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Wednesday, June 10, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

babeng skudai!!
ngafukaushi sheee rrghhngau!!
tikam stengah mati~ angin barat gambar solo!!!
korang tak paham.. ni bahasa aku daaa
ok chill2~ hahaha..
ok i still rmbr the prev post, i talked of smthg emotional abt me n gf..
well its like, i wuld die for her n all lah n bla2.. now da tkde steam nk cerita, coz its been drafted soo long ago, and tadi terdelete by accident!!! GRRAAAGGHHHHH!!!!
alaaaa.. kaaaayyy laaahhhhhhh...
actually, gt one time ni i almost lost my life...
and that point was when i ws exhausted n choked coz tekak kering sangat n i had no water w me to quenched my dry throat~ why kering? coz i run frm cck mrt to gf hse just to deliver a hanmade sorry card.......
i wun forget that.. the feeling i felt when i almost lost my breath, i tell myself.. i still want to spent the rest of my life w fikah, cnt die now.. n i calmed down.. n pelan2 catch my breathing.. da tk panic..n im lucky to hav survied =)
n yaah.. gf was sooo troubled when i told her this story.. hahaha~ cute her.
huh? what was the sorry card for???
=P put it simple, misunderstanding =) lost a few blood in the making of that card.. HAHAHA! only me n gf knows xD hahaha EH B EHH *bluekss*
welll~ that was month of may.. yeah~ tkde time nk complete draft tu.. so now baru cerita.. da basi xD
tkpe.. memoriess ehh~ hahaha
well, u guys should go watch the commercial when its 7 more days to SG IDOL.. im in TV, w a few idol wannabe, shouting"SEVEN MORE DAYS TO SINGAPORE IDOL WOOOOO!!"
yaaa like DUH i joined.. seeeeeeeeeeee..
long que
PLUS UNDER THE HOT SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
annnnddddddd yeaaah~ the guy they interview.. is the next william hung of sg idol.. guess whats hes singing???
GHOSTBUSTER!! ya lor. like w the background music he made by doing the TET TET TET sound. soooooo crap and the producers picked him to go on to the next round!
yep, we sang to the producers jee.. nt judges.. well, producer picked those who will make money for them lah~ like my face cant make it soo xD hahaha out ah..

welll dah out

so enjoy w frens ah~

went to somerset to meet zule ghani nez n nisha, drg tgk wayang but i arrived late n da tkde tix agy~ soooo waited for them till their show ended, drg tgk terminator.. hahaha.. while waiting, gf plak tk dpt msg w me, dia kt malaysia ngan fam =( alaaa.. g main arcade uh xD

aaaanyway~ before the movie, we watch a few chicks playing guitar hero just outside cineleisure hahaha i took pics~ there

