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Sunday, September 27, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

its pezal punye birthday!!!!!! =D yayyy! da 21!! da besar! da bole kawin!! oops xD hahahahaha.... damn, im getting older by the second as im typing here.. eh korang2 yg baca pun sama ahh!! xD hahah! TUA! o~k whatever! hehe.. so, my birthday start w a buffet kat keje on 24th sept.. conjoined w july august and other september babies kat tmpt kerja ku, yeh~ we had a celebration~ agy2 my bdae is just besok, i kene sabo, kene joget depan dorang hahaha.. ok la.. si muke tembok ni peduli apa.. hahaha~ my joget is what they describe, kene electric shock x hahahahah! maybe, im too good that its ELECTRIFYING xD hahahahaha!!! ok~ the CAKIES!!!!
yep2~ and the buffet pics! =D
had a big meal la sey~ just look at the FOOD! GOOD FOOD! tambah sampai 3 kali!!! i ate alot(pagi tk mkn beb.... pokai!) ahahaha!
mataer aku pun tekejot~ dia kata, my "tank" is amazing.. hahaha! cake i ate 1 each.. choc cake and blackforest~ hahaha.. sedaaappppppp!!! best2!!
ok~ that was in the day.. in the night pulak, gf went missing.. but by 12, she called me and wish me xD hahaha~ dia kata dia sengaja diam kan diri.. nk surprise kan me.. pandai dia.. hahaha ~ soo~ followed my a cpl of wishes from frens.. gf actually wanna webcam w me, nk pegang candle and wish me happy bday otp.. hahaha! but her com spoil.. owells.. =) the tought was sweet~ (tapi tetap tk buat jgk xD) ahaaha! anw im contented~ =D shes a great girl.. haha.. i really appreaciate her ~ god! ok soo we get ready for tmr... =)
25th sept..
my birthdy.. hahah~
went to funan to meet gf.. she gt a couple of plans up her sleeve.. a few gifts in her hands.. we went to the food court to open up the presents!
speecheless! only pics could tell ~ sooo haha! here we go! =D her presents~ it was all in this cute blue bag.. =D
first up!! the hand made card! hehehe~ 4th september is the date she made it for me ahaha~ sweet thang! its cute eh?? tgk uh! haha.. blakang ada birthday wish agy!! hehehe~ zule kata, the card is super creative.. lawa!! haha~ well i kata.. my gf is the best.. thats all xD.. i love u b! hahaha.. well, everybody says its nice..! gf must be feeling great =)) shes VERY SWEET on special occasions!!! xD
next up!
another card.. and behind ada heartshape and the word "rub it"
so i rub uh.. tk guna. ntg happen~ =,= fykah, tk puas hati~ dia pon rub skali.. xD NOTHING HAPPEN jugak! maaak! hahahahahaha~skali dia kata"agaknye kene scratch pakai coin tk?" hahahahaha! jeng2! ah2 laaa~
belo xD hahaha~ xD whats written beneath it was some ITALIAN word she wrote, (says fikah!) hahaha~ "buon compleanno! TIAME...." means~ "happy birthday! I LOVE YOU!" =D hahaha~ cute ehs! xD
next! oi banyaknye bende hahahah~ ok next is this kotak dalam ada shape bunge. and a few paper rolls.. dlm, ada word2 fykah tulis for me.. hehe~ takleh tahu uhh! nixD
sweet gifts uh =D
skali kat sana ada nyonya KPO ni kacau2 kite pulak.. cleaner uh.. 32 ... 32 in police means GILA.. =.= TIGA SUKU! irritating jugak uh.. but gf was nice to her.. so i tk ckp bnyk.. well, i just ask fikah to chnge spot... takde la~ abe tu nyonya tu was lyk, kacau2 tgk2 hadiah2.. maaakk~ irits!!! gf nk take out satu2 dlm paperbeg tu, abe si nyonya tu da klua kan semua.. daaa tk fun.. ahaha.. then kite g tuka spot tmpt lain, jauh dari area dia jaga uhhh~ =D kt fd court jugak .. tapi bahagian dalam =)
