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Monday, December 29, 2008Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y toooooooo JENG JENG! G H A N I!! (AKA kent / german) ahahah wee wiiit!! heheh.. power la eh =)) like, before that, we're fighting over some small issues and suddenly just because we celebrated ghani's birthday, were back on track! the waiboyz! xD legend angin barat gambar solo haaa xP tkde.. the small issue is that ghani was upset over something from belasan of the month and he carried it up till this very day(28th dec)~ haha abeh along the way me n zule pon tk bebual ngan dia.. camne nk betul kan balik r/s kite tiga? haha well. time is said to be the best freezing element xD soo it successfully cools down ghani's feelings.. n tadaaa.. his birthday pon, kite ajak ah jumpe xP plan to surprise him with a birthday cake but he already spotted us like frm afar and smiled wide hahaha.. coincidently.. we all wore BLACK ;) GROUP HUG! xD huehuehue~ ok after that, we deco the cake with candles haha but then tkde lighter xD since we all none smokers pah?! haha so i go ask one of the pretty ladies sitting ovr there, smoking.. she lend the lighter to us and we light up the cake! xD CAKE ON FIRE!! muahahahah! no lah.. the cake was HOT la seh! YUMMY i tell you! rich in chocolatey taste! sing bdae song for ghani, blow candles, cut cake, andd MAMAM xD haha gave a slice to the lady who lent us the candles =))) cute kan kite hehehe? hahah! k so, we then decided to watch the movie, IP MAN.. it was cool lah the fighting and all. makcik kau kucing sia i tell u!!!! laju siak dia fight~ gedukgedukgedukgedukgedukgedukgedukgedukgedukgeduk!!!! (try saying that as fast as u can) and thats how IP MAN fist slams the opponents face xD the story tells abt brucelee's master.. IP MAN is the name.. he excels in martial arts, specialises in wing chun technique~ a stance thats SUPER CALM and deadly! huaahaa usually fighters fight w boiling blood ~ but he's calm.. and read movements, wait for his chance to strike and deal an effective SUPER LIGHTNING FAST SPEED BLOW~ hes unbeatable la sia.. good story if ur into pure natural fighting effect =)))) GO WATCH! hehe k then after that balik la eh.. da tkde train, so plan to take bus, but me n zule's last bus already left.. waited for ghani's one uh.. but b4 that, we randevous to fareast plaza,TOILET hahaha~ xD setting2 rambut, fight2 dlm toilet, smgt fighting la kaan lpas tgk IP MAN hahahah after that took pics =) its all below there.. tgk? hee nah tgk la k =) pezal tk lokek gambar hee
haha loves loves..
after that we all belah uh.. waited for ghani's bus and then me n zule took taxi home =)
reached home safely.. immediately blogged haha
well.. kinda grey uh my speech.. penat la my darling readers.. =(
haha k dok, i pegi tido dulu kay ^^V
kawabangga! xP

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/29/2008 04:45:00 AM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

you're the girl that makes me THINK.... i'd rather leave the life im living now, just to be with you you're the girl that makes me FEEL... i'd forget all the other women, just so you're my only one ISSHH!!! sejak bile u all pat sini!? ddnt notice u guys were here huakakaka xD.. ah hello2 ahh ni i nk share =) tu pat atas tu.. haa, u read that? hee well, if a girl can make me change my LIFE, then that girl, basically is the one that can make me THINK n FEEL differently.. like the qoutes earlier above.. i live in a life where theres rows of fields of flowers~ its a garden where rainbows are the most colourful thing there~ id buzz frm flower to flower, different colour, different types, but once in a while, after a light shower of rain, a rainbow might appear.. the most colourful most beautiful, fascinating till u can be in a state of aww, and most lovely of them all =) Rainbow Pictures, Images and Photos most naturally, it adverts my eyes away frm flowers definitely xD thus, changing my course of life, makes me think of the rainbow rather than flowers makes me feel i should leave the fields of flowers to fly over the rainbow.. hahaha yg tak faham tu.. faham2 la eh xP what i want to portray is that.. once in a while, there comes a lady that comes messing ard w my life.. changing the way i think n feel.. change my flirting life, to only think of only her.. think of flying over the rainbow! well these rainbows come n go.. like the real rainbow =) skejap je haha.. well.. what im saying is linked to the picture abve... that woman?? ahh thats nurliyana =) my puteri tingkap.. coz the only place we can only meet is thru her room window.. i nvr did hav a date w her.. but all those times when im under her window.. is like so special to me that i fell in love w her. but i backed out.. with some reasons to support my actions.. put it simply, i hav other girls to go for and she is still hoping for her ex.. maybe that is.. well~ dun wanna add in those burden.. furthermore, shes hard to meet.. thats y i meet her thru her room window only.. tak best laa gtu =( i wanna feel her.. close.. bt meeting her was enuff to fill in those missing pieces in my heart~ thats what matters most as im always missing her.. what do you expect, we hardly meet.. except if i paksa dia to meet me kt tingkap uh xD haiz.. shes a pure diamond.. one u will treasure most when w her.. never wanna lose her bcoz of her value~ great huh =D yana.. for all those memories w you..thanks k. have a wonderful life ahead.. and a happy new year to you. frm the guy who proves you theres sweeter guys out there.. PEZAL

