love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet." *2(note)Unable to contain himself, Romeo stepped out of the shadows. Though ashamed at her overheard declaration, Juliet reconfirmed her passion, but warned him that if her family discovered him there, he would be killed. Romeo was not alarmed, "For stony limits cannot hold love out." As he swore of his love by the moon, and by his heart, Juliet begged him not to swear at all. Things were happening too fast; the world seemed suddenly brilliant and fragile "like the lightening which cloth cease to be." So, the fragile lovers exchanged vows and agreed to meet the next morning. On his way home, Romeo stopped by the monastery to visit Friar Lawrence. "Our Romeo hath not been in bed to-night," the Friar observed. "I have been feasting with mine enemy," replied the young man...... Plainly know my heart's dear love is set on the fair daughter of rich Capulet ... what thou must combine by holy marriage." The Friar teased Romeo for his fickle nature (only yesterday he had professed undying love for Rosaline), but agreed to perform the marriage, in the hope that "this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households' rancor to pure love." The following morning, Mercutio and Benvolio were worried ly searching for Romeo; Tybalt had sent out a challenge for him to fight. But when the pair finally met up with their enamored young kinsman, he was in no mood for fighting. At this point Juliet's nurse came on the scene and took Romeo aside to demand his intentions. Romeo assured her that his love was in earnest and bade her bring Juliet to the Friar's cell, where they would be married that afternoon. The wedding was performed; the lovers were to meet again meet later that evening. But that afternoon Benvolio and Morcutio ran into Tybalt and some of his men. Though Benvolio, remembering the Prince's edict, declined to duel, Mercutio and Tybalt began a joust of insults, with Mercutio's wit outdoing the other's words. Just then, the newly-married Romeo appeared, and Tybalt demanded that the "villain" fight. Romeo protested, "I never injured thee, but love thee better than thou canst devise." Mercutio, however, ached for a skirmish, and he and the equally hot-tempered Tybalt drew their sabers. Romeo stepped between the two, but Tybalt thrust forward and stabbed Mercutio, then bolted away. As the dying Mercutio was carried off, Romeo, torn with anger and mixed loyalties, confronted and killed Tybalt. Benvolio then implored his cousin to hide in order to avoid revenge or arrest. The Prince and a group of citizens came upon the bloody scene and called for an explanation from Benvolio. Silencing arguments as to where the blame fell, the Prince declared, "I will be deaf to pleading and excuses. When Romeo is found he shall be put to death." Juliet impatiently awaited the arrival of her husband, when her nurse came with the news: "Tybalt is gone,and ... Romeo that killed him, he is banished." Distraught, Juliet sent the nurse off once again: "O, find him! give this ring to my true knight." In the meantime, Romeo, hidden in the Friar's cell, had just been informed of a change of heart by the Prince - rather than death, Romeo should only be exiled from Verona. Then the nurse came with news from Juliet: "She weeps and weeps." The Friar advised Romeo to wait until nightfall and then go to his true love. That night Romeo went to Juliet's room; as dawn broke, the lovers