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Tuesday, October 20, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

somehow.. ive deleted half of a draft post of this post here which ive been drafting since hari raya.. IM SOOOOOOOOOOO PISSED!! tkpe... hmph! k tkpe.. lets just continue..... welll guys! the big day has arrive....! 10/10/09(sat) this was the day, me n my closest of all frens had our raya outing of 2009~!!! last year nye outing da la tak post xP. last year wasnt blogging alot maah~ well.. this year was bigger! better! zule da ade lesen~ and we all sewa car together just for this day~ and i pun da beli baju for fikah so that we wore cpl2 on that day.. but a series of unfortunate events.. she wasnt able to turn up...... so again.. pezal this year raya solo jugak =x.. aiyo... kay~ CRAP ah abt this nonesense feeling! ok~ over w it.. tknk bual bnyk.. mcm ssssssssss.. DAH! back to the raya outing =D kay~ so this year.. we have abt a bunch following~ and more houses to go.. standard.. fai zule ghani ada =P nez awie and lukman finish up the list of guys whos following =) as for the female list~ it WAS supposed to be fikah, farah nabilah, kid and nadia.. but yaaa yaaa.. u know la kan~ saket hati...... =@ fikah tak ikot la kan.. pffftt.. and im here very dissapointed coz i let my frens down.. drg sume nk i bwk fikah.. abehs~ sume tanye2 tau, wether fikah ikot ke tak.. even my mum tanye~ "mataer kau tk ikot?" then, afew houses we go, org rumah tu pun tanye2, yg ungu takde couple nye? maaakkkkkkkkk!!!! frust uh.. k diam~ caryy on carry on~ kay sooo~ yehhh tk salah kan siape2~ binget je =).. ! KAY! soo~ we start of the day quite early.. the plan was, for all to meet at SIMEI by 11..so as most of these ppl yg ikut tgal east side.. pasal first house, my house.. we had no problem to that! =) ghani pulak tdo my house~ soo~ yeh cume farah je yg kt jurong~sooo da dapat kereta, si zul ni pon rush to farr place to pick her up~ and of coz.. he need my assistance xD.. dia mana la tahu jalaaann... ni pun da amek farr~ hahahaha! soo, i leave it to ghani to gather up the gang!! =) we arrived at abt 1130.. and surprisingly, sume da kat my house~ xD the first house! =) my mum masak! soo BREAKFAST!!!! hahaha! sooo there! hehe~ the bunch..... and how the hell sume nk sumbat dalam kereta???? haaa kite sewa 7 seater la seyy!! xD hahaha~ so~ yeh.. 10 org.. fai, zule, farah, ghani, nabilah, awie, kid, lukman, nadia, nestaz~ ahh~ bole laa tu~ the cpl2 pangku2~ and cpl nye si zule.. farah, duduk kt the front seat.. =D that was the initial seating arrangements ah hehe~ blum try agy! hahhahaha! soo after my house.. makan2~ then by 1230, kite UP ke rumah nestaz.. atas je =) simple2 chop2 kedebakdebuk.. amek gambar.. ni ~=)
sooo ini lah the bunch yg ikot on this very pestrigious day xD 4 couples and two singles.. sadly, im one of the singles T.T boooooo...
ahahaha~ kay la tu.. what to dooo, fikah tkde.. haiz haiz! haha okok.. sooooo just look at the numbers of ppl going~ 4 cpls, makes 8 ppl.. plus soingles makes it 10!!!! baik ah, bnyk.. so how are we gonna CHUCK all into the car??? heh heh..
what dya expect!??? kecohh uhh!!! hahaha~
we gt~ awie and kid w nadia and lukman in the back seat!we got nabilah and ghani with me and nez in the middle =))))) annnnddddd of coz~ zule the driver with his ma'am(farr) kat depan xD! hahahahah!!!!