k sorry for the distratctions! haha~
ok up next! ADA LAGY!!! haha!!! she g0t me~
MINYAK WANGIII!!! aaannddddd! surprisinglyyyyy!!! CINCIN!!!!!!!!!!!! pun*ek... serious kepe!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ada jugak smthing yg melambangkan yg, aku ni kepunyaan fykah xD hahahaha! ive been hoping her to get me a ring! AND SHE DID!!! hahaha~ tkde, pasal kt kereje ni, ada satu budak laki dia, kata, "eh, u gt no ring ah? ur gf nvr buy for u ah?? u give her ring, means shes urs, then u??" ahahaha~ thats y i teringin sgt cincin! =D hehehee!!! cute2! sweeeetttttt!! gahahaha~ dia pakai kan ay~ nk tgk tk??? hehehe malu! .. kk jeng2~ awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ tahu that tym bila tgh "sound" dia mataer~ part aku pasangkan cincin for her, i shouldve taken a pic jugak~ i kneel down agy uh xD hahaha~ DRAMATIS! ROMANTIS! xD hahahaha~ but anw~ sweet girlfriend does that to me AND I GOT PIC TO PROVE HER SWEETNESS!!! xD and gets me allll that pressents!! i can only smile w a tear drop=')! i love u baby...!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ada satu pmpn ni kt skola fikah kata, "now she give u ring aredy, u cannot own any other girl.. ur hers aredy" xD cute peeeeeeee~!!!! hahaha suke2! xD im all yours fikah~ and ur lyk, MINE ALSOOO!!!!!! hahaha!
~ after all that~
kite g jalan kat raffles city!!! weee!! beli mcm2 ah beb!!!! chocolate, donut,crepes,.. jalan sane jalan sini.. shopping la gtu kan~ gerek uh!!! da lama tk gy dating , and it feels great that the girl ur dating with is ur very own GIRLFRIEND! u all know la kan, her parents strict, tk kasi dia merayap2 ni sume.. and i cherish every moments that i spent w her.. esp DATING!! xD soo at reffles city there~ we went to get my ring engraved!! hahaha~ "fikah *heartshape* faisal" acam?! sweet la kaann~ i like the ring =).. sweet la gf aku. haiz.. syg u leerr GERAAAMMM xD
yeh~ plastic bag bnyk .. and mataer ku was like, tgh gy party agogo pakai mask gtu~ stepping lady gaga.. xD lady kekek ada uh x) hahahahahah !!! jahat nye aku!! hahahaha.. alalala sayang u la baby xD
thats all we did for the day! VERRYY FUUNNNN!! hahaha~ went back to funan to get ready to balik~then split up w mataer ku.. coz she kene renew passport~
oOK~ after that, met up w the boys!!! haha! ghani zule and nez.. yeshhaa! gerekkk!! xD
soo ended up the day gy main lan game dgn budak2 tu.. hahahaa and tgk bola at my house..
tk amek bnyk gmbar uh.. hehe~ ni je yg ada..
ok~ its a wrap!!!
thank you people for the wishes!!!
bottom line, i have to say, the celebrations with my gf was the most memorable uh! the BEST birthday ive had!! hahaha.. it culdnt have gotten better!! xD the best!!! elelelelehh~ hehe..
ok credits to everyone that participate in making me happy on my bdae, the bdae wish and the thoughts..~~ annndddd...... of coz! the most important thing~ the most important girl!
special thanks to ...
RAFIKAH BTE MD RAPIT..........the love of my life <3