we thot of playing, but their movie's starting uhhh ~hahaha wellll that wasnt all... guess what happen on 11 june? teeeeeheeeeee~~~~~~ did i tell you guys before that fikah is studying as a hairdresser in kimage school of hairdressing??? haaaa~ k so now u guys knowww kekekeke tkde.. i go wash n blow kt kedai dia jeee .. wel not special enuff?? xD ada extra srvice uh.. extra urut2 n extra CARE hahahahahaha~ part tgh wast pt basin dia pgy tickle my ears whr its sensitive.. AHHH mcm cacing aku dibuatnye xD well it cost 5 dlrs jee.. biasa lah, its a school, n theyre mostly understudies.. like my gf.. hehe.. well.. i hope the nxt tym she da pro, i want her to cut my hair uh~ cut handsome2 uh xD hahahaha well, gf made me 2 red bean bread.. HOME MADE LA SHIAAAAA!!! xD mak oi untung nye aku xD hahahahaha..its delicious uh i tel u~ kalau makan panas2 lagy~ PUH! hahaha i share2 dgn ghan as dia tlk teman kan me go wash hair kan hehehe owh welll.. standard.... i too have stuffs to give her as well =P tu ha kat bawah gambar2 nye tuuu~ huh.. whats this trashbag???? pala hotak donz! itu lah tmpt whr usually i hide stuffs for fikah to take.. hahahaha~ tk nmpk tu? haaa~ it consist offffff...! SWISSS CHOC!! ni POWER beb!!!!!!! haha then.. theres this super cute light brown cekak~ she looks good on it MY GOD! xD n this is a tattoo.... MACAM PAAA! xD hahahaha its plaster la bong~ hahaha mataer aku tu slalu accidentally CUT her fingers while cutting hair haa.. thats y, i bought herplaster to stick on when she cuts herself~ haa tgk tu.. cute2 faces ada haaa =)) yayy.. ANNNDDDDDDDD TRUUMMPUMPAAAA!!! DOMOOOOO-KUUNNN BABYYY!!!! xD (hes holding 3rd month flower tu, its daisy~) yaayyyy hahaha~ cute kan domo?? xD well this one's special.. ada my perfume on it~ i spray like PPSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALOT2 i tell u!! ahaaahahaha bia dia gila bayang aku xD hahaha then i gt buy cpl teeshirt for gf n me =P baju superman uh.. ty da amek gmbr, i update pt sini kay =D ************************************** ********************** ************* ****** yeaaahhh~ that was all early june.. ahakz~ mid june plak.. alot happen too.. i get to know fikah's mom.. made a gd impression.. and i believe she likes me to be fikah's friend.. well she thot im just fikah's friend uh~ lum masa nye nk bilang the truth hahahaha apart frm tht.. fikah nye kakak, fidah, da balik singapore.. and shes been a great help since.. i met fikah quite easily by using her as anexcuse.. xD like i tlg beli kan homecoming party deco for fidah, we use her name.. then dpt jmpe.. then, i took hald day off to step nk jmpe fidah cz dia da balik sg.. n met fikah baby n her mom also.. hahaha and then, when she wants to beli barang2 dapur, kakak dia ,fidah, help2 so fikah can go downstairs n meet me at the same time bli brg dapur! xD yehh~ gd memories uh~ but ada satu part ni which i wun forget.... kinda under section 11 CPC,of bitter memories.. its where fikah treat me all wrong in 1 day uh.. we kalau dapat jmpe tu ok la, tk slalu tapi kadang2 uh~but seriously rarely ah kite dapat jalan2 together depan public.. slalu jmpe kn, mest jmpei sembunyi2,, then ada satu time ni.. kte dpt jmpe n dpt jalan2 g limbang..dia nkbeli brg dapur buat bdae mak dia tmr.. then it all went wrong uh.. its like.... dia tk show that im his bf at all see.. mcm dia tk kasi i angkat kn brg for her.. dia tk kasi i belanja dia.. da tk diri rapat dgn me when near her frens(she calims she tak sadar) thats all forgivable uh~ but this events, i wn forget.... i felt under the shadows seh.. its not fair!!! to be sm1 bf, and not doing things a normal bf would do~ angkat knn brg n belanja dia air.. simple2 sweet thgs like that.. she denies me.. smmore~ depan kawan dia, dia mcm tk tunjuk im his bf.. dia tk diri sblah i, n i kt situ mcm tunggal.. diri sorang2 while she was talking w the guy fren.. jealous uhh!! then.. duduk pun tk rapat2... MAAAAKKK... and at 1 point, i was under alot of pressure coz i felt useless..an i almost breakdown.. da nk kluar air mata.. da sakit hati rabak uh... but ahe softened up when she saw me almost crying xD.. tau takut! padan muke.. then baru dia jalan kepit2.. pujuk2 suruh take deep breathe mcm yoga sume.. hahaha .. ye laa babyyy~ syg u laa! we talked this out anyway and she says shes sorry.. but baby, i do not accept this form of apology frm u if u make mistakes.. all i want is.. you to just change that bad ways.. and i'll be happy that u realised ur mistakes =) thats sincerity in apologies~ aryte my superduperspecialcherryapplepie girlfriend!? GOOD then hug me~ xD awwwww..... heeee~ kay i love my girlfriend sooo much~ missing her already (baru je tadi otp) hehe~ yaah.. shes my best gf..~ mcm2, i never thot wuld happen in my r/s with her~ happens.... hahaha! well.. gd experience for us.. k thats all with lotsa love....... done! hope its a gd post... cool life i had huh? hehe im just lucky =) lovelies! take care! bubbyeeeee~

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket6/10/2009 02:02:00 AM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
September 2007
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010