could barely let themselves part. Soon after, Lady Capulet entered Juliet's chamber, believing the girl had stayed secreted in mourning for Tybalt. She spoke of the murder and the vengeance it demanded. "But now," she announced at last, "I'll tell thee joyful tidings, girl"; and she apprised her daughter that she would soon be married to Paris. When Juliet balked at any such wedding, her father flared up in anger: "I tell thee what - get thee to church ... or never after look me in the face." Juliet now hurried to the Friar's cell, both to confess her filial disobedience and to see Romeo. There she met Paris, who was arranging for their forthcoming marriage. Though Juliet openly confessed to loving another, Paris mistook her words as a declaration towards him and promised that they would be married in bliss. After he left, Juliet turned to Friar Lawrence for help. The Friar had a plan: He gave her a vial with a potion inside that would make her appear to be dead, but in reality would only bring on a long sleep. When her family discovered her "lifeless" body, they would place it in the Capulets' tomb, and the Friar would then send for Romeo to rescue her and take her away from Verona. The Capulets rejoiced when Juliet returned home and told her family that she would consent to marry Paris. But on the evening before the wedding, Juliet partook of the potion, and the next morning, when the Friar and Paris came to seek the bride, the found the parents filled with grief. They took juliet's limp body, according to plan, to the family tomb. Meanwhile, in Mantua, word of juliet's death reached young Romeo ahead of the Friar's messenger. Rushing to Verona, the disheartened youth paused to purchase a vessel of poison: "Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight," he pledged. *3(note)At the Capulet's vaulted tomb, there young Romeo found Paris, also in mourning. Recognizing Romeo, he drew his sword. The two fought and Paris was fatally wounded. In the throes of death, he pled with Romeo to lay him next to his love. Romeo hesitated, then dragged the other man inside the tomb so that he too could lie near Juliet. Then, looking down at his bride, Romeo cried out...... Eyes, look your last! Arms, take your last embrace! and lips, O you ... seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death." Leaving a kiss on the beauty's silent lips, Romeo drank the poison and lay motionless by her side. *4(note)Soon, Juliet awoke - to find her husband lying next to her, dead. Hearing footsteps approaching, she unsheathed Romeo's dagger and plunged it into her breast, bewailing, "O happy dagger! ... Let me die!" Just then the Friar entered, followed by the Montagues, the Capulets, and the Prince. Before them lay Paris, along with the limp bodies of the two lovers. At once each family began to cast blame upon the other for the tragedy. The Friar, however, stepped forward and explained the circumstances which had led to the deaths of their tender children, whose only sin was to have loved. When he heard the story, the Prince called out mournfully, "Where be these enemies? Capulet, Montague, see what a scourge is laid upon your hate, that heaven finds means to kill your joys with love .... All are punished." At these words, the adversaries clasped hands in brotherhood. "A gloomy peace this morning with it brings. . . " intoned the Prince in a final note, "for never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo."