kay sooo.. next up.. we head over to nabilah's house.. ghani nye ex nye house =) puun kat simei jugak~ well, rumah dia tkde org uh.. kite dtg just to dtg je xD.. well the best thing abt her house issss!! the kek nutella!! hahaha basically kat sane.. kite mencekik jeeeee =)
aaaanddddd a few snaps ;)
zule and farr xD. farr tak sabar nk mkn kueh tu haaa xD hahaha! seedaaapp~yehh~ we makan je kueh kasi abes~ esp the cornflakes.. kimek~ addictive la shey xD hahaa~ ok.. some reflexology of the mirror image! ~the only bestfren ku yg pmpn.. the kecohs~ the becoks~ the sememek.. KID! ~(zye)haaah tgk tu~ sememek la kan? xD hahaha! (jgn tgk aku ler)
kayy~ afew more group photos~ =)
(on my right shouldve been fikah..) kay~ =.=
annnndddd were offf!! next up! rumah awie.. well.. kid susah hati kat rumah bf dia.. she says, before this, she feels like unwelcome kt uma tu.. kesian kan!?!?! nvm! bestfren ada ha! haha~ soo. kat uma tu.. mak nye awie like mcm diaam je lah~ bbl cket je.. and kid pun ada la try2 amek hati mak nye jugak.. set up the kuehs.. amek cawan2 tuang kan air tuk kite.. =) haha~ end up.. everything went well for her.. sooo hehe ok lah~ ntg bad happens what kid? haha! apenye tah yg unwelcome =.= hehe~ so done w it~ we head to tamp! rumah kwn awie.. ada makan2! open house.. hahaha =D maaakan laaagyyyyy.. kenyang i! sane ada anak kuching!!! hehe snap!~ xD then all that done.. sume nk berangkat to next house.. uma kid kat bedok.. BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! something funny happens!!!!!!!
hahahahaha! at the midst of confusion~ akibat makan bnyk sangat tk baca bismillah.. si ghani ni.. tym balek. dia klua dulu.. he just chop2 put on his chapal and just went off turun dulu.. soo kite2 ni yg kat blakang turun afew moments just after ghani turun uh.. soooo tym sume nk turun~ si nestaz ni mcm lama nah tau kat depan pintu rumah org tu.. ntah apa tah dia buat.. so we went off first uh.. yg tgal kat atas tgu nez, is zule.. soo minutes later tu dua ekor turun terkekek2~ xD NESTAZ NYE CAPAL SEBELAH LAIN JENIS!!! xD hahahahahahah! dia da terpekik2 OI SAPE YG AMEK SLIPA AKU AHH! xD HAHAHAHAHA!!! aaaandddddd u guys know who?????????????? xD tu ha~ tgk ni! patut la nestaz mcm lama kat situ.. cari capal dia rupenyeeee.. xD aduuh~ ghaniii ghani!.. xD k~ kite sume da .. YA ALLAHH!! xD terkekek2!!!!! hahahahahaha
hahah kay~ sooo~ amek afew pics while waited for zule to drive out the car out oh the multistorey carpark..sooo!!! next pit stop! rumah bestfren pmpn akuuu~~~ kiiiddd yayyyyy! haha~ sooo~ OFF we go againn TO BEDOK! vrooommmmmm!!! peet peeetttt! xD
kay we arrive shortly~ so kid ask us to wait bwh blok dulu as dia naik dulu, kemas2 uma dia.. mak dia gy pasar laa. and yg tgal.. bpk dia yg sedang tidur xD.. soo yeh~ after that done with~ kite pon naik umah dia.. waaaiitt~ snap dgn farah dulu xD
kay~ aku muke penat~ tk tidur btl smlm.. selepas dapat tahu berita buruk yg fikah tk ikot.. =.=...... kay! meanwhile. upstairs kt uma kid.. hahaha~ rumah dia bising dgn bunyi burung! I LIKEEEE!!! hahaha~ tweet tweet! tweeet tweeettt! x) hahaha~ so yeh~ snap2 pics ahh! halfway through~ mak dia pulangg~ ^^ hello ciikk! xD hahaha~ her mom impression of me is a responsible guy.. yg tlah jaga si budak kid tu sejak 5 tahun yg lalu~ she trust me alot and leave kid to me =D k~ i'll be responsible =P hahaha~ soo~ bbl2 jap dgn mak dia sblm berangkat~ sooo sebelum pulang tu.. SNAP aGy!!! ahaha~
lawa lawa.. nice photo of us.. mcm lawa gtu ada mcm terasa suasana jungle xD hahahahahahahhah!
kat bawah blk ada lagi tek photo~ yeshhaa! bestfrensss!=))
k done ~ last house at east before we head to WEST side! farah's nenek house! =D phew penat!
