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Friday, February 16, 2007Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

HELLLOOOOO!!!!! hahahaaa~ im happy today! I AM HAPPIEST!! if ur happy n u noe it, shake ur ass.. whoop whoop! x2 if ur happy and yu noe it, and yu really want to show it~ if ur happy and yu noe it shake ur ass, do a dance, blow a kiss, and strike a pose!! yay! hmm oh keh~ let me think Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting yeaah~ from late of january till eearly feb, ive been thinking~ mmm hows life.. how to make it perfect?? well they say nothings perfect~ but hey~ im a guy of 100%.. if nothings reached 100 purcent~ its gonna irritate me~ even if it means perfection! urgh!!! late january..... (and it goes) ive got my first pay~ and i already plan what to get~ haha A BIKE! soo licences up first~mmm yeaa~ gonna enroll and book a practical lesson w zul~ yeaa weve sworn redy haha!! hes already at 2nd pract~ but one day he cheated n wana go pract alone coz hes impatient~ im always working n not free for pract~ haha too many OTs~ soo he go 4 his 2nd pract one day~ n coz weve sworn dat if ever we go for pract alone, we gonna fail~ yeps! n he failed~ HAHAHA! take dat~ tu lah.. hahahaaa makan kau, sumpah kite~ huehueue~ ive been thinking~ wen will i get to enroll.. hmm its already feb.. sheesh~ -22%- early febuary..... (and again) whoops~ time moves extra fast when im at work.. yah great~ lagi2 keje 12 hrs~ swooop~ haha.. hmm my life, im always favourite among frens/colleague.. haha! i must be born on a bright star~ so bright dat ppl loike to admire. hmm..yea gerls hav been a prob at work~ Y, wen time, moves so fast, becomes slow, wen those gerls, at werk, are talking sweet to me.. sheesh~ what ever sweet talks dey say, hehs! i wun eat n gobble em up~ i dun believe it if gerls starts to praise me.. mesti ade sesuatu nyer... hmm aniway! im also favourites among the makciks working thr~ hehe u noe kan, kalau da makcik tu, mesti ada pelihara anak dara~ wuawuawua! ive ask a few abt their daughters~ annnddd haha 90% hav daughters ageing between 16-21~ hmm purrfect! buat baik lah dgn drg.. heheee~ one even recomend her daughter to me seh~ phew~ diz sat meeting her~ haha another sporting mum met~ weee.. and ive been thinking~ what am i supposed to do w all my admirers? heelll, wen will i get sm1 dat i choose, NOT they choose me.. haish.. -55%- =lesse me at werk~ Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting mid-febuary....(and then) hmm mid feb... still too early to talk abt it.. haha BUT hey~ im blogging here so y not talk abt life now.. yea~ hmm.. valentines day.. big event coming up! haha big event, means big plans~ yeaa-heeehhh! lets try make diz moment.. WUAN HANNDERED PERSENT~ gotcya, lets turn to, your all time favourite hero... bunnyboy!! hmm ask ppl out for a pre-valentines day.. well theres three total~ phew.. packed! on the 8th 9th n 10th~ hahaa.. all dinner and movie, normal2 jer.. first was lyn.. the gerl at my werk, straight after work on the 8th, we went to plaza singapura to eat.. hmm normal fast food dinner and date.. den go sent her home~ at hougang siol.. hish~ jauh tu.. hmm went back home n sleep.. big day ahead.. 9th feb plak~ w a tall talll gerl name ayu! shesshh shes like 1.8m tall sia~ she claims shes only 178~ haha da nak dekat laa tuu.. haha shes sweet la.. fun lagi~ i dun care abt her height laah but shes like, uh whats dat werd uh?? hmm yea! she likes to talk to herself. hmm and and! her imaginations runs too wild! dats not crayzy animore.. dats WILD! gee.. soo yea, went to woodlands to fetch her frm her school after taking her O results.. well she did badly, 31 pts.. hahaa.. hey even i, who comes to school 1 day each week can get a 25~ fail maths n ss jer. haa see! tak blaja, tk g remedial tkd tution, pon bley tau! hehs~ =P tgk laa sape kaan~ pezal peer~ haha so yea.. went dinner at cine pleasure.. hmm tried chicken spegghy, which hunny, ehem ilah, intro to me~ hehe well diz tym the sauce is different.. its black pepper.. hmm.. i prefer the one dat me n ilah eat last tym~ dat was urgh! melts the heart sey~ haha.. ddnt get to eat the delicious one sey~ mayb its meant for me n ilah jer la ehh.. hmmm <3> sheesh.. third date last min cancel.. juliana.. my x sec sch gerl~haha shes juz soo cute! n a lil bit of my taste too~ sporty!! an atheletic~ fuuuh~ but nah~ she juz cancel the date~ cuz shes bz w school~ hmm dowan disturb haha.. soo.. i rest at home.. coz the next day working~ hmm.. i remember.. i dream abt me n ilah being brothers and