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Wednesday, September 12, 2007Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket wel well welllll!!! hahaha im back! yeh yeh~ and i am rocking! i bet someone's glad that i decided to post something SINCE ALL THESE MONTHS!!! ryt Nazzzz NYIIOOOT!!!!!!!!!! xD alot happened lately.. and some things i guessed its safer if i ddnt post.. u noe.. kPOs are common these days.. like mr samurai saes~ the walls hav ears, ceilings hav EYES uh huh~ scaaareeee..... well i guess its safe to blog all thats been going on latey~ haha coz now i completely hav NOTHING to do w ppl that hav ties w THOSE MEANIE SPIES~ nyahaahkzz!! meet her- fenny mariana.. uh.... and me beside ^_^"

shes my second ^^ yeeeeeer my second gf~ haha! oh second ex now~ geee~its a long long story.. the story started since i stopped blogging..

UP fOR IT?????? hehe here goes...

at 1st there was this girl, who worked infront of delifrance center point,whr i worked.. fenny is her name.. fenny ayu safitri for long n fay fer short! haha~ yeh we all call her fay of coz~ she worked at macdonalds there~ haha =)k den~ me n my fren(zul) go and make frens w her, kenal2 laaaa~ =P haha shes an indonesian a very nice girl~ sweet too! haahs pic?! hahakz! here goes~

nyehehe~ shes w the tudung or JILBAB(which indos call it) the one besides her is well another fenny! xD confused?? hmm shes my ex tuu~ lawa kaan hahahah!!

k sooo moving on~..

well~me n her not dat clos though~.. but she wanted to b close w me~ yeh yeh~ she said me n my fren zul are nice ppl n she felt 'easy' wen shes w us~ yeh.. well the one reasn im not that close to her is cuz thers this guy at ma werkplace who like her.. n he wuld hate ani guy thats close to her~serious! so i dun wana create trouble..

aniway~ one day she introduces her bestfriend! FENNY MARIANA!! yap yap! the other one in the pic~ haha shes not all pretty at ferst sight~ soo haha im NOT interested~ besides.. i hav one gerl in mind that tym~ and ONE is enuff kay! haha..

soooo my bestfren ZUL fell fer that gerl.. coz he thinks shes BEAUTIFUL~

ok now letme summarise wats been going on to those who dun understand yeh! k~ me n zul make friends w fay.. we gt close, n fay then introduce us to her bestfriend nay! then all four of us gt close.. everyday meet up aftr work n we went home altogether hahaha! yeh soo we partnered up! nay w zul n me w fay! (practically coz zul liked nay) =D

k soon zul gt together w nay! yesh they became couple.. w zul's hardworking-ness comes to pay! yay! k heres how sweet these two lovebirds can be haha~ well its really hard when friendship turns to love! I WULD NEVER WANT THAT TO HAPPEN AGAIN!! haha yeh noe why? see wen zul n nay gt togethr~ it leaves me n fay in our own world n zul n nay in their own! now what happen to us when we were sooo close b4??? hmm?! see thats the bane when friendship turns to love~ haha.. k soo~ thats thats! well hmm weeks later.. zul n nays love deteriorated.. nay wasnt true to zul n had a SCANDAL~ but of coz her feelings are w zul ONLY~ hee how i noe? hmm she told me abt it~ coz she aint feel good if she lies.. she planned to tell zul sooner.. well, i kept quiet la~ i keep secrets like there my own~ haha.. but in the end they broke off~ not coz of that reason.. but bcoz zuls mom hated nay!!! y?? haha well zuls NOT been coming home since they were a couple.. yeh zul always sends nay to her home n SLEEPS thr..~ well its a safe place i assure u hahaha~ but his parents disliked his behaviour n hated nay for making him like diz.. soo~ they broke off ssaaaddlyyy.. =(

well.. thats not the end.. zul became quiet.. he ddnt cntct me at all.. well sometyms jer la.. hehe~ tu pon when i talked to him, n asked hows he feeling~ he said hes fine.. he can get over nay~ but i know hes going through alot.. hes my best friend.. n i understand him inside out.... he loved nay alot..