tkde~ yg tgh typing ni yang penat!! xD bnyk sangat cerita xD hahaha~ ala.. jadi korang yg baca pun tk bored la kan =) (esp my mataer.. i want u to read this~ best tau dgn bestfren2 i.. but u takde.. tk syiok seh..... =(((( .. haiz.. tgh tym2 gini pun tetap pikir kan mataer ku yg satu ni)
hahah! saayaangla kaan~ kay soo! head to farah nye nenek house~ =) skali nenek dia g klua laaa.. hahaha~ so we duduk2 jap uh.. 10 min later~ baru je nk berangkat, skali.... "assalamualaikum!" nenek da pulang xD haaa! "lama tgu nek balik?" xD she then terus masuk dapur........ whoa whoa whao nekkkk!?!?!?!?!?! ape buat tu kat dapurrr???? NEK NAK MASAK??? mati..at this pt of tym. perut pezal da kembong xD i wonder what will fikah say if she is there together w me, makan every house xD "b, perut i boncet =(" hahahahaha! cute la mataer aku ni.. ~k soooo.. since nenek masak.. sume kacau2 sebok2 kat dapur uh~ hahaha... my bunch mana tahu duduk diam punye~ da la kecoh.. xD hahaha esp kepala dia ni.. yg berbaju ungu ni xD hahahaha! yee~ aku laa ! ahahaha.. ni ha gambar2
ek??? zule yg masak??? hahaha dia sebok2 jeee.. can see uh, sejak kebelakangan ini ~ dia suke masak.. nk jadi maid kot? xD AAHAHAHAHAHA!! see! yeaah! let the pro take over! tepi la zul xD hehehe snap2! sume kaypo kat dapur i tell u! hahahahahahaha!!! u know what? i asked nenek.. "nek, nek kawin umur brape?" nek jwp.."18".........................ah baik uh~ zaman skg, yg 18 maseh nk fling2~ enjoy2~ aduh.. org2 dulu agy! muda2 da kawin. da hidup berumah tangga~ da officially kene kong2~ zaman skg je, tkleh kene sikit! hmph~ i wish i was in the retro era.. bole kawin siang dgn fikah !HEP?!!?!?! xD hahahahahahahah!!! xD JOKEER jee heheh~ =DDD
kay sooo~ after nenek da masak, dia hidang kan kat kami.. oh nenek masak meehoon goreng.. mak datuk~ sedap la jugak! hahaha~ soo.. sume makan lah.. aaannddd si zule ni g buat bunga tissue for farah~ dah tu si kid ni puji la.. ala sweetnye.. mataer aku tak=.= sooo~ awie pun nk buat satu for kid la.. tapi dia tk tahu camne.. xD ahaha~ k laa awie.. sini.. aku ajar kau... so i tought him.. n he manage to complete sebatang bunga tissue~ jeng2!! tapa~ dia kasi kid as in like tkde flair la.. dia mcm "nah" n letak depan kid.. xD kid pun kata la"ala~ tk sweet nye kasi cmtu!" aaduuuhaaaiii.. xD ssooooooooooooo!
"kay nah~""eh nanti2! kiss dulu" xD"taklaa.. main2 je laa"=)"i love u!"
kay...... yg dialog tu.. i buat sendiri.. xD hahahahahahah! tapi it sounds like that uh hahahaa! kekek2.. heee! and heres farahyep2~ w the two bunga that zule berikan kt dia.. (tapi.. end of the day.. farah tk amek bunga tissue tu.. she left it in the car....) sedih... kay!!!! done at eunos~ uma nenek farah best2 ^^.. up next! uma kt ptg pasirrrrr~ wah siow! serious seh.. tk tahu jalan~ hahaha exit toa payoh dari PIE.. the lalu CTE and some highway. pastu belok2 .. u turn dua kali.. xD baru sampai.. hahahahah! SESAT! kecoh seh rumah pt sane! (thanks to farah for remembering me this part) dalam kereta semua sampai terpekik2! hahaha~ si nadia ni la, da tahu exit is to the left~ belok kiri.. dia pegy kata..teeepiii teepppiii!!! ah teeppiii laaaa! si zule da blur.. xD "APE YG TEPI? MANE TEPI?? " wakakaka! pasal dia confused laa.. si nez at first gy kata, "kau jalan straight je" tau2 si nadia ni out of the sudden... shouted TEPI!! xD ape sak tepi.. kite sume da kekek2 after we missed the exit! tu yg kene U-turn tu!! hahahaha~ kite kt blakang da.. "AaAahahaha !!.." xD kekek laaa~ zule kata~ dia phobia.. mcm drive kat road malaysia.. xD hahahaha! but in the end.. smpai jugak~ =) tkde sane ada dua rumah nk g.. rumah nadia and syaidah/adilah nye house.. at the same tym.. anta nadia balek(the one in black) thaanksss for tagging along nad =))))))
okays~ so we reach potong pasir at abt 8 plus gtu.. but still hav a few more houses to go uh.. soooo kat sane kite chill2 for half an hour gtu.. take pic2 banyaaakkkkk! hehe..~ tgk la tu~
korek telinga? xDghani garuk kepala? hahahahhaha! zul dgn farah sweet sentiasaaaa. =Dkay... aku sorang =.=and since lukman nye partner da tak tag along.. tinggal la kite seekor.. tkde partner xD ahahahaha~k groupies!!
