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Sunday, April 12, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

IINNTRROOODUUCIINNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trreeennggg traaanngg trruunnggggg taa-daaar!!!! xD heylo DOMOZ! heheh~ domokun my rainbow maker has been doing great w the rainbows yehh=) how are u guyssss!!!! xD annd yeeehhh~ my girlfriend and myself are doing superbly greatt over here... ahaaahahah! =D good2~ keep it up hee hahah soooo ~stooryysss UP! well~ farah's birthday party was good ^^ yahhhh 4th of april sikit hari~ hehe i dunnoe lah si zule da cook up something sweet for her hehehe.. soooo i wasnt able to meet him up earlier to go to the party together.... haha nehmind~ ghani adaaaa standarrrddd.. in the end, mesti aku ngan ghani jugak~ zule sejak dua menjak sempena tahun 2009 ni, dia da mcm tk jmpe kite sangat.. still were super bestfrens laa dun wery k =))) soo~ plan n met up w ghani~ .. party start kul 4.. i jmpe ghani kul 6 xD then~ amir hassan call~ n dia tanya i gt go her party not~ i say ah,,, i otw.. well dia pon otw.. n soo we meet up at boon lay! hehehe lagypon.. i dunnoe mane die nye party was held.. masjid underground uh.. BUKAN UNDERGROUND as in secret society nye typp xD sieek! masjid build undergroud laaa pat basement!! hahaha..~ anyways, i still dunnoe hw to get thre~ tepon2 farah n zule tk dapat, since they ground tkde netunderwork! so, nasib laaa jmpe amiirrr haha~ n amir pon, nk surprise kan farr kite niii~ haha farah tktau la yg amir nk sampai~ gambar tu semasa tgu amir, kite tiga dalam handicap toilet xD!well aniway~ we reach the place abt 7 45 like that.. ppl were going back hme already hahahah!!! soo zule was there.. bdae girl too. jemput us masok uh~ hahaha.. soo we makan2 main2 n i like the part where i disturb farah mother! xD hhahaha.. sang for the bdae girl (every year berturut2 nyanyi kan si farah ni xD) so end of the day, photo taking lah~ =) kwn amir, ghani pezal amir lukman zule~
then lpas photo taking haha~ enddddd! seme baliikk.. yep2.. dekat sana ada satu bas je yg balik boonlay~ soo~ otw, kitee2(u tahu la sapeee kan xD) amek gambar dalam bas! ---------------------------------------
as u noeeeeeeeee hehehe every 11 is himself n herself punye monthsary kaaann xD.. eleleleleleleeehhhh ada je la tu si pezal ni~
ala.. mesti lah, my gf waaat.. nk surprise2 kan dia la siket~ hee.. pezal nye main talent issss sing n can draw! =D sing da pena bila proposing diaaa.. draw blum ni haa~ haha so yep! decided nk buat drawing tuk dia~ n since dia tk tahu i can drawww xD surprise kan laaa hehe~ eyy~ ni bukan sembarang2 draw tau~ ni btul2 ! xD
ok. i plan nk buat 11 drawing.. one drawing takes abt 2 hrs plus2 dgn aku peh prangai yg suke lengang lengok xD hahaha soo~ i hav just 1 week to complete it~ soo my one whole week tu, my life camgini... balik keje, da penat.. rest2 then abt 8.30, i start~ soo i made a plan to draw abt 2 per day~.. so i started..
drew number 1, phuh! it took quite long! haha.. nk kene perfect la kan gambar tuu~ =) done number 2 the next day.. at midnight n then sleep~ carry on the next day after work.. number 3 n 4 done.. before n after midnight =) but at one pt of time, i fell sick!!! too tired uh~ kepala mcm nk tercabut.. anndddd girlfren da mengamok2 ask me to rest whole day, n i couldnt complete number 5 in time..it was halfway done..(message for GIRLFRIEND) erm, sorry baby, i nk tunjuk u number 5 yg halfway n buruk tu, but haha i g draw balik n make it nice2 the next day when im fine already! =) completed no 6 at midnight.. so tmr good friday~ tk keje, so i wake up late n started number 7.. da abes i start no 8 n finish it quite fast! im behind schedule.. besok da nk jmpe dia nii ungh~! finish number 9 abt midnight of 11 april, n completed no 10 abt 3 am... as for 11? well, i secretly ask gf to draw for me x she drew cartoon2 cute uh hahahahahaha.. its kinda touching tough~ haha so yehh~ sat noon, da siap2 barang seme.. bt i tido alek, pasal penat sangat ni... suddenly abt 4 pm, dia kata we hav to meet v fast, pasal bapak dia kua for a short bit n she can sneak out.. but i havent mandi!!! n simei n cck is not a 5 min journey~ its 1hr n a half dammit! mampossss~ rushhh aahhhh!! piunnnggggggggggg..
finally i made it to cck~ n text her, to meet up at tingkat 14~ met up n chop2 kasi barang2~ haha lil did i know she did smthing cute for me xD anwww.. i hav pics below, so u guys could take a look at what stuffs we exchange xD hahahahaha
MY GIFTS~ ada photoframe to go along haaa~ so how? dari jauh, cantek tak drawing2 tuuu? heh heh heh~ first gal that i drew super many pics hahaha xD hey~ n it will carry on u noeee!!! ahahahakkz n pluuuss a box of merci chocs ^^ next!
bunge yg i kasi dia on valentines day, da kering, n dia buat buku ni and tampal bunga tu pt dalam.. VERY TOUCHING. ive never seen a dried up flower before.. da bnyk pmpn i pena kasi bunga, but i never knew wat happen to it.. how it looked like.. but this one.. is the first tym.. soo its like.. im touched......... hmm~
the monthsary wish card that she make n drew cartoon n story2 of hw we meet n end up together!! hahah cute~ n the drawing i ask her to draw, the number 11th i ask her to keep.. its a picture of a wedding couple =))
hahahha ok well sweet gf yea?
haha pmpn mana yg sanggup nk uat ni seme? yeeaa hanya pmpn yg btul2 sayang kan mataer dia lah =)! hehe
ok lepas da jmpe gf.. i lapa.. nk g makan xD soo tepon ghani, nk tururn commonwalth, jmpe dia, n makan same2~ he was w suriati then hahaha.. so met up n go dinner w them =)
ni anak2 sedara ghani.. as in my kakak sedara punye anak uh xD haha.. ariana batrisya, dwi ikhan, n cinta, the baby ahahahaa.. i showed them gf nye drawing, n ask them to draw like that~ thats y they were w pencils n paper xD hahaha..
kkk end of the day, otp w gf~ standard.. every sat nyt! hahaha
was sweet lahs.. she was shocked when i drew that many hahaha
ok anyway~ heres a closer look of the drawings..
from number 1 to 10.. in sequence~ go take a look =)
number ten gt our signature.. =)))))))) hahaha but pt pic ni, lum agy suroh dia sign laa xD
ok thats all peepos! see ya again~
n i love my girlfriend sooo muchhh

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket4/12/2009 10:08:00 PM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


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