well in the meantime.. i tried to make out their r/s~ trying to fix both of em out.. nay contacted me alot since then.. pouring her heart out how she feels.. hahaha im a good listener dats y she keep on coming fer more haha serious! yah well~ she told me how sad she was n all.. so one day i came over to her hse.. i asked her if she wanted to b w zul again? they culd juz b in a quiet r/s la juz dun let zuls parents find out... but she said she dun wanto.. i dono what zul has been telling her uh~ i and zul dat tym ddnt cntct alot coz hes bein emo~ so i leave him alone... haha but in the end both of them gave up.. sheeshh~ trouble begins after all these.. well since nay n me contacted alot.. we kinda grew fond of each other.. u noe wat i mean.. xD she keep on crying n i comfort her each tym.. yeh yeh by giving her a warm friendly hug to make her feel all better of coz AND cheering her up!~ then one day she notices dat im nice to her... so she asked me why~ why am i soo nice to her.. haha noe wat i tell her??? i said 'im nice to all girls dat deserve it, oh pretty ones are priority'xD muahahaha! n she laugh n tell me, 'so u think im pretty lah' n i replied yes bcoz ... a guy got to do what a guy gotta do..... =P k soo.. since then she liked me.. she told me to picked her up after worked.. she ask me out alot.. n yeh she even calls me sweetheart in front of her friends.. now that made me confused.. why shes acting like tis.. so one day i ask her.. hav she overcome zul? n grew fonder w me? n yes she said.. well cool... haha.. i remember.. the nxt day zul cntcted me! whoa! talked abt what the hell! nyahaha.. he asked whr was i..well i said im w nay~ n then suddenly.. since then.. he NEVER cntct me anymore.. the thing is.. zul sms nay at noon while she was w her other friend.. then later at night she wanna meet me, coz she want me to follow her buy bdae presents fer her roommates... sheeesh thats whr zul gt confused w.. he tought i was w nay all day.. n thought nay was lying to him.. gee.. its soo complicate.. but bcoz of this.. me n zul.. MY BEST FRIEND ddnt cntct...

3 days after..

same ol same ol.. boy picks up girl frm work.. boy sends her home.. but they ended up in the park.. sitting n chatting.. smiles all over.. they were in the mood n then.. boy makes the move~ WHY!? bcoz were better of than 'just friends' or TTM.. teman tapi mesra.. said nay~ oh ok... so.. i score huh.. hahahah then, what happen next few weeks is blistering w love, romance, joy, happiness and a lil bit of uhm picture taking~ haha TAKE A LOOK ~ (although lookin at her pic despises me)

look~ i drew her weeee~

oh oh! we shrek ears! four eared alien i am! hahahaha n here is us again~ .. still in love back then~ teehee.. aha! eatin at lau pa sat w our families yeh yeh! oOoooo.. green stripeys! sweet couple.. NOT! xD mcdeli~ haha macdonalds and delifrance~~ i worked hard to get high pays n support her while shes in singapore.. aright! there u go haha~

okay.. soo, we were the talk of macd at shaw hse thr.. haha! yeah coz i always fetched her hme~ EVERYDAY! ahahaha.. i worked morning shift 8 to 8, as manager trainee, at bugis thr.. see how long i worked?!?! 12 hrs tau~ n she worked mid shift, 3 pm to 11pm.. n i usually walked to shaw house at TOWN thr aftr i finished work and wait fer her till she finishes at 11~ sheeeshh~ HAHA but it was a sweet thing todo~ yeh~.. n thats y WE were the talk of the week.. haha! of course i wuld fall asleep waiting~.. teehee..

this went on till she finishes her contract at mcd.. ard jun~ haahaa thats when she will fly back to indo~ hehe at that tym, the thought of her leaving.. was unimaginable.. i really love her back then haha BACK THEN!! baaahh~

ok since i love her alot~ i decided to do something super sweet..~ well not that ive not done any since.. but i guess its tym to get serious.. not that im not serious in r/s !! OH! paham2 la oke~ hahaha. k so wat i did is.. burn my cash.. YEH BURN!!! not sweet? haha wait till u check this out!>>

