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Friday, February 27, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

hey u! u noe! u noe!!! that day i jumpe rainnbooooowwwww!!!! waaahahahah~ tu~~~ tgk ! ok muke stop it~ xD kaku la.. ade org seme tgk i amek gambar ngan rainbow.. hehehe~ BESAAAAAARR LA TU RAINBOWWWW.. seriously lorr.. hp i pon tk leh capture the whole full rainbow.. hehe suke suke ssuuuuukaaaaa!!! xD but ape ygcool nye issss.. i get to see this rainbow when im onmyway to see my rainbow girl kt CCK~ awww.. ade link tuuu xD hahaa i remember, it was last wednesday.. in the morning and early afternoon.. the sun was bright.. i took halfday for work.. gt prac booked on that day at 3pm.. soo~ when i was riding, abt half an hr.. then suddenly THUNDERSTORM LAH SEYY!!!! tk expect! thunders everywhere~! so we had to stop for its dangerous.. kat sane kan bnyk lightning rods.. soo thunders n lightning was seen everywhere~~ PIIAAAOO!!! KRACCK!!! BOOOOOOMMMMM!!!! thats the sound of thunder, heard over n over for like half an hr!! after the thunderstorm died down to just a shower rain~ we carry on w the prac.. we had lil tym left, soo i did my best n showed the instructor that i was serious n wanted to pass n get my licence fast2~ hehehe chey mcm paham lu! xD hahaha.. well.. end of the day` PASS! prac 5 next.. RTT lom amek.. so no hav PDL cant ride on the street yet.. alaaa.. leceh uh~ nk kene amek RTT soon.. hmm! hhmm!!! then can carry on w prac 5 6 7 nnnn TP woooo!!! ive gone quite far now.. NO TYM FOR QUITTERS yeaaaaaahhh!!! k power~ haha.. soo balik nye tym~ w my wet outfit.. PLUS irritating wet shoes.. i took the train to CCK.. onmyway to meet rainbow girl =) da sampai cck.. i go toilet first setting rambut xD hahahaha sebelom masok tu shopping center depan MRT, i saw my pakcik walking rightttt in front of me.. XD but he ddnt notice me.. haha then da masok tu tempat,skali terserempak dgn eeqaaaaa plakk hoohooo~ smile smile jer tk tegur.. hhaa~ so after that, walked to fikah's hse lah~ tk sabar nk meet her.. hehe kat tingkap pun jadi laaaa haa~ tym ontheway tu la i saw this pretty beautiful landscape~ dihiasi pulak dgn keindahan alam, PELANGI cerah.. SUBHANALLAH!! my god lor very big n clearrrrrr sey!!!!! BIIIIIGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awwwww captivating.. mesmerizing.. lagi2 i was onmyway to meet my love, rainbow girl~ mcm ada link loorr~ ahhhhhhhh.. im so lucky.. hmmm hehe~ soo took pics!!!! i keep on koling fikah but she ddnt reply my calls.. i wanted her to look at the rainbow tuu~ wasted seh.. here u go pics~ this is a nice shot! i like this one~ see lah~ tk muat satu camera!!!! xD must take two pics n join the rainbo.. XD BESAR I TELL U!!! haha =)) well then met w fikah kt tingkap =) msej2 skali dia boleh turun!!!!! yahoooo!!!!!!! so spent quality moments w her.. n for the first tym, i held her hands xD chey2~ sweet kaperr. xD kkk stop it, i feel soo like in a PUPPY LOVE seh talking ike that hahaahaaxD but ya. hehs~ nice feeling.. =) soo i ukur sikit uh her ring finger~ nk check wether my ring muat tk~(did it secretly) anddd so relieve, that her finger is not that big as what im afraid of~. hehe TAPI lom agy tahu lah muat ketak hahaha~ so abt 7 plus to 8 plus uh we were w each other~ then she had to balik.. =) so.. goodbye bby, take care, nanti pape tetot i.. love u~ *hugsfikah* muacks! xD yep~ basically thats wat happen xD hahaha malu malu xD hahahahahaha! so.. the day after, i was like bragging w those at my workplace that i took pics of a rainbow ytd.. well~ surprisingly they saw it too! lke? was the rainbow all over singapore or what? or all over the world probably? xD WOW! ahahaha~ nice day to think back.. rainbow.. it has finally showed up~ NO MORE BUZZING AROUND FLOWERS.. I'VE MET WITH MY RAINBOW... my rainbowgirl.. rafikah.. loves ~end

