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Tuesday, December 22, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

wello wello! haha how u guys doin?? good?? haha~ welcome to my blog =)wether u guys are here reading, or browsing through or stumble upon my blog, well, just stick around~ me n gf gt some cute stuffs to show =DD ok actually my idea to post this la, not gf.. but, she plays a big part.. =)) w/o her.. i wouldnt be able to post this~ haha! weelll! its abt WEBBY pics!!! haha silly us. funny us... natural us... ''at home look'' us~!! yeepp!!! hahah! well i promise the prev post that i'll post abt webby semasa girlfriend kt pahang, holidaying.. so here i am =D buut!! bad news.. we webcam but tk snapshot.... =( so i really apologise.. instead, im goona show u guys a lil smthing smthing =D hahaha its our older but recent webby pics of us! its taken in the same month (DEC) haha. just some random post la.. to share w u guys how mesra we can be ^^ still reading?? ok i'll lessen the typing~ =) just enjoy the pics! soooo thats how baby will look like when she's infront of the com xD i snap shot it like ninja, she ddnt know! hahaha xD.... bonyoh eh muke dia? hehe cute! =) soo this is us.. having fun.. taking snap shots.. random poses =D
ok.. so this pic of me drinking, she snap it xD and she likes it.. hahaha~ apesajeee je si baby ku ni xD
haha ohh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! i havent introduce u guys to booboo!
~ chachang!!! THERE! mr.BooBoo~
if u guys saw my oooooolllder post, when me n fikah were just lightyears.. baru brape bulan je, 4 month i think.. baru jugak ah~.. ahh.. i bought her a really biiiigggggg teddy!!! and soo lucky, fykah dapat bwk masok rumah xD! considering her strict parents. i did manage to pull of a cool stunt andddd tadaaa~ haha.. she knew of booboo on her birthday.. abt 1 month later when she recieve it from me.. well, if u wanna know abt why and bla2, u guys can go check out my july or august post =) its explained in detail~ hee~
soo thats the big baer-ry! cute huh~ =D
next up!
oook! so this two pics are pics that each of us wanted one another to pose for eachother.. well she asked me to pose my moouussells and so i asked her to do a cute face.. mcm jepun2 gtu~ n snap!! mcm dolll!!!! argh~ gf.. lawa la u!!! xD
ok moving on~
ja jaaanng!!!!
ni apeni? kaki sume jalan?? i told u.. were both one crazy couple!
hahaha~ aaah amek ko!
klakar la~ hahaa..
ok la guys.. ni side post jer
tkde life events to share lately.. gf pon overseas..
miss her alot sehh.. bila nk balik b??
i wish i could be there...
ok lahs... b4 i start to pout emo nonesence i better end my post~ haha~
ok guys! stay tune on kids central~
b.. i love u..

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/22/2009 11:30:00 PM

Friday, December 18, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

today~ FIKAH KU BALIKKK!!!!!! yaaayyyy!!! hahaha~ kay~ nk gy airport. tgu dia xD hopefully we terserempak! weeee! see ya'll! love u b~ =)
ok! back! so hehe~ got to meet her kt airport =)
of coz mom n dad n fam dia tk tahu i dtg.. haha~ biasa la.. kerje cmni, ninja je leh buat.. pezal ninja mah~ haha~
im excited! she came back~ after a week of missing and keeping the hole in my heart from falling apart ^^ i gt to see her wearing a cute dress. well she look beautiful like an angeell!!! haha~ well, altough my pics are blur.. i hope u guys culd see =)
well, i snap2 like paparazzi . and phone cams, zoom compatibilty is not that high tech~ so, maseh kental lagi la pic dia.. .. but here u go! =)
welcome home baby!!! =D
~ the girl in black facing the other way is her =)
haha~ best2! whoa! nk tgu dia nye plane peh lamaaa!! i reached abt kul 1... her plane arrived kul 5 like that! whaaatttt?!?!?!?! hahaha pezal pezal..
im just glad that shes back..
well.. ni sementara je lahs.. she will be off to pahang the following day~ holiday dgn the whole family.. since kak fidah dia da balik.. =(
well.. just bear w it lahs..
i missed u soo much honey..
hope we could spend time together again..
happy2 n sweet2 loving..
ok lahs..
i'll post abt ur pahang trip pulak..
i bought a webcam just for us to communicate with seeing eachother whenever ur overseas =)
well! lets get set! n GOOO! webby GOOO!!! xD
love u hun~