there u GO! romeo n juliet! hahs, i wana b romeo laahs! so romantic!

*1-ppl ask me to find sm1 better.. forget abt her.. but im unmove.. i say, u cant teach me to forget love.

*2-we loved each other so much, but she told me not to make any promises as this is such, wat they called, rushed love.. to me whatever it is, its still love.. i love her, in the end, we made promises..

*3-many guys love her.. altough i was frustrated abt it, im still pitiful enough for them to let them be w her.. but of course only for the moment~

*3-but shes gone too long, n i dont feel her presence nimore.. tough hurtfull.. im redy to let go..

*4-n if she ever ralise her mistakes n come back to me.. it might b too late.. im already over it~ the love has died.. and she will not take this lightly..

-BUT! its still not over YET! im not over her YET! my LOVE for her hasnt DIE YET! na'ah! im gona b ROMEO ver 2~ n in the end, romeo n juliet will not die, but they live happily ever AFTER!! baaahahahahahaha *psycho* dont mind me~kaygO =)

still.. that glimpse of light is the hardest for the darkness to wipe out..


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/23/2006 04:05:00 AM

Thursday, December 21, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

today sucks! i mean.. it was great but the feeling in me.. juz sucks! totally sucks! urgh! damn. WHY!! havent i suffered enough!? i thought it was all-over!.. seriously did.. i tot i would start anew.. be open to all n mayb get into serious r/s w another.. but im stuck.. still stuck to the past.. nabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilah nabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilah nabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilah nabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilah nabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilah nabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilah nabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilahnabilah NABILAH... i cant forget uuuuu... i love u... hunny... hais... -the day b4, was our 'supposedly' special day~ i dream abt her.. were together.. holding hands.. then i look into the mirror, saw our reflections.. soo sweet...dat tym.. we ddnt contact nimore... damn... -this morning.. she sms me... she juz returned hme frm a holiday trip... she misses me.. i swear, i miss her too.. told her dat.. yea.. she told me she was abt to take her Nlv results, i wished her the very best of lucks.. aftr afew hrs.. msg her, ddnt reply.. fark.... -went to town, tot of making new frens thr, 'pancing2' n all.. but me sal n amir had a talk abt gerls.. serious topics.. yea coz those two are experiencing the same love life as me.. loved ones leaving em n all the treasured happy moments behind.. as tough its nthg to them.. hais, like what are we? some kind of guy which u can hav anytime u nid us n juz goes away wen uve satisfy urself?? huh? seriously man.. i was thinking of her alllll the way talking thru diz... den felt like don wana pancing... sheit... -den wait 4 zul to finish work.. again,talk abt gerls.. diz tym onli sal n me.. he talk abt his beloved,hajar, n me, talked abt mine, nabilah... we kinda share all our stories, and overall theres only one conclusion in mind.. "they started to change wen their mindset switched to 'have fun' 'still young' 'the tempt to socialise' n 'wants attention'" they forgot their promises to us, n they dsnt wana be faithful.. setia... seriously, in my mind.... was all 'her'... ilah... haiz.. -later tonite, at hme.. surf the net n checked my tagboard.. her friend, farah tagged me.. so i go to her webbie..... looked ard.. n guess what.. saw LOTS of her pics.. ilah pics..... so sweet.. soo lovely.. soo cute... haiz shes soo beautiful... i feeel.. weak thinking that shes nomore whimme.. den aftr dat, went to her blog.. she ddnt update at all.. haiz.. our neoprints pics were still there.. wen i looked at it.. haiz.. i remembered our hapie moments.. how we edited those pics n all.. soo damn funny n cute laah.. sooo hurtful to noe dat i cant relive back thos happy moments.. happy ... all happy moments.. h-a-p-p-y whole day think of her.. n yea till now im still waiting for her sms reply.. ddnt i say i dont love her nomore? hehs.. i WAS abt to.. buuuttt............... how could some juz throw away love thats soo touching n sweet n crazy.. well im back to square one.. still undyingly waiting for her love to return. juz cant move on wen u still hav feelings for me, baby... there is still hope.. hope its not a false one.. now wat sucks is that i hav trouble sleeping wen i think too much of her, seriously.. haha dats y uh.. all negative tots.. haaaizzzz... pls hunny.. change for the better.. dont go wild.. think.. is this smthg good to do? huh? if u change for the better.. then my hope to love u like b4 will likely b fulfiled..if u dont change n b worst. i'll have to leave u.. serious.. pls baby? pls darling? pls sayang? pls hunny? pls nabilah? pls? ilah? change? dont smoke n do all shitz? ok?ur supposed to b a goood gerl dear.. so pls be good? k? i'll pray 4 u... no.. 4 us...... now.. i cant sleep..... haiz.. will she reply me? i wonder hows her Nlv results? how is she doing? fine w/o me.. i guess... hmmmm.. miss her affections.. voice.. juz MISS HER lah~ haiyo!hee.. i'll end this here.. sign:BuNnY