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket2/27/2009 09:12:00 PM

Sunday, February 22, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photobucket nmpk gaya mcm my ladyluck arrived earlier than expected.. !! my rainbow has finally showed up haha~ everybody needs a rainbow maker in their life~ annndddd my nice domo-kun has done it yahoooo xD oh shes my rainbow girl =) known her on 11 jan.. but before ive commented her on f/s before uh.. but she tak layan that tym.. haha now tgk lah! da nk menjadi puun~ 11 mar k nanti hehehehe~ sooo at the point of tym.. i know her.. commented at frenster on 11 jan.. mlm nye she online.. which i ddnt know she was in my contact list .. think ive added her long tym ago haha..~ so tegur ahh.. her name that tym at msn, fyqah lala w rainbow emoticon in front of the name.. rainbow.. hmmm.. but i ddnt take note of it.. hehe~ till lately uh.. that shes my rainbow girl! yahooo! hahaha so chat2 kejap thn get her number! baik peee~! ahah biasa la.. pezal kalau part mintak numberr~ mmm!! hehe ok thats basically how we get started.. since that tym, me n yana n janney mcm renggang~ jarang contct lagi.. so i place my rainbow girl on top of thems~ so i could start afresh this NEW year~ she tops the hall of babes by force uh.. kire kan.. i force myself to downgrade the positions of janney n yana to 2nd n 3rd~ n by default.. fikah was top.. so i get to know her slowly.. n incidently, i had a crush on her~ JUST LIKE A NORMAL CRUSH LIKE ALLLL OF THE OTHERS IN MY HALL OF BABES LIST... so i told her laaa i had a crush.. and surprisingly.. she accept the feelin w/o hesitation.. i mean like usually ppl will say like, uhm, kite baru je kenal n blum jmpe. u bia betul.. u noe? like doubts aahh~... but she..... wahhh!! like ntg je! she accepts my feelings w/o hesitation.. ahaha astounding!? yeaa.. dunnoe la ehh~ padahal i never did anything sweet to her.. just that normal sing on the phone je.. tu pon once.. donoe ehh~ but we were going strong and on till 11 feb.. i met her at the airport .. her sis is flying to aussie n she was there w family to sent sis away uh~ i met her kes like terserempak uh~ but we planned to meet~ only i came late annnddd hahaha by coincident , i saw her.. JUST MY TYP ..~~~ JUST!!!! huaahahaha~ soo 14 feb meet her again.. she became my valentine for 09.. after that we were still going strong and thn i guess the feelings da berpudar~ love arises hehee.. sooo ive told her that if we were to be a couple. i would pop the question on the 11.. since we know e/o on the 11 jan kan~ n 11 feb our first tym meet~ 11 mar lak.. our big day uh hahaha~ yeahh 11th march.. we'll wait patiently for the day =) anyway~ shes the typ yg tkde freedom.. so meeting her or dating her would be like.. NO WAY uh! but still, we tried our best to meet up~ hehe like the incident at the airport 18 feb, we met like senyap2~ xD haha.. she was thr w family to take dad at arrival hall and i came n we met near the toilet~ as promised hahahaa! well~ yeah lately i came by her hse.. to giv her a cute pink carebear w rainbow at the stomach tu hahaha~ since she resembles rainbow xD hehee~ welll.. i surprised her la.. i say i kt bawa blok dia.. xD dia tk caya~ hahaha ah kau~ skali i muncul kt depan mata dia as in bawah tingkap dia ah~ kauu! terperanjattt! hahahahahaha!!! soo we were on the pone~ hmm i sat at the multistorey carpark peh tangga beside her hse.. n we were looking at each other while talking otp.. hehehe~ awww sweetttt.... i took pics tapi tk clear uh~ since jauh la kaan~.. da zoom max seh ! hello fikah! xD hehehe~ Photobucket thts her pic w the bebear i gave her =)))) ok that was last sunday~ after i finish my prac4.. ahh~ kene retake.. i book again on this wed~ hehe Ebrake lom smooth.. kk harap this tym round can make it hahaha~ soo yah~ nk propose kene siap ngan ring ahh! mesti kene flamboyant sikit! hahaha eh lebih! hahahaha kneel down n jeng2~ xD so last sat i go shop2 for ring~.. soo that day.. yg participate in the ring findin event was farah sepasetu, nina pok, ghani ken, n raudah chynx xD location~ causeway pt! well i wanted to get a white gold ring w diamond.. but mostly the cheapest seme 200 plus nk masok 3oo........... =.=" geee nk baya part payment plak.. org tu kata da made full payment baru leh amek ring tu~ pala hotz!! yg dorang2 plak keep on saying its the heart that counts.. well my heart wanted to buy that kinda ring fr her seeehhhhh.. =( but iin the end, i think back.. maybe nxt tym i get for her the real white gold n diamond ring uh.. but for now.. hehe~ theres this shop yg jual white gold PLATED ring~ tapi made of silver uh.. but since its PLATED white gold.. at least smthing.. diamond dia plak russian made.. cheap2 nye uhh.. initial price 55 ketol.. shop discounts and it went frm 55 to 30!!! hahaha~ ok la tu for starters... haiz.. what i worry nw is her finger size.. LEH MASOK TAK TU RING!!!!!! aduuuuuiii~ stress! hahaa owells.. wanna take a look? hehe! woot! thats it!i kinda like the bling2 on the ring~ heee well.. i gave thanks to those who were there to help me find the ring~ farah... nina.... u guys were great help!!!!!!!! superb~ ghani n raudah~ thanks for those advise! hahaha~ weell cant wait to pass prac 4!!! hahahahahahahahah xD k peepos! take care i chiow dulu~ muah muah! xD