sisters~ haha so mesra~ but as a bro n sis lah~ hmm diz is weird, but my fingers slips slowly to her palms n i hold her hands~. den a smthg jolt my brains~ i close my eyes and dreams.. it was so real.. and in my dream, i dream dat we are at the beach n im looking in her eyes deep.. and i caress her face , slowly.. smoothly... and that moment vanished wen i blink my eyes.. juz w a blink of an eye~ those dreams vanished~ ugh, if it was a lil longer til dat bloody sand got to my eyes!!sheet! hmm~ i couldve kiss her sey!! KAU~ hmm pfffftt~ annnddd frm then on~ i believe this.. dat i must complete dat destiny.. to look in her eyes once more.. caress her.. and b there for her all the time.. sooo dats wen my skin gotten thicker.. and my mind was set~ dat what ever happens~ what im doin is, by my will~ and i accept the outcome~ NEGATIVE OR POSITIVE!! dats destiny~ wat ive planned is this valentines day, im gonna go for it!.. im gonna fix back my broken heart.. whr every last bit of it must be put back in place, of how ilah used to look at my heart~ but i cant juz call her and talk to her.. nownow~ its been months since we contacted~ so, im giving her gifts~ hmm what should i giv~ lets start w basics.. her fav number! seven.. soo~ i MUST giv seven gifts~ hmm but im working on the 11th - 14th~ how am i supposed to prepare.. balik keje jer tros sleep~ caneni hmm ?? well wats her next fav thg?? oh yar! she liked to hear me sing kan! hehehs~ im recording her fav song! well not her fav lah, but onli wen i sing it for her, its her fav.. hee~ jiwang duuh~ hmm~ takkan satu lagu jer~ due ah! haha so another one song is a song created, halfly by me, n halfly by her.. so its smthg special to me.. but the song wasnt complete at first~ so i decided to complete it~ !! at work, i go ask those gerls n makcikx abt jiwang words~ haha most of dem arent dat jiwang.. so they giv me lousy2 ones~ walau bagaimanapun~ i hav to complete n sing the song.. w wat they giv~ n a lil bit of my magic strummes~ (culdnt do it w my guitar) haha i complete the song! phew~ my very first song made! wooo.. im on FIRE! haha so all i hav todo is record the songs~ well ive tried more than 60 times~ but to no avail~ my voice sucks on my new song.. maklum lah~ kan baru buat~ i cant get many tunes rite~ gee.. how seh~ times running..----- in the mean time.... ive plan w ghani to get her a wristbracelet w her name frm the 11th but ive been too tired of work~ night shift lak tu~ 7pm to 7am~ lagi2 im the kind dat sleeps ard dat tym~ sampai uma kul 830, tros tdo~ ghani missed kol alot of time, but i was bz snoring.. wakie at 430 to siaping 4 work.. said sori to ghani dat im too tired.. and diz hapens till the 13th!! all the way seh.. damn! that tuesday wen i go to work.. i promise myself to fullfill dat plan~ so after coming back frm work, at 830 reached hme, i told ghani, dat im gonna go buy dat bracelet last min at causeway pt.. im always good at last min stuffs.. never tot dat even in this kinda situation, thrs a last min prep~ gee.. hehs must do my best! kol my bestGERLfren~ kid~ ask her to acompany me go buy beb-bear! well, a a basic cuddly gift~ since she will b free aftr 2~ so i told her to met me at tamp mall at 2~..... meanwhile...... heh-heh.. lessee.. its the perfect time to show what i can do best!~ drawing!!! haha.. i print her face which her fren farah, giv me~ n i drew it w such skill~ i ddnt knew it would turn out super GREAT! haha ~ took me 2 hrs seh~ must be perfect, while staying awake haha! it was 11 den.. sheesh~ haven even make her a valentines day card~ and MY SONGS NOT YET COMPLETE!! hmmm.. im afraid i might fail.. haiz.. 2 mre hrs till im meeting kid.. wanna see d portrait?? heregoes- Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting diz is how my dream girl looks like~ da lama tak kate diz.. but... shes *beautyfulkejambugorgeoussangatsangatmanissumpahtaktipu!* try sayin it fast~ haha! WHOAKAY! dun let this pull yu down BUNNY BOY! rmbr, ur a sooperhero! HER hero! gogoGO! and i sang the song~ w so much feeling~ it took me 38 tries~ till ive found the perfect one~ haha! juz intime~ quickly go east pt and buy a cute usb driver to store the songs~ mm came back and its 1pm redy~ get set to mit kid~ chuck in all the needed items in my bag! haha n i took a funny detour to pasir ris lak tu~ haha frm simei to tamp, thrs onli 1 bus tau, 38~n i was half awake tau.. n then the first bus that arrive, i go n ride.. hahah!! guess wat~ its num 9~ goin to changi! hahaa i was sleeping in the bus~ n wen i wake ups~ i notice the sign board.. 