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/23/2008 01:05:00 AM

Saturday, December 13, 2008Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

NURA-liza saruwatari NURUL-jannah NUR-liyana
check these babes out!!! well, throughout the whole year, been CHASING and CRUSHING and COPING w rejections~ at the end of the year.. these three tops the list.. top three la kire kan xP hehek
tell u the truth~ nuraliza saruwatari will leave the top position and nuruljannah will go up to 1st position while nurliyana to 2nd .. why?? coz liza da fly canadaaaaaa =(( da tk contact lagi.. alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
b4 she left, she told me that MAYBE she will be back on december.. so if she dsnt, well, next year, its gonna start w jannah first to top the listttss xD.. yana second~! there'll be a new spot for third position, and im making a guess.. its gonna be one of those mix blood i know~
shahfiqah or liyana(another liyana) both arab mixes
maybe juju, mix orang puteh peh blood?~ agaknye farhana? well shes like too cute lahx xD
wahahah soo many to pick! be calm, n the answer is clear
intersting ehh? no i mean, me with my list of babes~
well that happens when im single lah.. da 1 year plus tau~ n tk blog jugak, well the last was when i talk abt my prev ex ahh~ then after that all the way single.. at the same time, piling up the list of babes which i call..
HALL OF BABES~ the best thing that ever happened in my singlehood life!
ape tu? haa! it might sound abit flirtish~ sampai boleh buat satu tempat istimewa untuk ramai wanita ni~ xP.. tapiiii~ heheh altough flirtish, i dun play w feelings okay =))) just some GIRLfriends which i ask out, talk otp at night, catch a movie bla2.. nak kate kan mcm teman tapi mesra lah~ but not as close to that~..
ONLY when im contacting them ajeee xD i'd do this n that~ if not contacting.. uhm, blank uh ...... HAHAA! kong aja eh pezal! =X no nono i ddnt mean that K~ =)
its just that im looking for smthing in these babes,,,~ looking for a girlfriend! in those babes =D
~personality!!! ~attitude!! ~abilities! ~future plans =) ~the way they act ard me <3
~and lots more to tell yep fussy is what i am, its what they call me..
but in the end, i hav to pick ONE out of all of them~ then delete the rest of them =) da der mataer, da takleh cntct pmpn lain!! jaga perasaan kekasih tuuu xP setiaaaa
haha siape yg dapat lima bintang rating ke atas, haaa! dia lah org yang beruntung tuuu =D
hmmm ape?! name them babes? hahaha ok i'll name them.. later kat bawah i'll tell u how long the babes are in the list too (plus the star rating!)~
divide them into months ehhh well just check it out the table below
***liza ***fatimah z ***maisyarah **hanim **masturah *jannah
*****hanim ****niyah ***liza ***fatimah z ***maisyarah *jannah *masturah
*****niyah *****liza *****hanim ****fatimah z ***farah ***maisyarah *jannah
*****niyah *****liza *****hanim ****fatimah z ****farah ***maisyarah *shila *jannah
*****fanaa ****liza ****fatimah z ****hanim ****farah ***niyah ***tanti nurhidayu ***liyana x ***sheera ***maisyarah ***int **aishah **jannah *shila
*****tanti nurhidayu ****liza ****fatimah z ****farah ***hanim ***jannah ***niyah ***int ***liyana x ***sheera ***maisyarah **liza **aishah *shila
*****tanti nurhidayu ****fatimah z ****farah ***hanim ***jannah ***sheera ***maisyarah ***liyana x ***int **niyah **hanna **liza **aishah *shila
*****liza ****tanti nurhidayu ****fyqah ****jannah ****irdayu ****fatimah z ***hanim **liyana x **int **hanna **misyarah **farah **aishah **niyah
*****liza ****jannah ****fatimah z ****irdayu ***hanim ***fyqah ***aishah p ***tanti nurhidayu ***faradinah ***noelle **liyana x **int **aishah **farah **niyah **afiqah
*****liza ****jannah ****fatima z ****afizah ****aishah p ****shiela ****irdayu ***faradinah ***hanim **fatyn **aisha p **aishah **farah *afiqah
*****liza ****yana ****jannah ****fatima z ****irdayu ****shiela ****shahfiqah ***faradinah ***hanim ***fatyn ***irdayu ***afizah **aishah **aishah p **farah
*****liza *****yana *****jannah ****liyana x ****shahfiqah ***farhana ***adelyn ***hanim ***fatyn *farah *juju
THERE!!!!! did u guys understand it at all?? hahahhaaa~ well, sm ppl stay, sm ppl go =)
the longest in the list is liza , jannah , fatimah z , hanim , farah..
theyve been in the list most of the months, occupying my mind alot this year =)))))))) yeyea!
hehe ok that tops it all~on todays blog post, the HALL OF BABES in-depth! haha wanna take a look at some of those babes?? pics coming rrriiigghhtttt up! >>
eye catching eyysss xP hahhaaa!
pezal.. ur one damn BUNNY!! xD
k lets wrap it up~ will be seeing me more here, blogging!
...i guess
well, no promises but i'll update once in a while~ heee
hope u all are still reading xP~
kinda boring topic.. but still, i wanna share~ one of my sweetest memories in year 08! HALL OF BABES hahaha
continue on to next year! wooooo
take care smuglies!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/13/2008 10:40:00 PM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
September 2007
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010