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket2/22/2009 10:21:00 PM

Monday, February 16, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

hey hang jebat!! yaaa VALENTINES DAY! sweet~ ahahaha but sadly no pics to update for who i was out w.. but~ well, started the day by recieving manda's msej saying thanks as shes recieved those flowers ive arranged to be delivered on valentines day~ heheee.. that WAS sweet~ as for fikah, i thought she wasnt able to meet me, but we did in the end, just sit ard w her under block.. no date, BUT heheh~ sweet.. roses given.. necklace put on for her.. song sang.. hmmm! i think im in love! hahaha well, one thing for sure, 11th is our special day.. soo im popping the question on the 11th~ IF i get to meet her.. ring lom ada..~ wait2 i dun know her ring size ape.. da find out later i buy hahaha~ then standby uh, 11th.. propose!! weee~ so after meeting fikah, went town to meet ghani n raudah n the gang~ lepak2 kt starbucks haha~ fun ppl~ never a moment spent w them without laughters! hahahahaha ive gt pics..
theeennnnn.. that night, met up w bestfren zule.. and jeng2! the ANGIN BARAT GAMBAR SOLO formed back! -pezal zule ken- fuhh~ i miss the times when us three gathers~ hmm! so share2 here n there.. zule still stuck w farah~ mmm! meantime he has kenal2 this gerl name shabana uh~ hehe.. as for ken, well, hes loving this *cute girl.. *(cute as in UGLY but adorable) =.= tak lawa pon.. teruk uh ghani ni .. at the same time, he has a crush on syuhadah who millions times better!!!! x) for myself.. hah! manda? yana? hmm fikah tops it all! but still, selagi aku single, selagi tu lah aku maseh pandang pmpn lain~ hee soo ni tk sabar la nk end all my nonesense.. fikah will be the only one then =D yeyeahH~ so over nyt at ghanis place for the nyt~ haha thats all folks! *******feeling moody (sorry this post wasnt as lively as those other posts) tc!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket2/16/2009 12:08:00 AM

