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Saturday, March 28, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

nice??? ~ ni pat tingkat 14, w fykah my superduperwhooperjuniorprettyholic girlfriend! this is our spot.. our moments.. our memories together.. it started here.. and if it were to end.. let it end there.. this place.. theres a feeling of eternity whenever me n her stepped at the very spot.. the feeling of me n her, being everlasting together.. its great to meet there. but its heartbreaking to leave the place.. our time, has stopped its ticking at 8.04 pm~ at that very place.. so whenever we stepped up right there... the feeling of our first moment together.. will still be felt there as that is the place when i stopped the time, to be together with you.. thank you.. my sweetheart.. .to rafikah

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket3/28/2009 10:04:00 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

hi u all..
ogenki desu~ka? means.. how are u guys feeling? =D well~ this post is just a like a photo album..
i nk tunjuk u seme gambar2 i ngan fykah, my girlfriend xD yg sikit hari kte dua jmpe, n taken by her adek~ seme taken by her adek~ bnyk candid.. yg tu 3 kat atas tu jer lah yg formal xD
well u all should noe by now, dia tu susah nk jmpe.. xD kalau i jmpe dia pun slalunye kt tingkap~ while otp.. da mataer ni, kalau tk jmpe mcm ape plak kan.. hehe soo, kite promise ourself, kalau ada chance yg datang yg leh menyebab kan pertemuan~ hehe we wun let that chance pass =DD
like this very day.. =)
how we end up meeting? haha at first she called me.. i was at peninsular uh tgh shop2 for baju~ after work tu.. hehe.. dia kol so we talk2, n bla3 pastu abg dia kata, suruh mak dia p beli printer ink pat lot1.. ~ bt then mak dia malas, suruh abg dia lagy satu pegikn xD aha! ada chance!
soo kite buat plan uh~ suruh dia ikot skali abg dia tu, then i can meet her pat lot 1!! hahaha success! plan menjadi! xD hahahaha
otak geliga siape jugak?? pezallllll... hhahahaa
soo.. cam biasa.. jmpe pat TOILET xD ahahaha
oi! tsk! ape pikir bukan2 ni~ jumpe LUAR TOILET laaaaa~ tangan kang xD
hehee best2 jalan2 ngan dia, shop for the ink dgn adek dia hahaha~ for me, dapat jmpe dia, tgk dia nye senyum, dpt pegang dia, cubit dia, geletek dia, kacau dia.. da, i feel complete! haahaha~
i love her xD
thats y~ hehe
anw, after shop2, we decided to head back hme.. i ask her adek to take pic of us uh before we balik hehe~ at first dia cam malu2 xD pasal ramai org kan ada pat situ hahaha so adek dia amek candid shot uh mcm paparazzi hahaa.. soo frm lot 1 to bawah blk uma dia.. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! hehehe~ tu ha
<<< xD ni pat depan lot 1~
i like her posture.. xD always hav her hands on her waist if shes talking to me w enthusiasm>>
"B..bukan sane lah~ siniii" xD
mk cross road, kene pimpin tgn, mcm budak2 kecik xD Lampu merah tuu ahhahaa!!!<<>
>>duk jap pt bwh blok, tek pics~<<>
most photos are candid.
well, these are the ONLY pic of me n her... first photo taken w her.. i'll treasure it..
lepas tu, dia da kene rush home.. alaaa.. soo, goodbye wishes to my sweetheart! n off she goes~ part tu, nk lepas kan tgn dia, cam susah =((
hehehehe.. but whn u hafta go, u hafta go.. hahaha
well, dah~ im done
yehh~ sooo.. thats all im blogging tday!
till nxt tym!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket3/18/2009 10:10:00 PM

