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Monday, May 18, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........ girlfriend is soon gonna read my blog, so i better post something sweet for her to read =) SO I DEDICATE THIS POST TO SWEETHEART ... FIKAH !!!! yaaaayy *clap2* thank u thank u~ xD well.. anw.. its another month passed for us both~ we actually did get to meet on 11 may~ it was a weekday and fikah was skuling n im working~ i met her during lunch(secretly)~ as per nomal.. and if i culd recall.. i bought for her a hello panda cookies n cream n seasons ice lemon tea drink for her(fav dia) hehe~ k so~ that wasnt all.. 11th may~ was has one of the the best memory out of us~ it was special..... (baby u tau kan) xD!!!!! the firssstttttt ____~ haa! xD what a HOT couple we are .. hmm! well.. nice memories for us both~ -then i balek lmbt n kene marah ngan officer pt office- oh shaddap u! i dun care! i meet my gf wat! hmph!! hehehe then tk puas hati~ on 14/05/2009~ jmpe lagiii... n the best part was.. we met when she was having her make up session after skul.. well, for awhile je lah~ then, after that~ i went shopping to pass the tym to go home.. but b4 i go hme, i nk jmpe mataer i for the last tym dulu... so i told her to peek me frm outside her klasss~ yah~ since i nk jmpe dia badly, i ask her to kua step gi toilet n i waited for her to klua g toilet..so we culd hug b4 i left or what~ skali, dia tk lang yg dia mmg da pt toilet w her mom~ cgeck2~ skali dia da nmpk me.. BUT SHES W HER MOM SHE TOLD ME TO HIDE AS HER MOM IS COMING MY DIRECTION. i kancong spider peh pasal, i pun g naik escalator yg da tutup(coz kedai courts ke ape ah kat atas da close, and so they shut down the escalator)~ n i hide on top.. (buat malu je) hHahahaHAHAHAahaha.. after that, i ask gf if she leh kua but she say she cant~~ ti kalau dia kua, mak dia nk ikot sama.. how? haha LAST MIN! ada org SAVIOR! ahaa! abang dia dtg!! haha~ naseb abg dia dtg~ well, i know her brotherr yg ni, n so he pakat w me lah~ step im his friend infront of the mother~ so balek nye tym pulakkk, i walked w her n mum n bro to the funan entrance, to wait for her eldest bro to take by car~ ada satu part ni, klaka gila xD her mom hulur kropok to me.. n i was like.. JAMMED! haaha blum salam blum apa seh.. hehe~ so i pun initiate uh~ "cik~ salam dulu cik" hahaha afterthat i took just one kropok~ hehee~ v cute u noe! xD ok tym da tgh tgu abg olderst dia dtg amek.. we sat pt funan nye tangga.. well.. si fael(abg dia) tu ntah pandai2 buat plan dia tuk kite 2gether 4awhile..~ he ask fikah to bu mcflurry pt mac~ n ask me to teman her~ coz he act malas nk beli uh kepe lahs xD hahahaha then~ i pun anyyythinnggg lah! ada chanceeee! xD~ then after buying the ice cream~ we HURRILY TOOK ONE PICTURE!! jenggg2~~~~~ there~ hehehe.. dapat jugak snap satu~ da lama tau tak snap2! hehe.. so after all the scuffled.. at night we OTP2 hahaha n cerita2 lah~ like wauuu! scareeeeeeee.. hehe (ok sorry story dia tk brape menarik, n v.dull.. tgh ngantuk n tgh ada gastric ni bila tgh post~ so.. hehe semangat nye kurang uh peepoz..) k AAAANIWAY~ tu gmbr pt bwh tu, hahaha recently amek,, one week after our monthsary haahahah~ it was on monday.. n we're planning to wear FULL BLACK outfit! couple2 ah~ then jmpe, amek uh gmbr! hehehe~ its nice clr uh~ .. NOIR~ yeah~ ofcoz.. any mnhtsary occasion, must hav smthg to surprize her!!hehee well, i did a drawing, from"paint" at the computer.. a drawing of us uh.. no pic refrence.. just imagination~ n i came up w ths.. this monthsary, ive been generous.. ALOT ALOT ALOT ah i kasi dia for this month~ hehehe.. dunnoe y but i feel COMPLETE wen i do this all for her =) she deserved it.. shes sweet n all.. well, after all, shes my girlfriend!!! hahaha~ oh yaaaa~ ive never give a girl sunflower b4 and~ guess wat~ SHES THE FIRST ONE i gave it to! sunflower.. hmmm y eh?? issit sweet? hmmm no ryt?? hahaha tkde.. its bcuz, sunflower represents HAPPINES..