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Sunday, November 22, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

HELLO DOMOOOZZZ!!! =DD teeeekkk aaaaaa loooooookkkkk! tadaaaaaaa~~ fykah and pezal had an ouuuttiinngggg!!! well today ws the day fykah had her 2nd practical exam. the perming exam.. it was in the morning, and i took off for the day coz, i was providing models for her mum and i need to be there coz my makcik, the model, tak tahu nk confront siape la kannn =)) wokey dokey!! so~ after her perming exam i came at abt 2 pm, w my aunt (cik nana), the model for her mums exam, which starts at 2 onwardsss!!! yippeee!!! u know why im happy??? no?? pasal mak dia takde.. cari chanceeee laaa!!! no wonder dapat outing =.= xD ahahahaha so we strted off by having lunch at the nearest mall..~ well, not that near la, funan and marina square jauh jgak.. but we head ther for lunch an for another reason! NEOPRINT! haha~ so heres some pics we took.
nasi lemak oi~ hahaa.. ok soo we chomp up our foods and went to look for that neoprint thingy~
..... cari peh cari....
tarak.... dey?
we asked ard and u heard that the place closed down alrdy~ WHAT!?! mother btol!!!!
gosh im sooo pissed.. gf sampai pujuk2 jgn cmni..
da la.. tkde mood la seyy~
i reeallly2 wanted to have a neoprint pic w her sehhhhh!!!!!!!! damn..
but then~ gf asked.. is there is anymore neoprints ard here~ well i told her.. nearest is at bugis.. but, we dun have much time..
but gf insisted on going there.. well, she wants me to be happy la kan. so she dun mind the concequences like being late or what~.. but well, since shes sweet to do that to me,, i wun stall hr time and take advantage..
soo~ OFF WE GO!!!
yayyyy! happy nye~ nk gy amek neoprints!! xD ahakx!

so we took the mrt to bugis.. and went to bugis junction..

on th way, we walked sooo fast.. pimpin tgn uh! kan ramai org, sooooooo we had to lepas tgn, split to two sides and pimpin balik to get past them.. hahaha~ then theres this bunch of kids there, we planned and dun intend to lepas tgn and just pmpin je tgn and just angkat tgn, let those kids go underneath it~ ANNDD U GUYS KNOW WHAT?? the kids suke.. n was laughing to it! xD hahahah~ gf says sorry and we walkedoff speedily =D funn2!!!

so we reached bugis junct~ there i saw this malay girl w a group of frens.. her baju pndek and like nmpk kulit at the pinggang area there.. so i whisper to gf .. "b, u pakai gtu u kene dgn i.. tk senonoh tu" then gf was like, fooling ard and laughing, SEXY TUUU! kata nya.. and were laughing2~ skali, tu pmpn pusing ah. n i say like "dia pikir kite ckp dia yg sexy HAH!" xD kurang asam kan pezal? xD abeh dia prasan =.= then she was like, kacau2 kite, saying remarks like, "EWWW BLUE BLUE!" (pasal kite wear same2 blue wat) hahaha~ mampus ah dgn dia~ gf da kecoh. nk sound drg, but i tahan di.. relek.. were here to take neoprints kok! xD

arrived the neoprint shop and took some neoprints LIKE FINALLY!!!!! hahahahahaha

i likkkkeeeeeee!!! ty just tgk kt bawah post ni for it kay?

and im ending the post anw...

soooooo otw home. the train was packed, and theres only one seat, i let gf sit la kn.. hehe~ then she asked me, wether i wanted to sit or not, i say no nid la, 1 station je.. ~ haha~ but gf insisted and mek me sit, and she sits on my lap after that~ awwwww...! hahaha~ cute2!!!

kay soo, da smpai city hall kedbak kedebuk.. then BALIKKK! hahah~ heres the neoprints~

kay! so~~~ doneded!!!
liked the neoprints????
then go take some xD
thanks for reading! =)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket11/22/2009 04:52:00 PM