Thursday, March 12, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

110309.. im happily attached w my lovely girfriend, rafikah bt mohd rapit.. hehehehehe it was a fun dayy haha~ took off for the day just to meet her =) so, i thot of making her an artificial flower.. one that is made out of tissue, n hardened w glue, painted and design cutely that suits her cute senses xD~ this technique was tought to my by a funky artist, the guy frm ART ATTACK.. gt watch the showw?? hahaha~ but yeah, the idea of making a rose frm tissue, never was brought up in the show lah~ that was my very own creativity =DDD so last last nyt~ prepare the base uh~ the flower.. twist2 some tissue paper to make it to a rose~ THANKS ZULE, FOR TEACHING ME TO DOO THIS!!!!!!!!! =) n then dap a layer of glue over it.. let it hard overnyt.. then the next following nyt~ dap another layer of tissue over it>> abt two layers~ then let it hardened overnyt~ besok nye, morning of 11 mar~ it looked lyk this.... xD feeling2 uh amke gmbr xDk?! ahhh~ soo it will be kinda hard. soo since theres a layer of glue on it, u can paint it w/o worryin the tissue will soak the paint n mek it ugly~ nono.. it will me pretty! soo.. base first~ the stalk..~ brownish sort of SHIT clr xD hahaaha.. nxt the leaf.. bright lime green for the base and then dark green painted over for shadowy effect~and for the last touch>> lighter green for creative effect~ thn clr the petal white for base.. coz im planning to give her a white rose.. she loves it =) heeheee sempat>>click! hehe~well.. thot of makking a pinkyish shadow effect~over did ot~ menjadi2 melebih2 pink!! xD so repaint the petal w white bt leave the inside petals pink.. < then cute2 butterfly w rainbow clr design cut ot n place at the leaf.. xD cute kan!? one side my name~ other side her name~ and hidden underneath the leaf, is 110309~ thats DONE! so OFF i go.. TO THE DONUT SHOP! JURRROONGG POINT!!!! so frm now onwards, i ddnt take any photos.. like wasted eh =( but the story must go on =D went out of the hse at abt 3 plus~ reach JP at abt 4 plus so at abt 5 like that~ i was at donut empire shop, purchasing the donut w our name "fykah pezal" written on that donut~ strawberry flavor w rainbow toppings n dark choc donut haha~ skali halfway, terserempak ngan farah XD hahaha~ so at least gt teman for awhile =) thanks farah! while waiting for fyqah to text me, we shop2 for more items.. like diary,(to record our relationship events) a cute pen to go along w..anndd a rainbow lollypop yg besar nk mampos tu =) settle!! so at abt 6, chow to CCK~ waited for my fyqah to text me when she can go out meet me~ so i pi makan pt banquet~ lapar uh.. n im broke....... HAHA!!! so at abt 7 plus, she says her dad's going out for awhile, n she can meet me jap~ so.. i told her to meet at lvl 14 of her blk~ the view cantek uhh~ haha~ RUSHHHH!!!!! PIUNGG~ tu bunyi bullet tu~! yes like im speedy as a bullet xD ok then met up w her.. was funny xD i ckp.. "eeh u ny pun~ suro cpt, tapi u yg lmbat~ ah.. k dah~ da mataer k~" n i held her hands n she was lykk .. uuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! making the "alaaarr" face xD ahahhahaha nmpk sah she wants me to propose xD soooo~ ~ haahha i showed her everything that im giving her~ bunge rose yg dah bloom~ bunge rose that i make. stunnedxD ..uhmm baju!! ahaha part baju dia da.. alaaa u cuutee nyee~ xD haha n donut! hehe~ very power! haha~ then i took out my guitarr~ n sing 11 januari song by gigi tu~ since we first kenal on 11 jan.. cool~ ade link.. haha~ so i sang the song.. she was lyk sitting very close to me n lyk im singing right next to her left ear.. cam wisper2 uh~ n i make the best voice that i could make hahaha~ while singing the song~ i notice her eyes were watery... awwww.. k dabes! ah? bukan abes blog la abes nyanyi.!!! k then i played ard w her.. i say "u u.. pick i termasok dalam tu guitar uh~ u bley kua kan tk? u goncang2 tu guitar jela u" n while doing ot she was lyk "ala kesiannye i" xD hahaha cute la gtu the way she goncang2 the guitar~ !! hahahaha k enuff la~ xD kesian dia.. xD k soo then i took back n shake the guitar to make the pick come out~ pop!.. terkua tu pick.. jatuh golek2 "ting ting ting" pt tangga.. i kutip~... her eyes BIG2 after seeing what as in my hand 0_0.. camgtu well ..its the ring ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! apa lagyyyy kneel down depan dia. =)) yeah~ wat dya expect xP so i stared deep in her eyes.. but she was lyk look in my eyes for a few sec n then look away xD confirm da nervous AHAAHAA.. so i propose.. pasang tu cincin~ which fits in just right! wooo! n stop the time keychain immediately~ haha~ abt 8.04 pm =D best2~ she also gave me her gift~ ask me to open the plasticbag when i get back hme~ soo belen2 just cerita2 till the abg came n say~ oi abah da balik tau~ cpt2...ala. then we hav to go already uh~.. the sweetest thg is the last moment.. that she was sitting at the stair, n i was at the lower ground, standing.. "we hav to split already~ so be on ur way~ i love u" *buat muke sedih* xD then, she.. ZAPP climb dwn the stair fast2 n hug me.. "baby, i love u" the words that i longed to hear frm her.. thats BABY... awwwwwww... k so ~ dh bes.. BALEKK xD k end hahaha