Sunday, February 08, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

heh heh heh hehhhh!!! got to pract 3!!!!

my next pract will be on sundayyyyy lepas v'day wooo!!!!!!

look at my future bike...

hahhuuu tau ape bike tak nii???? hehehe TZM ahh~ i like those sport bike look~ and big2 tank!! tgk tzm nye tank~ makkauuuu!!! GEMOK! cute ahh hahahaha~ dulu maseh lom ade knowledge pasal bike, i minat kt KR, kawasaki ahhhaha~ now since da pandai sikit, da tau model2 yg ada. hahahaha TZM! is my first choice.. =D followed by NSR! then KR all gt sportbike2 look ahh~ SP??? well, hehe fourth choice? hahahaha! i like sportbike nye typ ah pasal nmpk cam laju gtu~ like me ah. fast on my feet~ mCycle also must be fasttt hheheheheee! ANYYYWAY~ hehehehehehhehehehehe my prev pract, gt this prettttyyyyyy chick ahhh~ makkauuuuugorenglimau lah seyy! lawaaaaaaa!!! putiiiihhh~ somemore kening dia shape lawa~ mata takd pakai eyelinerrrrrr!!! ishhhh~ that typ of gerl can make me fall flat in love lahaahahahahhhh!!!!! crush crushhhhh unghhh! fikah nk letak mane?? leeekk~ this girl pon lom confirm leh dapat.. ahaha~ yayayayayaaa the story abt her.. u know, that tym i take pract malam ah.. lepas hujan somemore~ saw her.. but dsnt care much ah~ here to take pract what.. k sooo amek pract 2 ah~ main peh main~ kan licin, lepas hujann.. skali pat slope, dia jatuh... intstructor kt slope, n cant get off the bike pasal later bike tu pon go down slope ahh~ sooo since my bike was on flat ground~ i go help her UP.. awww.. sweet2~ shes like.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! sweet lah~ then she smile n say im ok ... aik? bile aku tanya?? hahahahahah ok she paisey i guess.. but troughout the pract~ she jatuh banyak2 ah hehehehe but wasnt thr to help =) soooo after da bes pract~ the instructor tells us all that we all have to retake ah~ xD so i pon ask dia, 'eh u booking again? book together yok?' like that ah~.. straighforward jeee..~ n hehehe she agrees.. soo walked w her to the kiosk sambil ketawa2 abt how many times she fell ghaaahahahak~ then book prac on the same day.. welll this time round i pass.. she wore pink on that day.. i n haf a fetish on girls that wear pink w light faded jeansss.. ungh! my TYPE BETOOOLLLL!!!! ok on w the story~ she failed her pract again~ cant make it on her figure 8 sehh =( too bad.. she hafta retake again.. she was like, if u pass, i wun talk to u again xD n whn the instructor says i pass, she smack me w the book, n says, ok IM NOT talking w u xD hahahah cuteeeeee .. but thr i go, chasing her.. ''eh wait laaaa uu~~~'' hehehe then we go drink2 at the canteen then she keeps on mumble jumble to herself, nk g brasbasah art house.. whr all the art accecories are.. nk beli pallet for the children.. ape?!! monyet btullll!!!! children dsnt mean she da ada anak! !@#$%^&asdfghjk shes a preschool nursery teacher laa lesing korang kang~ pikir bukan2 hmm hehehehe soo the pallet was for the art corner at the nursery.. so of coz i say la i'd tag along hehehe~ nk spend time w herr wooo! nnnnn tada, naik bus g sane n we talk2 non stop.. check da sampai~ it was abt 30 to 40 min ride n amazingly we talked all the way thru~ so many stuffs to share ehh hehehehe.. sooo.. then were atthe artplace~ geeeee i feel like im at homeeeeeeeeeeee.. art.. AHHHH! i love beauty~ everything there is just mesmerizing! i wish i could hav many many of these beautiful things.. gt many artistic stuffs ah~ like wooden heart, styrofoam.. DIY candle~ bla2.. one day i'd go there to shop~ now tgh brok soo forget it~ xD hahahahahahah there she beli mcm ah~ was very fun but at one tym, it was draggy ah coz she confuse nk beli yg mana satu~ i kept a good smiley face so as nt to looked bored.. well i was .. I LIL only! hahaha w her, cnt be very bored lah.. shes bubbly.. teacher somemore.. my typ loiii~ hahahaha~ chet chot bnyk hehe~ uhmm best2 soo after she make up her mind we paid for the goods n blah~ hungry2 ahh! we decided to eat at mac double cheese burger meal. on me =) hehe~ sweet of mee wakakakaka biasa jerrr xD hehe da broke tau.. tetap leh belanja~ hee~ pezal. ur sweet xD MARGHAAHAHAHAHA!!! kk niwei.. tym kite makan.. i get to know abit of her.. her r/s life ah mainly~ just break monts ago ah~ abt 3mths? hmm.. but her ex tk hensem la xD knapa eh bnyk lawa2 pilih yg tk hensem? hhahahahaha!! weeellllll.. i pun tk hensem.. PILIH I YOU? xD ahahahaha kk so yeah~ i feel that shes totally over her ex.. hmm then think one day i'd go for her..~ BUT lets see how it goes w fikah first ahh heheh~ sooo we walked to city hall mrt after that n balik... ddnt send her hme ahahaa xD BROKE OK! babuji btol! heheheeee well~ booked another pract together, timing sama but pract wise.. heh~ im ahead! yahooooo!! the only one that pass lorx xia that day xD weeee~ lain seme kene retake BOO! hahaha~ but hey~ manda... dun wery, after i pass, i'll see u in yishun often.. i'll tompang u anywhere =D n when u pass, we'll go riding together! kkk? hahaha cheh! mcm pa! hahahahahah~ all the best pezal! PRENG PREEENGGGG!!!!! TZM-oh!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket2/08/2009 07:40:00 PM

