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Sunday, August 16, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

THIS MARKS THE FITH CHAPTER OF RAINBOWDIARY!!!! hahaha yaaayy~ been busy w celebrations la seehh~ bithday bestfren ZULE on JULY, birthday girlfren FYKAH on AUGUST! then up next is mine of course xD!!! kay lets start off w a lil flash back of events w frens.. then ZULE'S BIRTHDAY 25 JULY a lil bit of the ''boy girl r/s story'' THEN the preparations of 13 AUG! gf bdae!! BABY GIRL BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!!! aftermath: cheesecake pt 2 haha~ k OFF WE GO~ starrrtinngg of in FIRST gear~~~ ok see this joker here.... kay .. this is NESTAZ... well of coz hes nothing like that.. i mean THAT FACE IS FAKE lah~ dia pakai mask xD hahaha~ the shop where i bought superman clothes for gf~.. k in face, he looks like there.. the botak guy in the pic~... hahahah~ kaaay.. dia da masuk NS.. xD.. 1 month plus or 2 already.. there... more of his botak pic xD welllll.. sejak duamenjak tiga sampai sebelas menjak ni.. dia every week end ajak lepak same2.. boring la kan hidup dlm camp.. weekend book out, da bebas, asyek nk merayap n enjoy jee..! hahaha~ slalu nye kite g lepak2, jalan, catch a movie and makan.. THEN!!! main LAN hahahaha~ .. hehe kay thats zule n lukman =))) TALKING OF WHICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 25th JULY!!!!! BIRTHDAY ZULE LAAAAAA hehehee~ yaaaayy abang zule da 21 .. da leh masuk R21 nye bilik xD AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! babeng kau .. hahaha~ kay that day dia tak tahu yg kite (whole bunch, faisal, farah, ghani,sakinah,nestaz,nisha,lukman) akan surprise kan dia .. kire kan BASH uhh.. bdae BASH ... hahahaa~.. i planned w his mom la.. pasal on that day actually i wanted to hav a fren2 outing w bdae boy.. pasal every year, bdae zule, mesti kite ramai2 celebrate.. hahah. skali dia kata family dia ajak dia gy makan2 only family gtuk... aiyayaya! tak puas hati.. so i called up her mom and plan w her tat all the frens will be there to BASH him.. mak dia kata OK CAn hahah~ sooo.. gathered up all his impt frens.. 1st in the list.. ABDUL GHANI.. bestfren.. that pt of tym, zule n ghani tk bbl pasal misunderstanding.. ahahaha talk w ghani n dia kata dia ikut je lahs.. but in the end, dia n zule bbl, and ok again.. k. 2nd most impt was FARAH NUR ATIKAH.. favourite sweetheart.. dia and zule pun da tak bbl coz of some messed up feelings =).. but i gt them back together on zule bdae.. i knew zule would be crying in the heart.. just by seeeing his sweetheart face right infront of him on his bdae.. somemore farah pun ada some sweet presents in hand hahah~~ sweet girl.. shes even sick on that day.. dia g telan obat batok too much.. then tak stable.. haiya.. i helped farah ofcoz.. kesian dia.. but still in the end.. that sweet girl, tahan walaupun sakit.. DEMI BDAE ZULE.. wOow... haha~ kk third n foremost.. zule nye female bestfren.. NUR SAKINAH.. hahaha~ nina~nina.. nak ajak kau (bila dgr ghani ada) PEH SUSAH!!!!! bestfren nye pasal pun tk leh.. bangau kau xDhahaha~ but manage to get her in the troop! hehehe~ lukman and nez nisha ofcoz will join coz theyre all our close frens =))).. zule da surprised giler!!! HAHA his circle of frens right infront of him to celebrate his bdae.. hahaha dia sampai menggigil nk ptg cake.. sampai kene support pakai dua tangan! xD hahhahahaaa!!! zulll zull.. ah tu kan.. farah muka sakit~. k. muke ayam PENYET xD haahha!!! well.. the day was great.. cake was from me.. hehe~ thats my present for my bestfren MUHAMMAD ZULFADHLI tempang(ngapmet) xD. i did my best to gather every one.. well.. nt every one.. but those who is rapat