(b, u noe kan y i gave u sunflower?) hmm i guess u know.~ mm! mmmm!!sunflowwerrr to make her smilleeee wenever she looks at it! =Dtk pernah ku kasi org bunga berjenis2! xD k then~ theres accecories~my fav yg hitam2 tu~ yg dangling2~ haaha! SHE LOOKS JAMBU UH bila pakai!!! haha~ ~this one s the seat yg leh flip open care bear nye tmpt duduk laaaa xD fikah n me tuuu! walau pun bear~ dah kalau da dijenama kan fikah n pezal-- mesti la nk sweet2 jugak, duk kat couch~ romanticccc! xD get the idea? it flips open...~ ni CJ 11! hahahacute tak!? n the carebear toooo! heheMOORREE ACCECORIESSS!!!! hahaha~ finally~ the finale touch~ CHOCS UHH! beli kt candy empire pat vivo =)) then yg ni plak, she took a pic of most of the stuffs ive given her.. bnyk eh?? hmmm i wonder.. how will the pic look like if me n her were to be for 1 year.. JUST 1 year je.. u can guess how much it can upgrade?? xD well im soooo glad that shes back to the normal fikah WITH NO TEMPERAMENTAL MOOD SWINGSS.. phew! sunflower! hehe u noe wat to do eysss! hehehe oweelllsss~ theres many2 more to tell~ i cut it short, n its still llong! hehehe~ well yea~ sorry kalau post2 i tk seberape lately uh~ but seriously~ tym i posting ni blog~ i tgh sakit2.. gastric uh. tu pasal i cerita abit tk exciting mcm slalunye~ hmmmz.. sorry2~ ngantuk jugak! hahaha well, thats it for our monthsary~ look at those gifts!! bnyk eh?! tekejot i!!!! hahaha *******************___________******************** kk da da enuff~ ni skg topic laen plak~ biasa lah tu~ lpas da romantic2~ kite pon nk hav fun dgn members jgak =D JAMMINGG haha~ gerek2.. we found out that the best place to jam is pat doby gaut sane.. coz this tym we go simei nye, n the sound sucks.. BOOOO.. guitar pon da karat2.. hahaha have fun have fun tapi mataer tetap priority ^.^~ once dia da kol, dia da mencari~ ok bye2 band xD.. hahaha eh jap? ada msg kt hp i... jap eh nk check *reading* ahh tu! dia da suro kol tuu!!! xD kan kan kan!!! kk bye2 hahahaha enjoy another post frm si blur ni next tymm! dadaaa =D

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket5/18/2009 09:57:00 PM

Sunday, May 10, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

FROSTMOURNE is back!!!! tu nama band aku buat sendiri uh xD kite nye band lum ada nama agyy hahahaha... semalam g jamming .. KECOH!.. ada good and bad kecoh uh.. n soo it was saturday..~drg da h plan nk jamming malam.. biasa2 nye i wait for my gf to text me camni,"baby, i nye bapak dah klua g keje!! dtg tau! i'll wait for you" ahh .. so~ tapi bad news, dia pegy malaysia.. so sementara tgu malam, i go lah cut hair, da lebat uh beb.. xD had a good morning coz fikah msg2 all the way temaning.. but then dia kata dia siap2 g malaysia dah, tk bwk hp... hmm~ ok sooo.. it was already 6 pm! siap2 nk g jamming pat bugis.. si lukman nye plan uh~ tapi mcm zundalz... band jmpe lambat n TEMPAT JAMMING TUTUP~ so kite da reunion tapi tk main music, sume mcm HOT uh! fed up je.. so, kite usaha carik studio. the first studio kte g, tmpat tu kene book dulu.. so, forget it uh... but kite tanye dia, wheres the next nearest jamming cntr.. kata org tu, pat prinsep st ada.. mak oi, its ard doby gaut area uh.. so OFF we go, pegy peace center.. carik2 skali DAPAT JMPE!! yay! hahah but nk kene tu pai kul 1030 uh.. by the tym, dah kul 930.. 