Thursday, November 12, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

take a look here!!!!
weve gt a dateeee!!!
UNEXPECTED DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha~ well i took off on that day la kan~ =)
plan to meet her gtu2 jer. plan to stay ard funan area~ and every hour she wanna go toilet, she meet me for 10 min or so.. PLANNED je.. hahah~ skali! the great happens!! =D(coz were the gretest in the world!)
hahah~ she told her mum that she wana find models for her upcoming exam beb! hahaha~ cari models as in tanye2 org kt lua wether they sudi jadi models for haircut hairstyling atau tk~
hehe~ ape lagi.. cabut ahhh!!
she met me and ask me.. "baby, where to?? we need to look for models..."
i answered.. "b, theres nothing here.. lets go raffles city arite! =D"
the plan was to walk2 w her, and teman her get models je.. =) but at least smtg la kan~ dapat spend tym together! =DD
whoppp!!! steady!~ dapat satu mangsaaa!! hahaha makcik2 tudung! theyre in a gift shop nearby penny plaza~ soo fikah ask me to sound them uh.. xD but i just walk in and out of the shop =.= which forced fikah baby to sound them herself xD
USELESS ME!!! haha! well~ the makcik2 sounds interested~ so we jott down their contact no~ and off we go to raffles city~ the makcik(named rogayah) well, she tells us that if theres anyone interested to cut hair or perm, she would help us out ^^~ GLAD! ~k sooo! nxt!
lets go DATING!
we met and went to raffles city initially, to look for models together.. BUTxD in the end,, we focus less on that but more on spending tym together~ ahahahaa! biasa lah~ =D
well~~ nothing much to say.. the normal walk in the mall thingy..~ we went 1 round on the shopping mall, looking for potential models, but hehee pay less attention to them and dun bother wun bother no bother, to ask xD well.. it was a happy thing for us walaupun we did nothing much.. we held hands from start to end.. fikah gt sweaty palms i think.. ??? xD hahaha~ i dunnoe.. but it seems so~ whenever i hold her hands, its wetty wetty xD.. nervous kot? hahahah! apeda b~ dgn mataer pun nervous! xD
well. biasa laa~ mataer hot xD nervous laa
wakakakakakaka! tkde la.. main2 je~~~ hehehe
well we spend abt 2 hrs or so walking n looking ard..
well, duduk kejap, i show her this.....
puzzle pic of US.. haha! my first ty getting this.. =))) its from RAFIDAH.. RAFIKAH big sis.. =D thank you so much rafidah!! cool thingy lah~ fikah n me very surprised altogether and it was sweet of you sis.. hehehe~ i 'll jumble up the puzzle pieces and oneday me n fikah will figure out how to fix it back~ together! =DD
ok again.. THANK YOU KAK FIDAH xD kak??? hahaha~ yehhh! thanks tau! u went to the trouble of finding belt n underpants and send it to SG, for fikahs sake.. awww.. u did a very sweet sis thingy~.. thank youuuuuuu!!! you'd be a great sis in-law.. xD
esp me! hahahahaha!!!!
well..~ ending this post!
went back to funan to send gf back to her school.. after that..
cabut.. balik..
was a fine day for me =D dating w girlfriend.. which i seldom do.. hmm~ i wish one day we could go out together every day to anywhere like nobodies business....
well. to start, me n her will have to setia dulu.. for now, she cant have her free will to go anywhere, n friends w anyone.. so.. mataer lama2 dgn dia, one day there will be this moment where her parents think shes big enufff to have her freedom.. and that moment, i shall have my fun w her!
wish for me and fikah to last long..
shes dear to me.. i love her soo much...
till then........

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket11/12/2009 08:14:00 PM

Monday, November 02, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

HEEEYYYYY!!!! look there ~ pretty pic huh? xD hehehe~
yep.. me n girlfy had an hr date!! haha~
but wait~ i'll fill u guys in a lil later in the post~
forrr nooowwwwwwww.........................................=DDD
ive gt gd news for all u readerss!!! (thatve been keepin up w my post this yr =D)
ok guys~ ive gt myself a..........
=.=V.. a piece of white paper....
w police logo..
written.. NURFAISAL of IC no.. bla bla bla adress of blu blu blu.. @#$%^....~~~~
"you can drive while awaiting the delivery of your photocard DRIVING LICENCE" xDD
holding a 2B licence slip, well~ it tells u all that IVE GOT MY BIKE LICENCE!!!!!!!!
what i dream of at the start of this year right!?!? u guys rmbr my wishlist ryttt!! hahahaha~ wooooo!!!
and not to forget, my lovely bidadari too! my sweetleypreeteyhunneybebbygurlfey!!!!!! shes what i wish for too.. at first, getting bike licence is priority.. but now, after being w chocolatecake baby ku for months~ shes my no1 in the list. one i tops most and prioritize~

11 03 09~ i vandalised a wall at blk 510 and wrote our names.. and up till now.. its been untouched....... hasnt been erased and still is there.. for memories sake....

ai? topic lari?? xD dari licence jadi topic r/s plak xD hahaha! well.. ever since im w her.. theres not even one post where i missed her out.. =D tul?

well that shows how much she meant to me.. how much i love her.. how much i want her to be in my daily life.. how much i appreaciate her.. how much i miss her.. how much i need her always how much i treasure our r/s..

its heartwarming at times when i think of our memories.. its just soooo melancholic.... for i have find myself... the love of my life.. baby if u read this.. i wnt u to know... that sometimes, words are deceptive.. but they are the best way to express feelings..

baby sometimes i lack those sweet talks hunn but hey =) by the way i treat you, its enough to tell u that im deeply madly specially in love w u ryt???? im there for u.. being ur advisor.. ur lecturer. ajar ni ajar tu.. being ur listening ear for ur probs, be it family stress or peers.. being ur big bro, protecting u frm ppl who wnts to take advantage of u.. being ur musician, ur comedian, ur punching bag(u dayus kan u, pukul laki2 xD) ur surprize box, popping up and surprises u, ur planner, ur idea (ade je alasan nk bagi nk cabut dari mak u to jmpe i =D), ur candy boy, chocs every months?? yeh last month pokai la b xD tkde choc.. but~ other months ada kan? smpai u tak terabes.. haha~ hmm.. im ur top up machine.. xD ~ yeah~ im ur bestfriend too. ive been there for u.. well i am ur bestclose fren in ur moms eyes ^^... late night, whos there, talking otp w u? being together w u.. u needed me lyk u miss me lyk crazy!.. baby~ im all that and alot more, well, i bet u culd possibly say out alot more that the above.. =) this is as much as i could possibly be..