w u , me, n knows of ur bdae la i mean hahaha.. it was great.. mamam kat pizza hut.. bpk zul belanja... KENYANG!!! ahahaha`~ farah menyesal pasal tk dpt makan (sakit) xD hahaha~ well.. like i said.. the day was great.. but the NIGHT was great too! hahaha~ zule went on to antar farah balek coz farah unstable.. so, we the gangs later meet up back w him kat jurong point =)) later there.. lukman join.. after that.. we waited for zule then head on to bugis to play LAN.. DOTA uh~ hahaha.. nina n nisha split frm here on.. haha sooo we played all the way till late... balik naik train snap2! hehe well, had a blast!!! one thing on my mind that day was.. wether zule n farah nye frenship da fix blum... they hav a special frenship.... not normal.. they love eachother.. but one cant accept another yet... now things are cool.. seems like both are going w the flow... well guys.. i wish u guys hav a smooth flow, together..! anythg, u guys knw who to look for... ME ME ME ME xD hahahaha~ all the best farrfadh.. k.. tu love story tak menjadi.... xD (sorry to say that) ahahahaaahhhhh!!! take a look at myne =) jejeng!!! ... yeaaappp!!! lawa???? hahaha~ sunset at fykah darling's blk~ hehe~ kite dua sembunyi2 (pasal mak bapak dia tkleh tahu) gy naik tingkat 14 , top floor, and go watch the sunset together.. this is great~!! hahaaahaha! sweet lahs.. i like this kinda experience w my gf.. coz these are all imbued in our memory.. and whenever we went back to that same place, the memory particle will still be there n we will start to think back of those moments.. we will start missing each other.... thats how we tell if we still hav feelings for that sm1... =) so decided to snap a few pics~ sweet sweet hor xD alahai.. that eye contact!, xD hahaha ni plak dia agy busy amek gambar sunset =) snap2!!! hehehe.. good experience w this lil cutey.. haha~ shes simply put.. my best girlfriend.. i dunnoe what to blog IF we were to ____ snap xD hahaha.. weve gone thru alot just by being w each other for abt 4 month... ALOT i swear..... yeh.. and she gt me this cool silk tie.. which she tool the trouble to wrap it big2!!! but in the end.. torn papers after papers just to find out that it was just a small box xD SWEET KAN!!!! ade2 saje budak pmpn tu xD sayang u laaaa hahaah.. tgk!!! first pic sampai berselerak uh bukak2 wrapping dia.. KECOH!!! bnyk paper uh~ .. i was otp w her ah when tgh bukak tu wrappings xD hahaha~ she was like all GIGGLES xD! kwang asam.. rajin2 gd gd! hahaha nice tie.. but it was a FAT tie.. bangsa BOSS2 pakai.. i was happy of the gifts but i terus terang uh, that i dun wear that fat2 one.. aiya.. kecik hati pulak????? =x lousy ass pezal.. but she says, its ok.. haiz.. i will wear it baby.. kay =) .. uve gone thru the trouble... see one day i will wear in front of u.. =) anw anw!!!! i want u guys to take a look at my bed room!!!! haha~ tgk tu~ ada board w me n gf pics.. THAT IS MADE BY GF!!!! haaha~ 4th month gifts kate nye.. well.. its damn sweet that she make that.. ahahahahaha~ well well.. take a look of some of the other things that shes presented to me =) there.. its all in my personal drawer... i like the red n white flower2 thingy.. she made that~ i wanna learn it frm her =) baby one day ajar i kay!! hahaha well.. we have our ups and downs.. one day tu.. uhhm. ok.. not one day.. for a few days, baby gf was like hard harsh and nasty towards me.. she gets super agitated very, and i mean VERY fast!!! a lil thg like misunderstanding and a lil too much control frm me abt guys la bla2, would shoot her blood SKY ROCKET!!!! shiiuungggggg!!! abes uh~ pezal kene... =( that has been going on for a week or so.. hmm~ and i, trying to show a gd example, keeps