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/21/2006 03:58:00 AM

Wednesday, December 20, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting oooooKaaaYYYY HeRE We GoOO!!!
yeeaa AnoTher FuN n FiNe Day.. AlTouGh RaiNy!! hahs nevermInd aaah!! ROCK MATI2 AH! lol yeaa today, woke up AT 1pm.. sI NesTaz Msg me... Ask Me tO find JoB aT oRchaRd~ at ZuLes wOrkPlace.. Soo i SiaPiNg And ALL n Get Set ToGo.. soOOo Bla Bla Bla.. We DdNt Get The FarKiNg Job.. Y?? Coz Its FuLL.. hahs weLL .. Were BettEr Off JamMiNg DuDe! yaaaa haaahaaa.. CalLed Up The GANG *trak trak kedisss* -drums- * dreng kejing jeng jeng jinnng weeng wiao!!* -guitars- WOOO EXCITED UHH! hahahaa .. yeaaa new Member, AmiR plaYs the BASS yeeehaw! hes GreAt man~ a RockerZ! hahah so we JAm till 7 plus.. played white stripe song, chemical romance- im not ok, here w/o u, lonelyday, mimpi yg sempurna n lots lots MORE yahaaa! n wats the CooLesT thiNg is ThaT.. We all WoRe BlaCk HoODs! wooo weLL lIke weRe oNe BanD LiDdaT! Cool Uh! haha we play good music not great, well simple reason is that, we all hav diff taste in rock music.. nez-metal, khalid-alternative,amir-indie,salihin-pop-punk n pezal-emopunk.. plus ghani, whos not there(hes our lead singer)-emocore~ haha yeaas.. real hard to play a song that we listened n know of.. yup2! hmm aftr that we all went to eat at banquet at east point~ was hungry.. then go play LAN, DOTA wooo! we won against stranger! n im GOOOD~ improve in dota many2 redy uhs! hahas! den we all go home.. yeas.. hehe called my oh-so-uh bestfriend~ zuraidah.. haha so long nvr tok to her, we catch up things an all~ its cool.. yeaa.. dats all for my day.. hehe witing for the pixs?? hehs here u GOOOOO Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/20/2006 03:18:00 AM

there u Go! more pixs~ this one took b4 jammingHAHAHAHA i know~ HOODIES every whr! haha its rainin laa~ haha all looked like eskimo people saak~ hehe seriously talking~ its cold out there! BRRR..

...... And TheN~ IN tHE TioleT..... haha look at us!? adorable heys! Go oN pick one! alllll is available~ uh except for two~ but still... theyre A-V-A-I-L-A-B-L-E!! thats all dudes! ROCK MESSI \m/

ok Happy OvEr.. Now The SerIous Part~

.. iVe been Lonely These Few daYS.. Yea w iLah Not ard n All... haIz.. Been Hard.. hmmm LonelY niGhts~ weLL theSe feW daYs~ My Fren, SaRah hs BeeN tHere for Me.. err Not CheeriNg me uP lahs But At least sheS tHere 4 Me.. i Nid a Gerl To LaugH witH, tO jOke Ard~ CraP, FooL Ard, n aLL ShEit... sHes Been Thr.. mAy b She DdNt ReaLisE iT, or she Ddnt nOE Shes Doin me This Favor But, Hey~ She MakEs me Feel AlOt Better! thanks Yah! Ur a NiCe GiRl.. gReat tO nOe yaH.. n Yeaa u caN sHare Me alL ur ProBs.. i'll B tHere LikE i TolD you soO~ HoPE U rEad Abt ThiS SaraH..

weLL i'll End This here.........