nice2 hahah~ next photos~! couples portrait =DD greeniesweenies farr<3fadh shabbybluess ken and nabz (ex)ravishingruby kid<3awie
nice kan??? JEALOUS AKU TGK..
aku tkde.... =( fikah la ni.. tk ikot.. asdfghjklqwerty!@#$% !!!!!!!!!!!!! sedihh tauuuuuuu!
boohoo =((((
kay takpe.. whats over n done with.. we leave it as be... tknk salah kan dia.. kesian dia tak bersalah.. =(((
hmm.. kay~ nxt house g uma adilah/idah house.. nxt blk je haha~
soo kt sane.. org rumahnye masak.. so kite pun mencekik uh.. =) sooo at the same tym, kite plan whos house next.. i msg2 fikah, can or not dtg umah dia.. but... ada prob kt sane.. n were unable to come by her house.. (mcm tooot kan? da plan2 tapi satu pun tk menjadi......) part ni.. aku da binget.... tkpe lah.. so next house, langsung ke rumah ghani...
at the point of tym.. me n fikah tgh bertengkar.. soo.. i tk sempat amek alot2 gambar after this..
(since tkde gambar. we cut it shorter lah kays....)
so after ruma ghani, we head to bukit panjang.. uma lukman punye pakcik.. ada makan2 kat sane.. but kite sampai sane agak lewat.. and farah has to balik.. so, halfway, me n zul n farah n kid mintak diri dulu.. while the others stay makan2... well.. MISSED uh. makanan sedap2..
haha.. anw, asal 4 of us??? haaa.. basically, zul driver.. farah yg nk balek.. me? zul need my assistance , dia tak tahu road sgt.. then kid? well..she teman me coz dia nk advice2 me.. me n fikah tgh ada prob.. then mcm nampak sgt uh.. so she wanted to calm me down.. well. she says its her first tym see me so angry like this... hmmmm
ssoo.. yeah. haaha~
kedabak-kedebuk.. da sampai balik bukit panjang... then picked them all up and pegy last house kat tamp.. by the tym da kul 2am.. percaya tk?? pukul 2??? MAK! hahah.. ntah la.. kwn nabilah jemput.. dia kata mak bpk dia masak..
aduuuh.. one whole day maaaaakannn je.. tk berak lak tu.. >.<
after the last house.. antar budak2 balik.. si kid takut uh.. coz dah 3 pagi.. so i ask her to call her mama.. and we will speak to her.. minta maaf n all.. so we did.. and safely sends her back.. so yg last2 tu budak kt simei je uh~ awie.. n nab.. da antar balik, tgal si lukman ni.. tinggal bugis.. hahaa~ sooo we mandi n change then baru antar lukman balik.. on the way, ex ghani (nab) nk jme ghani pasal wallet tertinggal.. haaha~ sooo =) sempat uh amek gambar..
kat busstop depan uma nab.. amek gambar xD
so lepas tu.. head off to bugis.. antar lukman balik..
if u guys perhati kan.. by then.. its me n fikah nye monthsary..
kite raya outing on the 10th.. so, da esok nye.. da 11th what.. sooo =) i request zul to drive to choa chu kang la.. hehe.. so, da kat sane.. i called gf.. waking her up.. i told her im at the carpark.. and she was like"ape u buat kat sane.. asal u tak balik tido?"
hahaha dia ngantuk2 gtu bbl cute lah..
soo we talked things out..
only to realise.. that we love each other even more as days gone by.. =D
hahaha~ cheeky line eh? basket korang xD
so with dat done!
wahhhh shagg gilaaaaa~
welll ,thats all ive in store w u guys!
i hope gf see this post and see the photos.. then she'll understand what i mean when i say.. i sakit hati.. xD
baby i love u!
haahahah~ fikah the best gf ever!
kay thanks for being w me through 7 months...
lets go forr more!!!!!!!!
happy 7 monthsary baby!
may our wishes comes true..
till then.......
heres some of fikah's pic w the kebaya i bought for her.... in memories of raya 09.. enjoyed the post?? LEAVE A TAGG AT THE TAG BOARD!!!! its dead =.= maceh xD

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket10/20/2009 10:16:00 PM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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February 2007
May 2007
September 2007
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010