Wednesday, February 04, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

hi sayaaannngggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ah? jgn terasa~ sape sayang u?????????? hmph! skali u tk lawa? haa, i masok angin klua asap.. haha~ well, pezal only likes chhaarrrrmiinnggg girls.. in a way, pretty~ but somehow or rather, captivating~ motivating~ mesmerizing.. thats how i want my girl to make me feel =D haha~ simpleton! aahhh u all!!! valentines day kan danak dekat.. tul tul??? heheh u all gt date tk!!? ahaha well i gt an unconfirmed date w rafikah ley~ =D haiiiyaaaa~ u all dunnoe her ryyytttt~ heheheheheee.. shes a girl~ who i found after losing both yana n janney.. well actually, din lose ahh~ but, i dun cntct them already.. ummm for janney, i feel that im farrr farrrr farrrr frm her, and tak best ah pasal jarang cntct~ =( for yana plak.............. well~ she still hasnt buang perasaan dia terhadap ex dia.. n i really da choose her, but since she says that, i dun wanna wait ah.. i wanna find some other that is easy that dsnt make me wait.. aannddd =) yep~ thats fikah!!! hehehehee.. pretty jugak.. to me ah xD buttt.. young2 ah~ 17 this year.. like yana n janney too.. haha bile ni nk dapat yg tua sikit niiii!?! haha nvm nvm, we'll see how it goes between us.. hehe soo since its gonna BE her who im going out w, jeng jeng! shop for pressy ahh ape lagiiiii hahaha bunga n choc, that day leh beli heh heh heeehhh! hmm sooo.. ajak ninapok ahh xD ingat? nina bestfren zule hahaha~ ah ahhhh da bestfreeenn!!! mmmm! mmmmmm!!! xD well da lama ah best fren, tapi i blom bilang u all~ hehe.. last year abt oct or nov i guess.. haha!!! actually kan, i gt change of plans ah, u see, selepas fikah says she lom confirm leh kua w me, i already hara2 dia leh tau.. n then yana cntacted me back.. n she was sick ah.. so malam nye lepas balik keje, i cepat2 draw kan muke dia n make her a get well soon card haha.. yah~ took the trouble to send it to her hse haaha~ sooo, i wanna make her my valentine =) coz.. the feeling is still strong ahh.. =( da halfway love tauuuu.. hmmm~ niwei, kedeba kedebuk nye pasal, i thot of, nk kasi both of them gifts ahh~ gelojoh ehh pezal eehh~ ahaiii!!! ohh! TEHY know mee xD hahahaha ok soo, at first aja fadilah tau abt this.. ssince she works at perlini's silver, ingat leh shop2 ngan dia n get discount ahhh.. bubububuuutt, she last min tuka plan, tk leh ah~ so i cntct w ninapok ahhh xD ook sooo~ she says shop2 at couseway.. since sana dekat ngan umah dia =.