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket9/27/2009 10:35:00 PM

Tuesday, September 22, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

hello semuanyaaa!!! =D hari raya was just yesterdays yesterday xD! and fikah and me dah plan a lil date together.. out with our couple shirts laaaa kan! xD i met fikah during lunch hours.. (of coz la i took off..) agy pun, i gt prac motor kul 1pm.. so i met fikah at 11am.. after that chiow kul 1220 gtu to yiochukang!.. hehe~ simple day that i wanna share u all.. jarang la kan i post in the blog im out w kesayangan ku yg satu ni. teehee ^.^.. of coz! ada gambar2! hahaha.. i love posting w pics.. =DD ok~ i met her, and hav a lil chat and drink.. mini date la kan.. hahaha! ty my bdae baru dating abes! hehe i hope dapat tgk wayang dgn dia.. =) its allll in her hands, how she plans the day hahaha..~ been pushing her to go to the movies w me.. haha! smthg ive not been doing for a long tym since da bermataer hahaha(dulu tkde mataer, ajak dating, most of the tym, wayang la jugak xD) hahaha!!! so i thot a movie date would be fyne.. =))) haha.. but aniway~ lets see how it goes on that day la k! soo~ as for tday!!! hehe~ what we did was very simple la kan.. but pics tells us stories and the day never looked simple xD! here u go... PEZAL N FYKAH.....~ =) enjoy!
these two, she took my pic~
then these two i took =) macam same kan?? wel it is same!! hahaha i simultaneously took on both of our HP hahaha! the one w flash n bright is my phone, the one thats low in contrast is her phones =D annnddd not to forget~ pics together2 haha! sweet eh kite??? kan kan kan? haha!
love today~
sayang mataer aku lah..
oh anw~ shhhhhhhh
my gf dun know im going for TP on the 29th oct~ hehehe! gonna surprise her w a bike one fine day~
and she will be like "B, BILA U DAPAT LESEN U!!!???" hahaha~ all the best for me on 29th!!! must pass haa! hehe!!
cabut! =)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket9/22/2009 10:05:00 PM