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/20/2006 02:59:00 AM

Thursday, December 14, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

U GUYSSSS!!! haha that trip to SENTOSA was super dooper whooper junior FUNN!! yea words cant describe how it felt that day~ well.. im juz pouring in on those pics we took so u guys can imagine how we felt that day! yep! FUNN~ hehe well it started out like a normal morning for me~ -SLEEPY- ~well coz me n zul go lepak till 4 plus the daY b4 this outing~ haha wakie at 8 lidat n siaping~ we guys were meeting at ard 10 lidat at simei mrt! huh WHAT? u asking me WHO are THE guys???? hehs! read ON~ -PeZaL~ the rOmeO BuNnYBoI! -ZuLe~ the RoYaL HiGhnEsS KiNg DaMieN of SwEeT tAlKs!~ ehem.. -NeStAz~ The SaGe-ReaPeR Of DaRkNeSs (frm calcutta) =D -AmIr~ the bLaCk KnIgHt oF bLaCk KiNgDoM!! -KhALiD~ the DuKe TaMbI YeNnaAaDeY!! -SaLiHiN~ the PrInCe oF The ShOrTsIgHteDNesS! -GhaNi~ the StAndaLoNe EmO BaRbaRian~ YeP~ 7 choosen WaRrIor frm the black kingdom! ggaaahh! haha yea so as the story goes on~ we took the mrt to outram park.. on the way, we played poker hees! o yea, ghani wasnt with us at first as her ddnt live in the east side ( thats y hes the babrbarian!) =P.. soo we miting him at vivo at 11 plus liddat while we shop for food for the day!.. den we mit up w ghani n head straight to SENTOSA! haha that khalid was VERY excited sia! we cant wait to see the beautiful gorgeous CHICKs playing with the SANDS there! bahaha! that sicko! soon after arriving at siloso beach we played beach soccer! haha everybody was having fun except ghani.. he ddnt bring ani swimming wear.. aww wat a waste~ nvm, his lost aniway~ he missed truck loads of FUNS! haha n noe wat? hehs some japanese guy came and approach us, n says.." sakaa.. sakkaaaa!" haha we tot like 'WHAAT THE HELL!!!" haha den he point to his feet n likeDEN WE UNDERSTOOD!! haha its soccer what he meant! the wanted to hav a friendly match w us laa haha yeap we accepted the challenge! coz we are of royalty! no backing down of such lesser challenge~ there were 8 of them, we hav onli 6 sia~ n we lost.. kwang kwang kwang! 3-2~ well well theyre not half bad~ but they were GOOD!! we couldve win if there were more of us! haa!! well we hav fun~ n there were bypassers cheering n all! WHOA! felt like superstar! haha

that was fun~ but the beach is NOTT!!! that Son Of the Beach~ KHALID! tot that siloso beach has lil' CHICKS! he wanted to VENTURE to palawan beach next! lerrmaaak.. haha yeaa kinda boring w no babes in sight~ soo yea.. ON TO THE NEXT DESTINATION!! kGOGOGO OK palawan beach wasnt half bad.. lots of babes here~ haha amir the knight in the not so shiny armour was experiencing heart throbbing effects when he set his eyes on this beautiful princess who was taking a dip! yea couldnt agree more that shes SUPER SWEET LOOKING!mmhmm!! n he couldnt overcome his fear sooo he ask ROMEO here to ask for her number n sets him to action~ haha yeeaaa!! well romeo bunnyboi pezal anticipated~ till they were goin off back hme.. approaches her frm behind nnnnnnnnnn JENG2! to my surprised one of her frens noe me frm MYSPACE siaa haha . i cldnt even recognise any~ hehe.. yep2! she says juz cntct thru myspace! WOO n job done! heeey romeo notty haaaa!hehe

yeaa it was a great day~ too great to describe! weve been in the water for like 3 hrs n not forgetting the soccer match we played earlier.. our bodywere like, tired yeaa.. onli dat we ddnt notice it coz we were having sooo much FUN! haha~ UNTILL~ jeng2! we decided to swim frm one side of the beach to another.. sal, the prince, khalid, the duke, pezal, the romeo n zul the king participated in that activity~ haha the rest juz watch as we swam to the other end~ but half way.. the king shouted! 'i cant make it' ...... ok.. sooo he cant make it...... turn n look~ hes drowning!!!!! omg serious trouble!! he had leg cramps due to fatigue~ i couldnt turn back as i already was way2 in front w khalid~ so its up to SAL, the prince himself to save his daddy, the KING hahahahaaa.. well everything turns out to be fine aftr all dat commotion! haha

haha that son of the beach khalid says he wanted us to bury him so dat the babes that notice him shall come dig him out hahaha silly him! so we buried looor~ haha look at his

ehem2 part!(private part) look at wat is sticking OUT! LOL LOL LOL LOLhahahahaha

took some pics aftr dat~ haha

yeaa sooo~ we ended the fun at sentosa.. BUT that wasnt all!!! we planned to walk ard VIVO city afterwards!! i already book a date w YAYA haha the gorgeous babe yea so we can walk2 n catch a movie together later..

hmm i split frm the gang early coz i'll b taking her frm tampines.. DEN we travel back to vivo! WOW! how nice ROMEO can be~~ heeheee..