'loyang sec'.. WHOA!! im in pasir irs! haha.. i alight at the nxt bus stop and took a taxi to tamp! weee kid was frustrated dat i was late~ 230 reached! haha.. yea ok lets shop2! beb-bear!! now now which is the luckiest to get to feel her hugs~ hehh damn u bebear~ =D haha.. hmm 30 min we round2 TM, but all of them are normal2 teddys dat arent dat huggable.. but adorable lah~ but hish~ not big enuf.. haha i want it big! so she culd hug perfectly according to her body size.. hmm by the tym ghani already reached here, coz hes helping me choose bears too..~ AND a musical box to put in the bracelet ~ so it will count as one lah~ hmm pandai tak aku~ two in one~ hehee.. we searched TM n century for roses, bears n musical box~ i was hoping to find a crystal rose.. but cant find it~ so lets cont searching for bears~ i choose kid to suggest the bears coz shes a gerl~ n i want bears of gerls taste! haha pandai tak! yeaa~but times running out~ n we hafta make a rushing decicion~ got this bear ah~ big but colours so pale.. i like it coz its big~ but kid say its like soo pale.. but we dun hav much tym~ hafta buy smthg~ soo a desperate move~ i looked at the bear.. i feel it saying diz 'dun buy me, i cant make ilah happy, look deeper' and i did go deeper in the shop.. and on top of one of the shelve.. a bigg kitty bebear was looking down n deep into my eyes~ i culdve sworn i hear it saying 'believe me dat i'll make ilah happy!' haha kid came frm behind n tried to reached for the kitty, saying 'eeeek nak peluk nak peluk! cuuuteee!!' at that moment , i knew dat plushie was my best choice~ kid den ask me~ does she likes cat? immediately grabbing a new one and say, YES! she loves cat!! haha and i bought it~ hehs~ all done here.. otw to mrt, i bought a plastic rose.. wana get her a real one~ but the vendor says dat a real one can only last for a few weeks.. gee.. no thanks! well.. so i get a plastic one.. a bouquet of em! yeaah! lets count wat i hav.. song, drawing,kittybebear,n roses~ wats left, chocs, card and the musicbox w bangle in it~ i plan to make the card at ghani's hse at jurong~ soo dat will be the final task~ my hopes to giv the gifts at 709pm was crushed~ coz i hav lil time left~ it was 4 plus wen me n ghani left for causeway pt~ hmm kid? oh she mit up w her guy~ haha so she ddnt follow.. hmm took 969 to wdlands~ slept all the way~ haha was tired dey! whole day nvr sleep tau! reached thr at 5.. hmm ohkeh~ every bodys looking at me, carrying the big bear~ gee.. im soo shy~ haha but wthell~ its v-day~ lovers day~ diz is love to me~ haha.. ohkeh~ im not gonna be shy abt carrying the kitty bebear! k go the musical box was hardest to find~.. nones the kind dats sweet and cute.. but were wasting tym to be choosy~ its already 530~ and i haven eat frm morning! well no tym to eat! must complete diz destiny! hahs! sory for ghani~ but hes ohkeh w it! he keeps on saying~ im a brave guy! altough ilah seems to dont want me nimore, i keep on trying.. well.. diz is my last try.. im pouring out my heart out! hahaa! k best~.. so i get a sembarang heart shape music box.. erm, hopes she likes it! she can paste stickers on it if she wants it to look good haha~ well.. lastly! aside frm the card~ the bracelet n chocs!! haha~ go to the handy craft shop~ and make the bracelet~.. 30 min is wat it takes to finish the stuffs.. k soo chocs next! haha senang~ COLD STORAGE is juz below~ hee.. lets get her CADBURY!.. hmm wait! lets see, wat do we hav here.. say.. diz choc store.. sooo expensive~ one gram for 1.55 bucks and one peice of it weighs less than one gram! gee.. hmm the vendor gave me a sampler~ n i figured out y its soo expensive! it juz melts the heart sey!!! KAU~ she den gimme a deal~ for 20 gram, it'll be 20% off! so yeahs~ haha bought the whole available flavors! haha~yum~ i'll make her grow fat sey diz way! haha well wat to do~ hope it melts her heart like it did to me~ YUM!! oh keh~ 30 mins up!.. time to get the braclet yess! haha rushed to the store.. haha otw up, saw sarah~ hee.. shes beautiful w/o make ups! haha kda da.. noe wat~ the shop assistant, a cute gerl, say to me.. 