calm and ty to settle thgs out w her.. ok lah~ it takes 1 night for us to fight~ tak pernah terbawak till esok.. but the lil things i did sets her angrrry like no one business, scolding me,, tunjuk perasaan dia, HURTS ME .. yaah~ i penyabar.. can tahan =).. i seldom fights back.. and if i do.. i apologise... but i too am human.. i hav feelings.. i get HURT.. n she hurts me everytime.. she turns me to nothing.. to dust.. to dirt.. im nothing!.. i keep on getting hurt n hurt n hurt.. one day i had my life, my energy drained out.. "i need to get away frm all these!" says my mind .. as much of a doctor myself(doc love)xD~ i still cant find a vaccine for this YET.. so~ i seek help frm three diff ppl in three diff days.. eeqa, nina and fidah(her sis).. they did a great deal by telling me how a girl should feel when i am too over.. so as advice frm fidah and eeqa.. i should tell her how i felt.. thanks to them, it worked.. fikah syg realised her mistakes and is now a better WOMAN xD cheeeyyy!!! da smakin matured! hehe~ now were ok ofcoz.~ i just rmbr the incident and wanna share2 =) mana tahu krg pun kalau face the same situation.. can call for me.. ive been there, done that xD hahaha!! k moving on~ baby's bdae is nearing!!! and u knw what.. gt this cb guy wanna make cake for her............... tak sunat kan? babie seol!!!!! sebok je.. org yg nk jadi the sweetest on gf bdae, adaaa je budak nk ptg jalan.. kata gf, shes the one yang ask the guy buat kan cheesecake tu.. but to me.. ada org nk buat kan cake MEANS ADA ORG NK BUAT KAN CAKE!! tkde sape yg suruh n bla3.. peh binget (nt at my gf xD sayang dia tu ada lah hahaha) yeahh~ that guy is my opponent! im gonna make cheese cake for baby too! hmph~ i asked ard if anyone cld make cheesecake.. skali nina kata dia pandai~ so i told her to help me out w this.. ghani n zul pun join~ this is the starting view~ cleannnn je xD hahahaha.. k lets START! HAJIME!!!!!! she loves oreo cheesecake or anythg OREOTIC! soo~ to make oreo cheesecake.. 1stly u need OREOS! n CRUSH THEM (for the base) got help from ghani n zule =)) pasal im not the only one making.. nina pun~ n she nk buat a bigger one hehe.. kk~ni part~ old timer da masuk campur(my mom) abessss ahhh! dia da sound! "mana bole gtu~ ahh ni telor nye mata kene kua kan.. ah 200 gram agak2 tak payah exact!" bla2 xD hahaha,, k more pics~ nina buat sponge cake layer while i make the oreo base... ni whip prata pe? xD the heck!? xDM&M!haha~ ni ghani n zule dgn semangat!!! xD hahaha~ k tu we form the base in the pan~ so now for the cheesy fillings~~PLOP the cream cheese.. haha plop plop! xD OH in the mean time.. were baking the sponge cake layer and the base.. afterwhich!! haaa~ now the chese fillings! hahaha excited nyeee!!! hehehe~ zule had his moments xD same here ahahaha!!! ok~ time to but the patter in the pan =))) decorate2 abiiittt xD k power??? tasted the batter.. ada sour2 taste coz we put in lemon zest.. skali lupe nk ltak vanilla esscence to counter the lemon taste plakk.. haiyaa xD~ daaaa bake... jeng2!! takpe.. lah~ well.. i over baked it tho.. nina punye bake for 50 min~ and the base hangus~ ape lagi myne??? 1 hr!!! i dunnoe.. havent tasted it xD owells.. lets make the chocolate paste!!! the third layer.. the decoration =)) at this pt of time.. nina, zule ghani da balik.. n im doing it on my own... (first tym ahhhhhh.. seeraammm!!) mellltiinngg choccccc... grrrrluurbbbb using dark choc tho.. kay da sapu.. last min dapat tahu .. baby tk suke dark choh pasal pahit2 .......... