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Friday, January 02, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


this year's gonna be my lucky year! my fav number ada donz! 9!! baik baik haha lucky tk lucky this year mati kene carik my LADY luck~ haha mataer looorxz


NEW YEAR RESOLUTION!! top on the list issss PREENG PREENNGGG!! moto beb! =D all out ahhhhhhh!!!! k GO. nxt in line will be ..trakk kedush dushhh ! join any singing competition!! nak FAME hahahahaha~ donno y lah ehh but thats the top three of my new year resolutin ah =) PLUS getting my lady luck! *winks*

sooo.. as usual, 1st day of new year, birthday bestfren, KID(zye) hehe every year mesti celebrate nye.. haha da plan siang2 tapi satu budak tu WORLD.. so dia tk ikot uh.. bestfren aku jugak...... new year eve this year da la tk dgn aku, pi main moto ke hape tah ngan MEMBERs dia la kan.. balik lewat, kerja rumah tk buat, besok nye tk pegi pasal bgn lambat, n tk habis kerje umah. (?) stated clearly, nthg goes right wen ur NOT w me k donz~

well, its ur life, ur new year's resolution maybe, nk hidop mati dgn budak2 rempit tu.. k GO~

aniway haha sorry, topic lari kejap.. haa! this year we go sentosa =))

the guy w the prem SEBOKK!! kite da amek gmbar baru dia nk belah! kunik p sunat k!! xD ahahahaha

ahaa.. so YG ADA PAT SANA.. ada me ghani n nez.. with kid and bf, awie, and mimi n his fren.. ok ok la tuu.. bdae girl sorang pmpn.. hahaha anw, i gt my bestfren an MP4 player.. huahaa cool eys! soo yea, sementara tgu awie n gang, we survey a cake for bestie dulu.. kerepak kebom bom.. in the end bile awie seme da sampai, we choose mango cake (yg aku pernam makan kat police peh chalet dulu2) =X.. k Ok je uh.... haa..

so at first we duduk pt vivo nye stage pat roof sane.. coz its raining,so~ i taught tk paya g sentosa.. just lepak2.. makan cake pastu jalan2 kemana2~.. but seems that awe nye adek kembar, mimi, complain kata, dtg jauh2 tk pegi sentosa.. OOOOOOKKKKKK la fineee ~ hmm so we head of to sentosa and the heavy rain end up drizzling je.. k good.. reach there, n then berkemah~ set the cake~ cut n chomp! hehe ->

ni candidni bile dia mengamok ngan bf dia suro amek camera xD n when she cuts the cake~ k thats how my belo bestfren is when she turns 17 xD tu tempat berangin giler smpai api candle tk menyala hahahah.. owells.. just wish in ur heart what u want k gegerl! aahahaha.. minutes later.. pezal ghani n nestaz took a side trip.. ghani nk jmpe ex dia aishah.. ahaha~ she work pt sentosa ley! pt merlion sane.. so OFF we goooo =) da reach thr, we waited for her lahx =) then shortly she came.. n braught us to the merlion~ aannddd its for-FREE- huahaha~ kt dalam dia nye blulight mcm pat club nye seh~ so.. PICTURES!!!!! hahaaxD
purposely took w wide smile.. tgk uh gigi kite nye colour xD coooool eeeehhh!!! hahahaaaaa
so we just follow the tour lahx.. watch a funny sang nila utama story~ n then ended up pat atas kepala merlion~
OH NEZ! xD k soo DONE w the merlion~ sooo we seperated frm aishah after that .. hehe
sooo part balik nye time je, hujan LEBAT!!!!
SO we ran back to the beach xD arrgghh amek gambar dalam hujaaaannnn xD sempaaat! !phew! now back at the beach~ ntg to do coz hujan.. cannot mandiiii~ =.=
haiyaa stupid xD haha. tkpe, can wait.. so we waited for the rain to stop~ tkde rainbow alaaa
=( hahaha.. aaanndd rain stopped.. KEBUSSSSHH!!! SPLASH!!!!! wahhoooooo!!! =D
duyong ! tunjok mouskle kiteee
BRRR seeejooookkkkkkkkkk xD haha wrote HER name on the sand~
my puteri tingkap~ never will i find someone like you.. <3>
aaaannd ghani's MELEPAS lover.. (she da et a guy daaa) awwww.. tkpe ghani.. bunga bukan sekuntum =D ok! heh heh =)
ahhh~ da penat mandi~ pack up and change at ard 6 and head back to vivo city~
makaaann aaahhh! hahaha~ @ banquet =)
>>MATA (background muke sakai) >>MATA (background muke sakai) >>MATA (background muke sakai) wahahahahahahahahahah!!!! cool uh gambar tu xD
tiga2 mata besar2~ then background, dia plak, muke seme pecah xD
ahhh so yeaah~ i makan nasi ayam claypot! kuah kuah kuah! biasa je rasa nye..
but cool uh, skali skala makan yg luar biasa tee-hee~
well lets wrap it up!
thats what me n the gangs did the whole of the new year! =)
not bad uh the day.. graded 7 out of 10~ ntg exciting sgt~ no chicks no nothing.. gee~
bt~ all for the sake of my long tym bestie =)..
every year mah celebrate ahaa.. whoaKAY!
last but not least.. i nk tunjok u all gambar ni.. my puteri tingkap n me nye style of peace no war~
I MISS YOU.. honestly.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket1/02/2009 10:24:00 PM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


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