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/18/2009 12:05:00 AM

Sunday, December 13, 2009Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

hey.. its me.. mr lonely.. i have nobody, nobody have i.. =(((( I MISS MY BOOBOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gf aku laa! ='( dia pegy holiday kat aus.. at the same time, to attend her sis graduation party~ well.. 1 week holiday to aus.. aku mana biasa sgt w/o her ard? everyday in contact w her~ evey min gt msg2.. every night call.. its hard.. (and, after her aus trip, she'd be going to msia for another week ... ) baru je smlm dia left for aus.. at abt this tym uh.. 8 plus 9.. sheesh~ feels soo lonely w/o her.. sunyi je....

we just celebrate our 9 month together at her school.. she, being my hairsdresser, cut my hair for me =D kasi hensem!

hee.. we had fun running n chasing e/o ~ we ate yakun kaya toast chocolate dipz..
thats her fav! and we bought some fries at mac.. one for us and one for mummy dia..

and me, eating her nasi lemak~
here's my new hairstyle~ ^^
side parting haha~

u guys know what? i was soo afraid of this day to come.. i dun want her to leave la actually.. but in front of her, i did act normally. i want her to have fun at aus, for god sake, shes on a holiday.. she keep on saying to me, she dsnt wanna go.. but she have to.. thats the fact~ yesterday.. (the day she leaves to australia) AFTER OUR 9 MONTHSARY~ i drop by cck first.. to meet her, for the SECOND LAST tym, before she left. the last time will be at the airport anw.. so again, were lucky to meet... w brother's help, and lil sis, we met at limbang mall.. to hav a quick chat n meet up.. i cnt help it.. i wanna hug her.. but~ adek bradek ada.. =( she made me a lil smthing before she left.. flower made of ribbon~ purple and white and black in color..~ well i made smthing for her too.. COOKIES!!
mix well all ingredients together~
and bake! this ones w her name on it.. my own creation =D
before its baked~
after its baked! nicee! and it taste great!~ well, we exchange gifts and im off to the airport first.. it was only a matter of minutes when she arrived.. uhm, 60 plus mins.. haha! ok no joke. im sopposed to be crying! x( i couldnt anticipate whats going to happen at the airport.. i mean, her dad's there.. along w her eldest brother.. i mean, i couldnt get close to her i bet.. but.... lucky again.. we did met and i get to hug her.. ok well, i reached there first right. so i went and check the flight board where they show wat tym and wat flight and to where.. i checked all the flight thats gg to aus by 9pm, and mostly are at terminal three.. so i head down there, and gf has arrived.. along the way, i bought her mentos sweets, so onboard the plane, juz in case if her ears popped, she culd juz suck on the sweets to reduce that.. =) good bf dsnt just have thoughtful acts, his acts are thoughtfull~ =D ok so, she told me her location and off i go and find her.. shes there sitting w her fam n she saw me.. i couldnt help but smile .. but of coz not to make it obvious ah xD.. nanti bpk dia nmpk, mati la kite!.. so, we made eye contact all the way, and shows signs and hand signals like "i love you" to each other, secretly.. but of coz, to do it cautiously..
well, mom(fikah's) saw me.. smiling away.. i guessed she appreaciates what im doing to fikah~ sending he off.. even tough its hard w her dad ard, i still come.. so she helped us out by asking fikah to go toilet together, and there.... we met..
her mom gave us free space, by walking ahead.. leaving us alone..
i HUG her..
i talked to her a few sentences and they had to go alrdy..
well, fikah gave me her HP. she asked me to keep it for the time being~ so i took it and take care of it.. then fikah told me, to juz follow her ard till the very last min where they go in the gate to depart~ i did juz that~
before they head to the departure gate, for the last tym, we met.. nearby begawan solo.. she split w her parents.. and shes w her lil sis n bro.. i met up w her and i knew, thats the final chance to meet.. so i say all that i needed to say.. asking her to take care and all..