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! owells.. cheesecake da hangus, and cheese dia rasa lemon2.. now? dark choc?? WHAT ELSE??? abesss .. spoiillll..... k nvm.. cont!!! 1st tym making cake.. she'll forgive me!! hahaha BUT I WUN FORGIVE MYSLF!!!xD k now making the cheesy cream layer.. spread2 weeeee~ then!!!jeng2!!! DECORATE xD hahahahaha.. melampau eh?? hehe~ kay dah! rrrrrreadyyy!!!! i dun knw how it tasted.. ty uh~ on 13 aug~ me n gf gonna TASTE MY VERY FIRST CAKE TOGETHERRRR! hahahahahah! (oh im sooo gonna lose to that chinese cake making guy) =((((( awwwww... geeezz...~ anw.. THANKS TO GHANI ZULE AND NINA!!! yayyy~ =) kay soo~ ive completed the cake at 6 am in the morning of 13 aug.... just on time huh! hahaha sooooooo~ abit of a story that is connected to fikahs big day =)kay~ so u guys knw that my gf, seriously is the no freedom type.. cant go out at all coz bapak dia strict =) hahaha~ i hav no problem w that~ seriously.. coz i always hav smthg up my sleeve heh heh heh! before 13 aug, ive plan w her mom.. asking her, wether she could help me.. by bringing us together gy dating~ hahaha~ mak dia kasi kite g dating uh~ cool pe?! hahaha~ i expected that~ coz ehem~ i.. bein the gentleman go seek for permission xD hahahaha~ mak mane yg tak terharu dgn ke'gentlemen'ness i... hooohohohohohohoooo! k soo~ that settled.. ive plan to treat her to swensens.. =))~ k here goes the BIG DAY~ firstly, THE GIFTSSSS.. ;) ahaaaaa!!! BigGy biG bebBeaR!!!!! OMG xD the biggest ive gt for a girl!!!! shes one lucky hotshot huh xD nyehaahaahahaha~ bear ni, kakak dia(fidah) da tlg pezal bwk masok ni bear dlm rumah dia.. thanks for the help! sweet girl deserve something that sweet! xD AND SWEETER! aahahahaha~ k~ in-conjunction w our 5th month celebration(which we celebrated together w baby grl bdae) hahaha lil fykah gt smthg for me too~ hahahahaha! that night~ 13 aug night! YAH! 13 AUG!! 12 am~ i was there to wish gf at cck~ bwh blk dia.. urm.. kt carpark xD hahahah wishing her happy bdae.. was there till 230am, woosh! hahaah.. balik naik teksi, g bikin cake xD~ soooo while i was there.. she gt smthng for me..~ there.. three presents wrapped cutely... she gave me her old old pics!!! yg bangse budak2 agyy.. time p sch and sec sch.. hahaha! i love that! hehe.. ok also she bought me a pair of boxers and a pair of tie.. black and silver.. cool cool.. hahaha~ thanksss baby!! da da da.. move on to MY GIFTS! hahaha~ take a look at this~ black stone gems!!! a watch, bracelet, necklace, and earrings!! 1 set~ i hope she will wear this tym hari raya~ it'll look good on her =)) hahaha~ anddd hey hey heyyy!!!!!!! take a look~ yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh! thats what im talking abt!!!! WHITEEE GOLLDDDDDDDD and DIAAMONDDDD N E C K L A C E !!it shines brilliantly xD thats how its design~ the center art ada diamond2 hahaha its REAL diamond.. first tym aku beli DIAMOND.. BANGGA!!!!! ahahahahahaha~ this one is costly~ ok.. 100 over je uh~ but still, ada standard nye tau ni.. bukan kucing kurap punye tau xD haahahaha~ one thing i hope is.. i beat the white gold ametyst ring price i bought for prev ex.. ho ho ho.. k~ so the gifts are ready~ btw, i for gt to take pic of the choc box.. fererro rocher uh.. hahaha~ kay! soo~ on w the DATE!!! met fikah outside swensens at 1pm sharp.. =)) hahaha was glad to see her.. weve nt been meeting for a week plus.. aahahaha~ look at her, reading the menu (mcm paham, in the end, she couldnt make up her mind nk beli apa xD fickle minded like me hahahahahaa~) here, she looks soooo small w that BIG menu xD hahahahah! sooo cute! there2.. macam paham ryt i told u xD i ordered for her, speggy meatball.. hahaha.. and order myself spegy teriyaki!! woo! fav! (biasa lah~ ive gt JAPANESE taste!xD) hahaha~ while the food are ordered.. ive decided to present her, her present! xD hahaha k that sentence was tricky~ hahaha gd luck to those who dun understand xD! k ~ the sweet moments.. (look at her face.. all smilesss) ni dia happy, tk pernah org kasi dia gift camni..pastu ni dia stress.. takut2 ape kt dlm.. hahaha~ da bukak plak~ dia happy, dapat rantai(pasal rantai lama i kasi dia putus uh pearl nye..)then ni dia CUTE.. pegang2 pendant cute tuu hahahaha~ the design looks like butterfly uh, but actually, its a two heart design combined n look like butterfly!