den mit w the group back~ we catch a movie called eragon!! well show starts at 955pm but its still 730pm then~ yea so i split again frm the group n walk ard w YAYA.. had dinner together w her n proceed to the movies next! haha felt sori for the poor girl~ she looked boring all the way thru the show.. well i tried to cheer her up aniway! hehe~

well then the show ends at 1130.. we catch the last train~ send YAYA back hmen SEND OURSELF back hme.. my gosh!! we were DEAD TIRED!!! hahaha n im tired frm typing too~ (notice how boring it is at the end of the post?) LOL okok im ending this post in juz a lil bit.. got smthg to say~ hehe.. one last phrase n pic~

to my dearest sweetheart~ HUNNY

i dedicate this post to u.. hope u hav a new n wonderful life ahead filled w prosperity n luck~ hees.. now..... i dont love u, like i did... yesterday... hope u read this~

i wrote ur name in the sky,but the wind blew it away

i wrote ur name in the sands,but the waves wash it away

i wrote ur name in my heart... n it will forever stay

baby.. i love who for who u are.. that sweet attitude of urs, that cute but clumsy personality.. very cheerful girl.. bubbly.. caring.. loving...~ baby ur my everything then.... but if that WHO U ARE were to change.. n i believe it has.. then, baby, i love u no more.. sori hunny.. i tot fulfilling ur wish, n letting go.. would giv u some time to clear ur mind.. but u ddnt make use of it.. uve change alot~ baby u noe wat i mean.... haiz i cant accept this whole new u.. it juz hurts me to see u diz way.. sori.. i realy am.. i noe i promise u dat i'll wait n all.. but.. u guess i cant hold on to that promise... same like U that ddnt hold on to urs.. hehs, even aftr all that weve still hav things in common~... baby im leaving u.. do take care always~ wen u got a hp, u can return the hp i lend u anytime ait..well.. dear.... dont miss me =) kays~

love, Bunny

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/14/2006 12:36:00 AM

Thursday, December 07, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

hmm u Noe wat happen today? No? i'll fill u in, mrBlog~ my today turns out bad when i got a call frm my dearest~.. she wanna mit me~ yeah im happy abt that! she juz finished working n was free.. soo hell yeah when she wanna mit up, im on it! gonna b there in a jiffy like smoking lightning! shiiooonngg! sooo i quickly dressed up, nicely, pleasantly looking 4 her~ made my hair w waxs n all~packed my stuffs coz i'll b sleeping over at my cuzs hse if i mit her~ coz it was already late then, scared no more train.. n u noe wat?~ JENG!!... she sms me this soon after when i was wearing my shoe~.. "awak, tk jadi lah, parents kite nk amek sory.." =.=v ..meaning~ she cancel it~ her parents taking her.. all of a sudden.. i burst to FLAMES !! GOD!!!! Contain this anger PLEASE! chicken shit! Damn! are u playing whimme here? are u trying to make me HATE U?? i felt like a stoopid FOOL~ do i look like one? no? well i do NOW!! @#$%^&*(*&^%$#!!! ok that was then.. im fine~ totally~ now.. chill dude~ kate nk take it slow.. suuulllooouuu~ yeah yeah.. whatever it is, were still frens niway~ frens huh.. n cume aku jer lah yg tergila2 kat kau ilah~.. felt like giving up seh~ oH really? hey come on~ this is a mere small test 4 u pezal~ come on pezal, u can do it!!! pezal the best! YEAAH!!! haha gilok pe budak~ ni lah, da gile cinta~ BUTA! wait 4 her answer.. untill she hates me, i will still linger on! dats how DEGIL i can b! hmph btw, took some pics aftr she cancel the meet~ was fed up n bored uhs.. took it under my block~ hehe k gos! makin me a fool~ well well wadya noe, i DO look like a fool~ fed-up nampak! ggrrrrrrram ! was abt to give up~ but i remember, im NO SHAME2! haha cover oneside face can redy! pezal WONT GIVE UP.. not yet~ still yellow light here~

n it turns out that my bolg turns out to b a she hehe~ sory MS BLOG .. hee i called u mrBlog earlier~ i'll post her pic one day 4 u guys to see ait~ ok sayonara fer now!