a boyfriend...

ur a great gf ..... ur the only one for me.. the one that i will die for.. anything i'd do it for u.. only u.. ur special to me.. like were a match made in heaven. altough many differences.. we pulled out together and live tomorrow like all that is part of the parcel in life~ and smile to ourself.."ive got myself, a gem, that is priceless compared to diamonds.. that glitters brighter than that of a star.. a gem that is worth the time and effort getting and taking care of.. as it pays u w great happiness, a gem purely made of love.. a love that is pure.. a gem that wun leave ur side as it has ur name incrypted on.. it'll find its way to u when u lose it.." and that gem is you.......

this is her backside.. eh!!! salah!!! her back VIEW!!! tsk! korang!!!!!!! hmm~ hehehe~ yeah. i snap the pic out of nowhere.. she dsnt know up till now! xD haha~ yaaaa~ that was the day when i pass my TP.. i came to kimage to spent tym w her.. well, she dsnt know that ive passed anw.. nopw.. up till now! =D well.. i wanna surprised her je.. when ive gt my photocard licence, yep, i will show her to surprise her.. ~ whew~ u all better dun spill this to her arite! =) ok~ from here on, im gona update u guys abt our date lately late october... we went to merlion park.. well, this was before i passed anw... nice view ey =))) the sky is blue.. the view is splendid.. the wind is chilling~ well~ on that day itself, i take away some food at BK for her.. well.. i take away the food too early.. 11 am.. met her at 1pm.. so b4 i leave PCC(police cantonment complex) i reheat the food in a microwave oven je.. =) well, i ddnt know the ffod went overcooked.. AND ITS CRISPY!!!! xD hahah~ esp fikah's burger.. awww~ i feel soo badd! kasi dia makan gtu =((((( well.. she dun mind.. xD to her.. as long as shes w me in this kinda condition, (dating) well, nothing beats it when im dating w her ^^ .. cute eh dia! hehe~ ok sooo.. funan and merlion park, its 10 min walk away.. we walked smpai peluh2 coz we walked too fast!! xD no time beb hahahaha~ mak dia cuma kasi sampai lunch break is over! woosshh! hahaha~ so we just fast game je ah~ makan2 and take a few pics je~~~ for our memories ni! haha~ ada jugak dating moments w gf!! walaupun dia tk berfreedom.. hah! i prove to her that, she too could have her freedom moments.. i told her.. if we want it.. really2 wants it.. we will get it.. so believe.. take chances.. dun let luck pass by just like that~ grab it! =D well~ look at where we stand.. we DID date and it was a sweet date.. well =) tk pernah2 la kan~ jakun la. hahahahaha!
eheheh~ i took pics of her while shes eating and hahaha ive edited some funny captions and add speak bubbles to the pics as well.. hahaha xD its fake anw! =) here..~ take a look at my sweetheart~
well~ haha~ cute la us.. mkn share2 duduk kt krosi kecik.. n RAFIKAH TOOK MOST OF THE SPACE ON THE SEAT!!! leaving me w lil to sit on =.= kentot! tkpe gentleman.. xD hahaha
~ were kinda sweet n its kinda romantic, me n her, my back to her back, tgh mkn burger.. tgk langit~ n the wind blows.. she was telling how she remembered taking the ferry boat across the river there.. and she misses her sis.. well.. ~ i told her.. "b~ nxt year b.. tu ha!" *pointing at the flyer* yep! ive book 4 tix for baby n me n her sis n fren to ride the flyer on januari 20 plus.. EeEeeEEEee!!!! tk sabar!!! hahahah!!
well.. thats wll the pictures on that day~ oh yaa! actually ada lagy! hmm~ tapi hehe~ tk lawa sgt uh.. haha kt sane ada bnyk tourist~ and i have to help 2 of them petik kan gmbar drg. hahaha~ funny la, gt 1 tourist mintak fikah join skali in the pic.. she was lykk"eeehhh tkpe tkpe!!!" xD gabrah gtu~ paiseh takut2 xD haha
well thats all k~
i will post in the blog for the FLYER if it ever happens! =)
well~ cnt hope too much for it..
been hoping.. but to no avail..
serik? heh...
latest crushed hope was tentang hari raya kelmarin.. oOooOOo~.... heh.. welll.. dun wanna talk abt hopes nimoe.. frm what i know.. im taking chances.. thats all..
its hard to be in this kinda r/s.. but~ i'll hold on, for her..
she needs me..
but i need her too la!
=D hehe~
thats it for tdays post!! =)
tc guys!
read again!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket11/02/2009 11:03:00 PM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


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