(cuba take a look upstairs) hahaah~ know what~ me n fikah both at first nmpk that design like a butterflyxD but then .. EH??! hahahaa! its two hearts! xD laaaaa,, hahaha~ k soo~ BLASTED her w more gifts as the food pun arrived.. ni shes reading my bdae card.. hahaakaay MAKAAANNNNNN TYYMMME!!! xD eleleleehhhh~ suap menyuap yeee. xD more coming up ! .. kay sooo~ makanan pun da sedap telan.. fikah tak abes xD hahahahaa sopan! kalau aku~ huh.. pakai tangan je lap xD kay up next! ICE CREAM!! weeee~ kay.. cherry mau suap menyuap beeebb~ hahahahahahaha!!!! kay muke due2 pecah.. xD candiiidd xD hahahaha.. (teeett) hahaha look at her.. all smiles... awww.. shes sssuuupeerr happy i guess.. =D okay lah~ up next!!! cakeeeeeyyyy!!! (NERVOUS NII .. SEDAP KE TAK EHH) cheyy ptg cake sehh~ .... kay.. the fact is that.. the cake sucks.... SUCKSSSS!!!!!! GRAAGHH!!! spoil uhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i tak puas hati.. told her to throw away that cake.. but she insisted not.. hmm. i dunnoe la.. i feel that i hafta make i new one... soo~ the SEMANGAT is there!!! haha.. aaanyywayyyy... over all.. it was i GREAT BIRTHDAY~ gf says that too =) nice2 memory.. hahaha.. kay~ cut it short~ im still not happy w the cheesecake!!! cheesecake REMAKE!!! this tym.. its MY OWN RECIPE.. MY OWN HANDS MAKING IT! hahs!! kay~ im the inexperience baker.. how?? hahaha TGK YOU TUBE LAAAA xD gt the idea.. this tym, im makin a sample to go w it.. so i culd taste it~ this time, no lemon zest.. no sponge cake.. and no darc choc! ahahahah! take a look~
bake the batter.. normal cheesecake ingredients, w cream cheese, sugar and CARAMEL xD my fav.. PLUS gt vanilla essence! the impt ingredient! hahaha~
kay soo done baking! tasted the sample.. was good enuff.. sis n mom says, this one is the better one than the prev cake! haha owells.. when it comes to sweet stuffs.. im number ONE.. my GF hates it that im the no 1 in sweet foods xD hahaha but im making one anw! hahaha~ k soo.. the cheese spread.. here..and here is the melted MILK CHOC! (not dark choc hahaha)eheheee~here~design to perfection~ xD
alamak.. too much~ not that perfect now xD but its cool looking now... xDkay~ so the oreo drizzle!! k done~next .. the designs, decorations!!jeng2~ i made her name xDpakai lidi to adjust2 TAU!here.. cute kan heart shape tuuu xDmy sis saw this.. and dia kata.. haiya.. susah la org bercinta dalam dalam ni xD ok pe.. hahaha more designs.... annnddd! DONE!masok kau dlm tapawey!!!
hahahahaha yayyy~ well well.. baru je tadi dia makan ni cake.. ITS DELICIOUS kata nye.. RAUL (adek dia) kata.. wah kak.. syiok uh.. poweer.. nk lagi bole? hahahah.. and FAEL(abg dia) kata.. wahh nice2.. creative eh dia ... hahahahahahah! i like gd comments =)) gf will get positive feelings too.. and my rel w her family will go up xD hahaha gd exp uh eh? hahaha
well thats all for this post!!! verryy lengthy huh! hahaha~ ni uh~ korang nk aku update ... xD ammek kau babattt xD
kay guys! till the next chapter!!
this is pezal.. signing off!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket8/16/2009 03:49:00 AM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
September 2007
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010