'hey its cute~ CINDERELLA..' hahaa biaser laah~ for ilah mah~ must b cute stuffs.. coz she herself is cute~haha! snap a pic b4 heading to our final destination~ Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting k da da~~ time to head to ghani hse n wrap up the gifts! hee but of coz must buy wrapping papper lah~ a see through one hee~ hmm took mrt hme.. anddd... ppl WERE STARING~ gee, its the bear rite, i noe i noe~ =( stop looking pls~.. hmm reached at his hse at 650.. well .. i ddnt make it~ if only i hav made the card earlier.... hmm.. well i asked mak lang(ghani's mum) to wrap up for me~ while i made the card.. hmm well she still needs my help deh~ soo, help her out.. hee we did a good job!! NICE wrapping~ yay thanks maklang! now, back to the card.. ive standby a poem to write in the card.. soo.. i made it .. as ni ce as possible, no room 4 mistakes.. and it took me an hr plus.. it was ard 9.. haha perfect! my fav num! hee ohkeh~ lets go fairy god papa! time to knock on CINDERELLAs hse!! time to put a SMILE on her face~ wee.. hmm wana see how it turns out?? hahaa. kgo- Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting nice kaaan!!! eee excited nyer!! k so~ we(me n trusty cuzzie ghani) walked to her hse~ heehee~ da biase ard jurong daa.. thanks to ilah herself! haha~ 30 min walk.. reached her hse w no probs~ put the gift at her doorstep~ nk surprise dier laa nk kate kan~ =D k so decided to call her up to tell her abt the hamper outside her hse! nanti laen org amek kang~ hee soo .. i wana make a private call~ so we go to the nearest kopitiam lah~confirm ade public phone nyer~ haha~ otw thr! we say a silhoutte of sm1 like ilah sey~ i snapped n quickly hide in the lift~ ghani followed behind! it was really like her sey~ the hair, specs, styl~ haha so shocked.. but dat grl dst seem to walk towards her hse.. so mayb, false alarm daa.. haha.. soo reached the kopitiam~ make a call.. hehe ghani helped me out on this~ she might notice my voice, so i ask ghani to talk to her.. juz simple,'happy v-day, enjoy the gifts at the door step' yea~ told himm, if she ask anythg, just say, do take a look at the gifts and put down the phone.. haha.. well.. n there it goes.. THE END! i off my hp~ so she couldnt contct~ cool huh! secret mission laah hehe~.. got home.. eat, watch movie to celebrate! and... SLEEP! haha ard 12 den we sleep seh.. woke up at 630Pm the next day!! WHAAT!!! hahaa mati sey tdo~ hmm den mandi n go follow ghani buy frame, he ask me to draw 4 him plak~ hehee.. since he helped me so i return the favor lah kan.. yea soo, we shop2 and lepaks.. balik umah, eat 1st, den started to draw.. took time, but the quality of the paper is sooo lame dat it cant smudge..so the drawing look ugly.. i told him dat i will complete his drawing, if im drawing at my hse, coz i hav the facilities there~ cheh! haha.. soo he decided to sleep at ma hse den.. hmm~ so i contacted si zul tu.. whos werking~ n finishing at 11.. so we meeting him at city lah~ mrt last cabin.. be4 we left, i took pics w dwi! my anak sedara! eee cute~ Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting tgk apetuuuuuu Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting lawa kaaan!! haha cute lah~ hee soo aniway.. at 11, we chiao~ meet zul at city n go straight hme,, he ask me how did it go?~ haha yea he knew abt my vday plans too~ hee best fren pee~ yea.. i told him, im 100% satisfied~ 100%perfect life dat moment! yesshhaaa! bunny boy did it again! shhiiuuunngg~~ kkk.. balik simei, lepak n movie marathon.. tgk cicak man, tentang bulan n sundal bolong haha~ malam jumaat sey.. anythg laa eh guys! funnny thg is diz~ i talked to zul n ghani abt valentines~ weve been frens since like, still in mummys stomach~ n sooo long redy weve loved each other, but on v-day, we never were 2gether~ soooo i made a crayzy idea~ haha take pics! n show our love! yay~ n ohkeh GO!! yay! were lovely! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting dats how it is~ we stacked up like diz wen we go hyperly in love! adorable as ever hehs -the adorabable- loves<3 we love we! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting group hug??aww loving.. hmm no lah! diz is our way of sharing top secrets!! pissh pis possh possh whisper2! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting love isnt all abt sweet mushy2.. diz is tough love! MARA SAMA DIER! haha now now, love those asses?? pick the winner! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting this is all that i can offer for the lost time dat i ddnt update~ heee.. well till next tym! take care alls! daaaaaaaaaa~

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket2/16/2007 04:49:00 AM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


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January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
September 2007
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
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June 2009
August 2009
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January 2010