Saturday, September 19, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

well~ malam raya this year wasnt the same as prev year where me zul n or ghani would spend tym together.. as zule pun da pindah toa payoh la kan~, so we wun be seeing him often is simei no more.. thus, no lepak2 anymore..~ this year , im with my sweetheart!!!!! =D yesshhaa! ok.. umm~ so things went great that day as i went to shop for fikahkusayang punye baju raya. =) (yep i got her one purple kebaya just for our raya outing~) welll.. definitely its nice and im posting it when i got it tailored and nicely done and when she wears it too =))) cant wait! meanwhile~ the story camgini..(pendek kata) at 1 pm, me zule ghani nez and lukman gy geylang laa to shop2 for my baju raya~ haha baiikk hati drg, ...ikot xD.. yeh~ hahaha.. soo round round round round and then da dapat jmpe baju untuk fikah uh.. zul took pics of it but that belo go delete.. pics of me trying on that kebaya.. i tell u, i berani uh~ ape2 saje tuk fikah xD.. mati.. hahahaha!!! then~ tgu org tu jahit kasi kecil n then 5 pm, i wrap it up and go meet fikah kat lot 1 w her mom and adek.. fillah~ i just wanna pass her the kebaya je... sekali, dapat jalan2 skali dgn dia n mak nye.. haha.. ikut drg shop2 beli cadar.. haha! fun uh~ cukup tym, buka w them.. glad that finally i get to buka w my mataer!!! ohh u just know how hard it is for me to meet her!!! xD but we did , on a couple of occasions hehehehe~ well, after buka, mak nye, dapat a call frm rafidah.. kakak fikah yg kat AUS tu.. ahaha~ fidah then wanted to speak to me.. well then she talked lotsa trash w me xD hahaha.. she told me her life there uh~ well, the way she was explaining it to me, IT WAS SUUUPEERRR FUUNN i tell u! all the freedom in the world!!! no wonder she dsnt wanna LEAVE there..!! =D haha fidaaah fidahh.. she says she wants to teach my gf a thing or two (naughtystuffs) but I! HER BF! WILL GUARD HER FROM ANY MISDEEDS!! gaaahahaha! noway ehh fidahh xD ok~ soo after that, we allll together went home.. i followed them home as i was carrying their cadar2.. hahah~ i offered anyway(amek hati ni haa~) ahahaha! and we reach home shortly~ .. well~ surprisingly, i was let into the house to put in the cadar~ at the same tym, i asked fikah to change to the kebaya that i bought for her [= and hahahaa DAMN it was too big.. well. i had to get it tailored again! nvm~ this tym, i'll get it right as fikah gave me a sample kebaya to mod it into that way~ fuuh! ketat kapeee!!!! then the thought crosses our minds to play the bunga api.. we planned to play together malam raya, and here we are.. very luckily that were together malam raya ni..~ =D well heres our bunga api pics ya!
alaaa~ tym da petik gambar je, the sparks went off!! grrr! hahaha~ ni candid xD
hahaha~ well, it wassss fuunnnnnnn!!! hehe~
so after that, me loeft for home shortly after =)
dun wanna stay there too long! her daddy might come home seeing me there xD
MATI! hahaha
so, as a proof that ive entered her grand big house, ive taken afew pics for that~ =)
her house is very nice uh~ compared to mine.. its like a beautiful beehive compared to a termite hole.. ok.. nonsensical abes.. hahaha.. ada ke comparing houses by using insects labrynith?? hahahaha! ok what ever la.. the house pics are below =)
besar wooo!
hahaha~ best laa..
im happy that we gt to spend tym malam raya together, and get to do the things we both want in the same day~ its a BLAST!!
dapat buka same2, dapat jalan same2 agy, dapat main bunga api samep2, dapat be together malam raya, dapat mcm2 agy uh xD hahahaha!
im just happy that this all happened!!
weeee! i love my baby soooo much!! mmmuuuuaaahhhhhh!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket9/19/2009 11:40:00 PM

Tuesday, September 15, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

HAPPY 6th MONTHSARY TO RAFIKAH AND NURFAISAL!!!! haha~ what happen on that day was unbelieveable.. lil shorty cutegirl go CUT my hair.. hahahaha but she gt sooo much help from the instructor and it seems like, instructor doing most of the job xD but~ yeah~my gf, altough inexperience, she did her best.. hahaha ade part dia majok uh.. hairwash tk nk tgk muka..!!! ade la sebab2 tertentu.. xD HAHA! (abeh kite dtg cty hall hujan2 dia tak amek kite tu? kte basah kene hujan tu? and then suruh kite carik tempat urut mane tah kite tak tahu.. kite tk majok?? hmph!) ok EVEN la tu kann.. xD hahaha.. anw.. that dsnt matter..~ as long as we hav lotsa gd memories! like, hehe, me n gf gy kedai wig2 w her mom, and like, happily main2 dgn wig.. ingat nk amek gambar, but hahah kedai tu nye sales girl tk kasi =X sheet btul! hahaha and best thing is, we're like bbl "I", "U", "B" depan mak.. and mak tak kesaaahhhhhh!! xD hahaha.. its like.. mak da ok kite mataer.. TAPI still kalau bole, confirm dia nk kite JGN mataer dulu uh.. hehehe owells, we've been in a r/s even before mak nye kenal saye xD hahaha! just carry onnn! xD hahaha.. anw, ddnt hav any pics for the day.. too bad.. tak amekk.. seems like our monthsary celebration will be postponed to my bdae.. HAHAAAHHH!!!! dating agy maybe??? see howw gf plans for the dayyy ^^ weeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kk till next POST peeepss!!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket9/15/2009 09:15:00 PM