1 hr.. kite g makan2 pt mc dulu.. then proceed! ni gambar2 pat bawah~ gerekk ah dapat jam lagu sume smooth je.. shes gone, sweet child, here without you n many more... feeling dia syiok uh bila dapat lompat2 to the music yg kte bawak! hahahaha~ skali sparuh jalan jamming, fikah pink baby kol! mak peh terperanjat i! dia kata dia gy msia tido umah nenek moyang dia!!! but wen she called, dia kata tadi dia stakat g makan je pat lua.. bpk dia tk jadi g.. =.= hekk eneeh~ k soo, mlm dapat kolling! xD yahoooo.. k anw, kite org abes jamming kul 12 lebih~ sume da panic, tkde train or bus.. except for lukman ah yg tgal dekat daerah bugis tu.. hmph! soooo comes in one more probbbbbleeemmm.. si syed the drummer ni, tgal pt woodlands.. sok dia mask alek camp.. dah tu dia plak, take bus frm a different bustop than us, me ghani n shali lead guitar.. so after syed dapat tahu da tkde bus n train, dia mengamuk2 la.. kte org kol2 dia tk respond.. msg pun.. well, we wanna help uh, i can spare some cab fare for him.. but since dia tk respond.. kite no choice uh.. kite balik naik cab sendiri... syedddd syedd.. susah la, kuat nah majok.. hmmm... masalah ni hinders me from lil miss sweetheart girlfriend of myne.. but i the end.. after the hustle n bustle!! i pai uma, trus kol fikah ku itu.. kolling2 pai kul 6 pagy~ hehehehehehe free incoming dia activates on sat malam je maaahhh ~ so must make good use of it ^,^ talked alot of misunderstanding issues that need to be slow talked n some happy memories of us recently =)) thats y me n gf were meant for each other.. we give n take n setia towards eachother! muackz u FIKAH!! hehe~ ok sooo, end w that! i wanna share w u my experience singing on stage. ANUGERAH 09! yep~ i masokk.. ghani puunn hahaha.. nk pilih lagu nk nyanyi, i had gf to help me~ nice2 romantic songs =) i'll sing all for her one day hahaha n.. then comes the big day~ bratur peh PANJANG que! frm 10am we're there seh.. but luckyly, by 4 we get to register already~ yeah LUCKYLY.. there still more behind us! phew~ soo, kite kene nyanyi the next day.. brrr seram seh~ ah ni gambar pat bwh~
... thats how we qued up to register.. n dapat num tag for tmr auditions~
thats our number.... not LUCKY number tho...
k dua2 out xD hahahahahaa
apesehh.. mepek je, kite nyanyi suara sedap, drg tak amek xD cheh mcm paham xD hahahaha
tkde lah if u guys noe me, u noe how i sing ryt~ tapi judge kata, ada yg kurang in me.. ntah laaaa... hahaha~
i bawak lagu revalina,ceritaku maybe too slow kot lagu tu?
k nvm abt tat~ haha tk dapat join anugerah, singapore idol ahh! lagi gerek! hahahahah~..
kays~ i'll be updating again! thats all for this post..
heylo pink baby xD (u maseh ingat tk?) hahaha
totally~ we've been thru hard, but funny times.. its definitely hard times uh, but then pastu.. we'll laugh at it wen we look back! haha xD thru it all~
we come out of the other side.. still holding on together =D
we're meant for eachother.. we give n take.. we break the rulez but it was for our own good kan?
-meant for each other- *loves*

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket5/10/2009 09:07:00 PM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
September 2007
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010