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket3/12/2009 11:48:00 PM

Sunday, March 08, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

skali aku smackdwn aru tahu!
sini tgk!!
haa pezal update blog niii
haa haa!~
yeeaaa hi hi.. ala takya formal2 greeting la!! ok tembaakk je ~ woo~ as u all tahu, i kan officially mataer ngan fykah lala kesayangan buah hati manja ketipong payong ku tu on eleven march.. tau? tau? kan!?! aahhh~ yep2.. takkan lah nk "sound" org dgn tangan kosong kaan! pui pui~ sooo typical~ hahaha.. neni neni!! pezal emk sure that day GEREEEk n FUNNY n cute sweet romantic wosshh~~ n ofcoz.. must b memorable la~ yeyeaa~ sooo the thing is. hmm wat i gt for her is.. well.. designs... xD dia that tym bilang~ she likes this phrase "youre nobody till youre talked about" so i come up w a design.. which of coz~ i print it out on clothes.. WAU ryt! heh heh~ so first step, carik tempat design2 baju.. maaaakkk! peh susah~ n i did get into alot of sidetrip.. ada sampai g belanja pmpn ni beg tangan guess clr pink 60 ketul just becaus i say iwill belanja dia kalau dia tlg teman g tamp yg tmpt design baju~ ala.. in the end pun sane tk leh accept my design~ kintaloyonz!!!! not even cari baju calour pink tuk print the designs on.... BOO then my bestie plak~ dia ikot teman carik kedai2 pt bugis.. sadllyyy, even after dia sacrifice her tymm.. nothing... nt even the t shirt~ ~ farah plays a pretty good role in this as i told her to check out jurong pt kalau ada kedai design print2 baju ketak~ like yeesshh~ finally!!! the next day~ i went thr, n meet farah~ we rush to the shop tht she was talking abt... and u noe wat~ the shop can accept my design!!!!! wooo~ =) but then, he says that he wants me to enlarge the fonts of the sentence tuu.. so tmr he says to come back ah after we alter2~ hahaha.. nvm. at thr, after farah da balik, i met up w fadhila, n shop for pink clothes! like wth, her top is like same as my fikah so i ask her to try2 sizes hahaha~ at last! dapat shirt yg cute... so went back to the shop to ask if he can accept he kind of colour.. and we score a NO~ awww.. takpe.. it was late by then n soo, we went home.. BESOK PLAK.. hahaha!! ajak lydia(zule nye past lover) hehehehe~ suro dia teman carik baju pink kat toa payo.. im looking for a lighter pink, as the one that i gt is dark.. so zule pun tag along~ straightforward. giordano lycra tees!!! hahaha lydia U POWER LA UUUUUU xDDDD~ so i get the buy two for bla bla bla dollars one.. alaa.. kasiiii je la semue baju tu xD hahaha so after that, split w zule, n met w ghani n syu-ek~ hehe ba bla w them, n balik! woo excited~ see~~ these are the designs.. ohk yg ni, VERY SPECIAL TO ME.. its her name her adek doodle.. n i literally drew it again at msn yg pakai that function tu pt msn~ hehehe copycat~ n it turned out jussst the same.. n well, this design, i hand drew it n scann~ hehee as of this pic.. haaaha~ its a design of rainbow whereby it highlights that my life is colourful when she steps to my life.. my rainbow girl.. n rainbow is our love symbol, as such as were linked by it.. cool huh~ stars?? well.. its