Monday, September 14, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

seems that im having a problem that i cant solve or balance out w lil sweetheart.. for all thats concern.. its a small one.. what? yeh.. i cnt ask anyone for opinion as its individually among me and fikah preference.. ok.. its abt her outwear.. xD sheessh.. ok, im nt the typ that wants my gf to wear lacy2 outfits or smthing that shows a lil too much skin when shes out.. even w family.. nah~ not the kind that wants and likes AND lets her do so.. buuut.. sorry to say, fikah ku, ISSSS the typ that likes wearing singlet tops n shorts bottom.. uhh~ singlet im ok uh.. if those yg cover bust line im ok.. BUT.. MOST singlets are too low cut, showing some "oopsy daisy" "choco lattaa" "mama mia" "ooh lala!" and i do know her singlets are of that typ.. for her to tell me "i pakai singlet je" hmm..i will be like, "b~ t shirt?" annnndd she'll be like, "ala, u tak pernah ada problem w what i wear dulu what, now? why eh?" i dunnoe uh~ maybe, i was too oblivious of the womens that walks ard me wearing singlet showing bustline or too much skin.. now when i think of my gf wearing singlet.. im too worried that .. u know.....? urgh..! im not sure lah. if di diamkan, she might think im ok w that, and i here, will be like, "DAMN!" kecil hati uh.. i want my gf, jaga pakaian jugak uh.. pernah sekali i ask my bestfriend, zul, ni.."zul, mataer aku typ2 pakai singlet bila dia klua.. ok tak?" and he was like.. "zal.. kau nk ke mataer kau camtu..." (he knows im not the kind that goes for sexy rather i go for beauty).. he continues "dulu kite g clubbing, pmpn sane pakai singlet2, revealing tak? laki2 mata merayap tak? even budak2 yg ikot kte, bbl2 pasal tu tak? kau put mataer kau in that place.. what do you think?" then i was like ..... ........ i spoke to my mataer.. the firsthalf, yg zul kata, "kau suke ke mataer kau camtu?" then she kecil hati.. dia kata, i terikot kan kata2 kawn.. gee.. ok.. i chill uh~ i have to adept.. yeah~ me n her are going a looonngg way.. so, anything yang antara satu tak setuju.. kene adept! haha.. its like, we'll be togethe for like looong2 tym and if lil thing like this were to test us again n again, i guess.. its like stupid uh~ no point =) im ok~ so. i will always judge wether the clothes she wears, suitable to where she goes or not.. singlet and shorts to go play bawah blok ngan adek2 or to go kedai runcit blakang blok, ahh ok can.. but GEYLANG??? wah wahhh! sane da la PACK! mat2 bnyk oii! no nono~ RISSKKYYY.. !!!! tapi, bila ditegur pulak, dia tanye2 kenapa skg kite ni jaga sgt pakaian dia.. actually, no la.. dulu je dia tk pernah bilang apa dia pakai xD tu pasal.. =,=.. gahahaha! anw.. da bnyk kali da berlaku, where i ask, "b, singlet je? tshirt??" and she will be like"b, u dulu tk kesah i pakai ape seh.." . yaaa quite a few times aredy.. and everytime.. i will be like... da tak in good mood uh. THEN.. hehe this lil sweetheart will change her mind and wear tshirt and jeans.. and tell me happily "b, i pakai tshirt jeans tau =DD" hahaha.. shes a sweety lahs.. can jaga hati saya.. BEST!!! hahaha smtyms she likes to TEST me.. dia nk tgk uh wether i control her or not.. hahaha PEZAL LAKI CONTROL????? maampusss... xD hahahaha! i just worry~ i will let her wear singlet g mane ah, BUT .. i wun feel good ^^ yep~ hahaha i wun control.. i will let her know a piece of my mind jer hahahaha~ thats all i wanna share.. this problem is one we're unable to solve =)))) but, we're contented.. give and take la kaaannnn... thats all! I LOVE YOU, RAFIKAH..

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket9/14/2009 08:17:00 PM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
September 2007
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010