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket she loves purple! yeh~ thats y i ddnt choose diamonds~ hmm an amethyst wuld be great~ YEEESSSSHH PEOPLE!!! I BURNED MY CASH FOR THISSSSSS!!!!!! ONE OF A KIND AMETHYST WHITE GOLD RING SOLD AT CITIGEMS COST ME TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn! sexy right!! haha~ yeh yeh~ she was surprised wen i bought her this.. i serenade and wore the ring on her finger.. haha romantics la sey! krg ape tau! hahaha~ k sooo... kedebak kdebuk in the end her time is up in here.. in singapore.. tym fer her to BALIK KAMPONG! berambos hahahaha! kla was sad la.. our last night 2gether, we hug mcm tknk lepas gtu hahaha~ k so, i take leave frm working just to see her off.. haha~ but in the end i came to the airport late and well, she alrd pass the immigration check point HAHA~ well dsnt matter, i worked at airport b4 and know the officers thr.. so i ask them to let me pass~ i gave her a big hug~ give presents and bla bla bla.. dang! she cried.. haha k whatever.. haha k shes gone, for good! haha.. so yeh~ i hav unfinished business w my bestie ZUL!! tried to call him.. haha use private number baru die angkat.. so i sweet talking mothafuka die ah haha.. well he needed tym.. hehs ddnt take long till i persuade him to sort diz out again.. well, in the end it worked out.. hmm.. well we are bestest of bestfriend.. haha .. pasal pmpn tkkn putus kn hubungan kite nyer~ hehe~ yay! k so, i wasted my money alot on my phone bills for bergayut on the phone .. calling my indo girl =.=.. $400 gone frm my pay, settling stupid phone bills... haha longest was 4hrs outgoing call to indo seh hahahaha~ blardy..! well dat tym i dun even give a damn! haha mataer pe pasal kaan~ hehehe.. SERIOUS TALKING EH~ OUT OF MY TWO EX, THIS ONE BEEN DRAINING MY MONEY SEHHH!!! shit ah~ wasting my money jer.. kalau die appreacite tkpe jgak! NI DIE KUTIP PASTU BUANG JAUH2 SEY!! halamakkkkk!!!!.. y am i soooooo fed up?!? haha i'll let u in for smthg k.. aright!.. read on on the 19th was our 2nd month anni~ and we broke of on that day (yeer i noe, so short haha!) k read on to find out k.. hmmm.. on 17th july i made preparations to set foot in indo.. haha i call her up, where will we meet? jakarta? bandung? haha so i will buy the tix.. but in the end she says, just take ferry to batam.. BATAM?!?! wth is she doin thr.. haha k so, i dun hafta waste money on airplane tix uh.. k so, ehem, she really love TARE PANDA.. u guys dono?? well its the sensation for kids in the year 1970!!!!! doraemon nye moyang.. hmm! now its extinct.. but wthell, i wana get fer her TARE PANDA plush toy at least!! search the net for info.. none.. none none.. i ddnt giv up.. search the whole of bugis, suntec, n town area for it!!! gee.. in the end i found it at a bugis japanese shop.. tu pon kecik.. MAHAL! JUST ONE cost me 50 bucks.. haha bought twoo.. its cute uh~ haha~

there~ haha it looks soo cute kan?! haha

ok soo, dgn sekelip mata duit gone haha~ bought fer her some accecories, another ring, this tym, a platinum ring.. 89 bucks fer ur info! waahh pezal bnyk duit! BUT WASTED ALL ON GF!

what happen to my bike licence?? da gantung.. tkde duit.. lols.. elec guitar?? hmm da dapat da.. but murah nyer.. like shit.. my other needs?? oh, satisfying gf comes first~

BOOO~ (jeering)

stupid2! haha but hey it is sweet if u look it at another angle... if ur the one in love, wuld u want it like this? haa! hehe~k wat ever it is.. i even bake her choc muffin n stuffed a pendant in it to surprise her... pendant dat hav our pics engraved.. haha its nice tau~

so 19th jul.. went to vivo prepared.. get ferry tix to btm.. lose my hp=.= but luckily i told her to fetch me thr at 8.. i took the ferry to batam.. at 7pm.. reached batam at 7pm... whoa.. supperrr fast!!! HAHA NOT! 1hr diff thr.. haha~~~ k then .. hmm no one to fetch me.. reached early uh.. wait fer 2 hrs plus.. still no one.. ~ haiz, maybe i shuld stop walking n stand at the middle of the terminal so some one culd see me..

jeng2 and it worked.. haha FAY the other gerl and his guy, come n fetch me.. wthell.. whrs my gf? hahs~ waiting fer me at the hotel.. oh ic.. how much is it to stay one night thr?? oh uhm ribu2 rupiahs~ god!! souds so much haha 40 dlrs jek..

hmm ride a bike to the destination.. haiz its getting boring..... coz ni part uh pezal tk suke.. ok movin on ok so met her........................