just cute hahahahah! this, is the front design~ ok then take a look at hw i plan to design the baju.. <<> n one more thing~ since the back cam tk lawa.. tu yg apek kt kedai tu suruh enlarge.. >>> but i change it to this ddesign~~~>> which i did it at work hahahaha! tkde tym lerrr soo chop2!!! so theennn~i had it printed~ the next following dayyy .. yaayyy!! siap! tuuu>>> ohh and this is a small heart shaped watch smthg like a keychain witch later on 11 mar, i will stop the time of this small keychainwatch, the moment she says,, "YES"~ >> seems that time has stopped its flow, when ur by my side baby! WOOOOO *clap2* cheyyyba romeeooo xD hahahahahaha OOOK2~ well thats done xD saaayaannggg u fikah!!! hehe~ k soo.. the process of the hussle w the baju took one damn week~ soo the weekend of it, hehe~ ade outing laaa ngan bestfrensss! weee.. soo great to be able to get together~ ghani zule fai yeeaargh! funny topsyturvey day~.. we had complications on that day.. comm breakdown.. skejap kata jmpe sini, kejap jmpe sane, dektu kt sini, dekni kat sane.. wargh! zule tibe2 mengamok.. maklum laa.. pahamm~ org yg dgn dia tu pmpn yg fussy.. mane suke kene tarik sini sanee. xD hahahaha! but in the end, jmpe pt marina foodcourt~.. soo thr, we meet up w the byatched!! hahaha umu n bf raudha n syu~ haha << so then after dinner.. we went to the marina bowling, yg safra tu~ haha.. pi main bowling xD ok lydia.. penyek xD hahaha zule... kemek hahahaha xD tu kasut aku tu.. bau bacin =X stule hahah~ok ni fake.. raudha tk tinggi gtu xD i think she step on a platform hahahah!! syu-ek nk million dollar smile je xD <<"P" for PEZAL.. look closely~ i gt X.. which means,, strike!!!!!! hahaha~ first strike woo!
and tak tahu knape, zule mcm steamm je~ boring kot? owells.. at least he's there..
ahaa! nk tgk our styl bila tgh bowl? ni diaaa~
introducing. jamal! ghani~ syu, umu.. N pezal hahahaha
best2~ hahaha i wasnt the winner so i wun elaborate more xD
hahaha ok soo wrap up the day... one thing i want to touch on...
i cant stand if my best buddys feel hurt~ n i mean deeply hurt...
after seeing those couples intimacy, as he bites her here n there, i bet he walked of just bcuz of frustration.. afterwhich , he will start feeling unwanted by her coz she lets him get close to him, despite saying, she dsnt really let guys touch her~ so what was in his head that, she already lets him get close, means hes close to getting her... and so.. all of those wasted tyms he spend w her were his precious moment.. out of confusion, he let go...
the next day, woke up early in the morning to report to work ON SUNDAY =( retreat uh.. stupid but fun uh~ coz end of the day, we had team building game.. BOWLING
at where?? same place as yesterdayyy xD marina! hahahahahaha
nt much to say~ jst pic will do alryt u all?
here.. having our lunch..
shawn~ boy jap
HAHAA yeyeaa~
well that sums it all!
quite a long post~ but its worth posting..

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket3/08/2009 08:29:00 PM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


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