an before we split up, we salam cium tangan........
then, there she go.....
my final wave good bye and my final hand signal, telling her i love her.. well.. hope that memory is enough to make her think of me every time there..
thats abt it..
just minutes when i took the sky train.. i had a call.. its fikah..
we talked out what we needed to and there she goes..
so, today's my first night living w/o her ard.. ok, second night la.. the 1st night was the night that she left~ well.. its a blank day i tell u.. i feel soooo lonely~
no one to joke with no one to laugh with no one to fight with no one to get angry at
no one to story telling with
no one to share my feelings.. that i love her. that i miss her.
it feels sooo different..
and ive build something funny withing myslef!!!
every calls.. and every msges from my phone..
i would be like, HOPING that it would be frm fikah..
but when its my frens that msg me.. i would be like... =.=
sheet la! =( seeddddiiihhhhhh....... bt this feeling mcm paranoid gtu ah~
its like, everyday seh, msg came from her without fail.. feels so different w/o her.
ok.. so~ this morning, kakak nye fikah, msg men told me that fikah has arrived safely and that she cried on the plane.. alalalalalaaa!!! =( im sooo frust tht i culdnt be there for my lil baby!.. baby u tahan kay?? =( alaaaa kesiannyee....
haiz, i miss her..
ok so ive got four more days to go till the day she returns.. what am i to do without her?
blank sehhh..
haiz.. so nvm, i'll share abit of whats going on for the past few days..
on last sat sun, fikah gt extra cutting class at jurong.
so i wentthere after work and sebok2~ heehe!
we makan choc pancake together! been longing to eat that hahaha~
oh yeah~ and ive already gt my photocard driving licence~ and like i promised, fikah's to b the first one to know! (well, my parents aside uh, coz drg yg dpt surat tu =.=) there u go =)awww shes soo cute ant she? hahaha~
so for the first day shes at the extra cutting class, were sooo bored that we decided playing smacking rock paper sciccors! the rule is like this, we play normal sciccors paper stone but the one who losses out will be smacked on the hand! hahaha~ there u go, the effect of smacking! fikah says that i LOSE, coz my hand more REDDER.. =.=V..... its like i ddnt smack her hard lor! and she smacked me hard oi! hahaha~ but ok a. biar kan gf happy~ dia menang la k xD
so on the second day(sunday) i came by and spend time w her agin.. never get enuff of her eh? heheh! perfect couple maaahhh! hahaha~
ok so the very top pic where both of us in pink holding onto the flower is the second day pic.. well, we made a video of me, kneeling down and gve the lower to her. its like, in frontof MANY ppl.. but.. hehehe~ were sooo oblivious to it and carry on the vid xD.. well, id do anything for her, simple, nuff said.
and i miss u =(

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket12/13/2009 09:15:00 PM

MR.RAINBOW Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

name: n u r f a i s a l
nick: pezal
sex: male
DOB: 25.09.1988
race: malay
stays: simei
status: attached!(11 mar 09)
zodiac: libra
profession: NSpoliceman
dreams: to be a ' star '
career: not yet
wishes: kekal w fikah
fashion: all about colours
body: lean atheletic
ht: 1.7
wt: 60
personality: a quarter charmer 3/4 loverboy
attitude: pushover
passion: girlfriendgamesguitars
hobby: draws
internet profiles
bla2 =X

*living with flowers. waiting for rainbow.*
*met w rainbowgirl : 11 jan 09*

friendster. dot. com.
myspace. dot. com.

COLOURSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


NesTaz Alexi

FaRr SePaSeTu
KiD aZyeRa

EeQa FeLLa
Nikki BaM-BaM

FaTiMaH ZaHra
FaNaNaa FyoN
HarYaNa nananana

'Q' qooooo

NaNa BanG-BaNg

CHRIPY CHIRPY CHIPSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

SPECTRUMPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


October 2006
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December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010