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/07/2006 01:38:00 AM

Wednesday, December 06, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

hEy, im KiNda SlEepY.. So I'lL GeT This OveR iN a JiFfY AiT~ yEa.. WeNt To sLeEp OvEr At GhanI's Hse At JuRoNg YeSttErDay~.. As usUaL.. MoViE MaRatHoN N LePakZ TiLl DaWn!! DeN ThE Day AfTeR, WhIch Is toDay~ We Go SwiMmInG aT JuRoNg ThR.. WoW, My EYeS ArE feElInG SwOlLen RiTe NoW! haha DiP iN tOo LoNg I gUeSS.. GeT To Noe A CoUpLe Of GiRlS Thr~ haha NiCe2 PpL.. WeLl TheN WeNt Hme N SlEeP The WhoLe Day TiLl 10 PlUs.. Den WeNt HomE!.. BACK TO SIMEI!!! OOOH GUITAR I MISS UUUU!!!! haha TalKiNg aBt 'MiSS'~ DaMn, i MisS HuNnY MaN~The VoIce~ uRgH!!! mY HeArT Juz wAnA HeAr Her vOiCe~ But My MiNd SaYs NO! y CoZ mr.BraIn SaYs tO Me, DoNt B StUpId.. 4 Get AbT her.. DatS WaTS BesT 4 U! BUUUTT, lil' ms. HeArT SayS ThAt, EvErYtHiNg HaPpeNs w a reaSon, Soo ChiLL DuDe, B PaTiEnT..tHats oT tHe BEsT 4 u N hEr buT At LEAsT, WaTcH WaTs GoIn On FiRsT!~ SlOwN StEaDy bOy, LiKE HeArt PumPin, NoT FaSt N RaSh LiKE Hw BraIn WeRks~ ms.HeaRt HaS EvrY MeMoRiEs oF uS iN tHere~ But mr.BraInY-WaInY dSnT!!oNlY ThInk abT NoooW OnLy~ DiCk HeAD!!!! Whoa haha~ WeLl, HeArt N MiNd DsNt WoRk WeLl ToGeThEr Uh~.. GoTta ThiNk b4 i AcT now~ oK mr.BraIny! THINK fIrsT, NoT wAtS BesT 4 Me, WaTs BesT 4 US!!! So I'lL PaTieNtLy WaIt~ NoT SeArChIng 4 OtHeRs.. mY HeaRt n ToUghTs GoEs OuT To HEr OnLy~ iLL gEt Her BaCk, w mr.BraIn N ms.HeaRts HeLp.. TrUsT Me.. GiV Me FaIth, GOD~ i rEaLlY LoVe Her~ pLs3 GeT Her BaCk By My SiDe?? i'Ll PraY N WoRk HaRd~ WaItIng.. BuNnY........ U can DO IT!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/06/2006 02:19:00 AM

i'll patiently wait..... hmmmmm... its still a long way to go bunny boy!~... believe in her.. yes i believe in u hunny~

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/06/2006 02:09:00 AM

Sunday, December 03, 2006Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

HahA Yo Man WaSaaP BeRaSaP! heheh~ NtHg To Do.. Juz PosT aN EnTrY ah~ .. Hmm Look At DAT pIc!.. haha We Are The NEW WATERBOYS man!! haha~ ManHunTeRs~ ChOosE One Of Us To WIN K.. ZuL(left) GhaNI(center) Faisal(right) Do TaGg~ heeehee! K Lah Tu Jer.. AcTuaLlY Ade Lagi GmBr MusCle2 Ni.. Tapi MalU Lah Nk TuNjuk~ hehe.. bLeX!! =P TaKE Care PeePs.. ReMeMbEr~ No One EvEr DieS oUt Of A HeaRtBreaK~ =)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/03/2006 06:57:00 PM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
September 2007
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010