..................... ........... .................. no hug no kiss..............? just a slight smirk on the face? and look away? gosh.. i know what, that kinda treatment meant..

well despite that, i gave her all the gifts.. she like the surprise pendant in the muffin~ so sweet that FAY want t too haha~ ok thn we gt hungry, n went to mcd to eat..

but we talked instead... she told me abt her ex before.. on the phone ah~ hehe.. she told me her ex wants her back and will do every thg to win her heart.. so he did sweet thgs to NAY.. fetch her frm work etc.. well i knew this was coming.. haha she asked for a break up.. such a sucker right? yeh I AM! baahh seems all the things ive done fer her has gone to waste uhh.. babi..

lets get this over fast k.. it irritates me uhh........ k soo i broke her of, smiling away haha.. she asked me if i was ok.. i said i am lah... but im crying inside.. i bet she culd feel it too... (reasons fer breaking her up?? well everybody deserve a chance, shes deserve a chance to get back to her ex~ if that chance of hers is in my hand, i wuld giv her that chance.. definitely coz i love her..~ her ex deserve that chance too.. to be w her.. well.. wat kinda chance i hav anw? none.. so i lost uh..) PENDEK KATA.. i dun care anmore at all..~ hahs.. i keep a smiling face so she wuldnt weri abt me getting hurt~ ya watever..

so went back to the hotel.. alone..... n sleep till tmr.. cried?? o well i did.. haha~

woke up.. n a few hrs later, sm1 came knocking.. FAY n her GUY.. k they come to cheer me up la sey haha~ well i said im going back to singapore.. well they were going to singapore too! haha~ so we decided to go to the ferry terminal together~ ok uhs.. best... hmm then thr was another guest.. some1 came knocking again.. n well this tym, it was nay herself.. she says shes gonna send us thr.. coz shes otw thr too.. she gonna go fer a job interview not far frm thr.. ok cool.. so we set off..

at the terminal,we shop2 abit.. i bought some donuts fer my family back home haha~.. hmm then off we go.. was abt to enter the immigration. but last min, nay's interviewer called.. saying to come well dressed all.. but she was just wearing tshirt n jeans plus! sandals.. uh oh~ trouble.. she gt 1 hr left !not much time to go back to her hse n change and get back thr.. so i decided to help her out~.. decided to stay back.. while fay n company go on ahead to singapore..

wokay! y i decided to stay is coz ive gt a better idea~ we gonna shop fer clothes, accecories and high heels.. cheyba! k off we go~ bought all stuffs w MY MONEY OF COZ n nay went to the interview.. i waited ferr freaking 1 hr outside... hmm she was over w the interview, n dont want the job.. y? coz its a pub job.. yeh yeh~ her mom wuld slit her throat if she finds out !!haha!!

ok so we sat ard and chit chat abit.. she told me sha had $$ problems.. coz shes not working and also shes in debt w her friend, back in jakarta~ ok uh~ i'll help.. hmm opened my wallet.. check, how much in side.. hmm ribus of rupiahs, equivalent to 200 sing dollars!~ and 50 sing dlrs left haha~ k uh~ i gav her all the ribu rupiahs .. ALL OK.. except the ratus rupiah jer uh~ dat also is ard 50 cents haha!! she refuses to accept till i said that she had hurt me n told her that if she accept the money, i wuld forgive her.. haha~ well she accepted.. i told her to settle her debts uh haha~k done we head to the terminal.. it was 7pm..

k so, my business there is finished.. so i left...

ANNNNDDD back to singapore!!! oh i miss u singapore hahahahaa~

was 9pm then~ hmm sooo tired.. went straight home.. mom was worried coz i lost my hp n she culdnt cntct me haha~ well, i did bought back the donuts, so i shove it in her(mom) mouth so she wuld stop nagging~ hahahaha! hmm

well that sums of it~ hope this post really covers up the times when i ddnt blog yeh? haha~ very long kan!? haha~ oh yeh~ u guys noe wat? haha, i totally lost feelingss and ferget NAY in just a month.. well less ar actually.. in weeks haha~ w my best friend zul supporting... altough he did nothing, but to me, being there to lepak2 jer da cukup bagos.. at least i wun hav lonely nights.. haha ok uh~ i ferget her too fast seh haha! well watever~ i rmbr it took me months to just ferget nabilah~ kpala batu seh tu~ n how hurting it is when she gav me cold treatment~ haha~ it still hurt wenever she seems KASAR at me.. hahaha but i'll just let it pass ah eh~ haha~ y? coz theres too many things shared together w her.. drpd nay.. shes boring uh~ haha n short tempered too.. haiz.. lucky im a good guy, im long tempered so i control her anger haha~ watever it is, nays not a good gf! haha~ first one still the best! yay!


well lets wrap it ups~

im gonna post another one soon~ YEH tmr or what uh~ haha~ gonna post abt my birthday! hahah yay so stay tuned.. n sorry for the damn long post yah? haha! dadaa!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket9/12/2007 03:25:00 AM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
September 2007
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010