= fyyynnneeee hahah~ ok so.. met her ah.. friday, 30/01/09 lepas kerje.. hmmm~ while waiting for her, BANYAK insurance nye advertiser.. irritating ahh coz they use attrative guys n girls for the job! lawa2 lak tu, approach me.. kalau mintak number tu lain aahh xD hahahahahahaha.. well, at least gt sm ppl to layan me, while waiting for nina.. hmmm she came shortly after =D ok sooo shop2 for rantai~ bought two.. for rafikah n yana each~ ahh nice u noooeeeee hehe cannort tell where i buuy HAHA! shop attendant dia funneh xD i kacau2 dia giler babsss xD hahahahahahahahaha fun ahh hehe then after that me n nina pi makan ah~ pt swensens sadly i ddnt pay for nina ah.. well, hehe short of cash.. hmmm nt my usual gentleman typ buuut hey~ let it pass.. she wun let me pay either.. come on, it'll be like, ME tackling HER if i'd payy HAHAHAHAHAHAH xD LOL tak kene langsung! xD hahahahahahhaaa!!!! ok ok here goess! pics~ eh?? ni gambar da bes makan?? asal ni gambar lompat pat depan lakk niiiiihhh xD sedap giler ah dia nye ayam!!! nk bawak chicks makan swensens ahh n i'll order the same thingggg!!!! hahaha ai? nina? nak challenge kopek belen2 bende tu agy??? hahahahaha!! this is nina's food =D hee~ i like my smile xD cheh! hahahaa yayyy! food da sampaiii!!!
boring kape na??? hahaha
pas tu tgu ice cream.. pakai coupon black n whit yg da krepot! xD i get frm the police welfare one hahahaha since nina tak nk pakai dia nye.. nk save for her date w shafiq.. xD in the end, tk klua hahahahaha~
tough luck
in the end, dapat voucher ni..~ spend 30 sing dollars dapat spend 8 more dollars =)) must simpan it~ belanja pmpn i bawak g swensens ti hahahaha!
yah pt bawah ada vid nina cabut isi belen2 dari corckle dia xD hahaha she faiilss!!
tu pasal tk dapat date w shafiq!! hahahahaha tu la kau~ tk pecaya kaaann aku ckp!! xD this is NOT superstitious k xD
its psychic~ muahahaha .. nina~ i never tell u this.. buts keep this a secret~ i AM psychic
ohh. sheet! now everbody knowssssss =.<>
kkk hahahaha~
tu pt bawah tuu..
the pic of those two necklaces i bought for them~
for yana~ necklace n anting2~
for rafikah, pearl n heart shaped necklace~

annnddd u know waaaaattttt... heheh~ i dunnoe if i really wanna give yana or not~ she pernah kata.. save it for ur other special frens.. u see.. shes the girl that i did MOST of the special thing~ shes VERRYYY special.. if only she could accept it~ then, hahs! it'll be easy for me to win her heart =S nvm nvm~

give one to rafikah~ n the other? save it ah heheee.. mana tahu, me n fikah tk menjadi kepe.. heheheheheheheheh~ ahh pezallll make up ur mind can?? pezalllll tak berubaahh langsung!!!! or rather has CHANGED ALOT!

muaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!! *evilsinisterictone and places pinky finger to edge of mouth*

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket2/04/2009 09:37:00 PM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
September 2007
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010